Nut Brothers | Heavy Metal Country Tour 2021


​Drink heavy metal water!

Listen to heavy metal music!

Yi Chen's 2018 Xiaohaotu performance, filmed by Da Peng

Is there still a spirit of heavy metal in this era?

Does music in this era really care about folk suffering?

Who is angry at injustice in this day and age?

Who is fighting for the weak?

Who still believes in the true power of music?


We are planning a real music festival

Go to 11 Country Sings

Facing the truth of the earth and the people above the earth

in the current situation

They are most likely to encounter all kinds of absurd acts

force majeure or more unknown

but we believe

All this is not in vain

Heavy metal is a matter of life and death!

relevant facts

  1. According to the survey, 17.97% of the soil in Zhejiang Province is polluted to varying degrees, and heavy metal pollution such as cadmium, mercury, lead, and arsenic is widespread.
  2. In southern China, 50% of the cultivated land in some cities is polluted by toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, and mercury, as well as petroleum-based organic matter. Nearly 40% of the farmland and vegetable soils are polluted by heavy metals exceeding the standard, of which 10% are seriously exceeding the standard. , arsenic, zinc, nickel, lead, cadmium, mercury and other heavy metal pollution
  3. The main pollutants are heavy metals mercury, cadmium, arsenic, copper, lead, chromium, zinc, nickel, etc. Among them, Yunnan, Sichuan, Baiyin City, Gansu, and Hetao areas in Inner Mongolia are more seriously polluted.

When we were preparing an art project for soil pollution, we were once again stimulated by the astonishing data of water pollution in China, especially heavy metal pollution in China, although we had already personally understood the water pollution series of Xiaohaotu before. More than 300 million people in China have unsafe drinking water, and about 190 million of them have excessive levels of harmful substances in drinking water. In the past 30 years, China's soil heavy metal content has increased significantly. Heavy metals enter the human body through drinking water and food, causing various diseases, various mutations and various cancers. Nearly 1 billion people in the world are adversely affected by water pollution in their production and life. About 25% of the population suffers from serious diseases due to water pollution. The number of deaths in developing countries due to drinking polluted water accounts for three of the total deaths each year. one part.

Heavy metal, drive change!

Heavy metal pollution (including water pollution and soil pollution) is not as visually conspicuous as air pollution, and it is easier to be seen and spread. Professional terms such as smog are well-known to every household. We try to combine popular culture with the seemingly distant heavy metal pollution. This project is called " Heavy Metal Country Tour 2021 ", using 11 heavy metal polluted villages across the country as specimens, inviting creators to write lyrics and compose music for these 11 places, and invite The heavy metal band sang, made the album "Blessing with Money", and then went to 11 places to tour, let heavy metal pay attention to heavy metal , let more people see the hidden cruelty, connect more people to participate, and try to promote a wider range problem solving.

Continue to look for clues about heavy metal pollution

Netizens are welcome to provide various clues about heavy metal water pollution and heavy metal soil pollution. If your hometown is suffering from heavy metal pollution,

Please do not hesitate to contact us immediately:

Weibo private message contact: @nut brother NutBrother

Email Contact:

Specific execution and recruitment

Recruit volunteers

  • Time: 1 month
  • Content: Collect and organize more information on the 11 villages where heavy metals exceed the standard provided by netizens; find local villagers through Weibo, QQ and other tools (or recommend through relatives, friends and classmates), and analyze the pollution situation, evidence, and consequences of pollution. As well as the stories of the villagers, organize and conduct related investigations, and finally write an article.
  • Number of recruits: 11 people (each person is responsible for 1 village), each person can find a small partner to form an investigation team
  • Survey method: mainly online
  • Note: In the future, we may cooperate with NGOs to conduct sampling inspections.
  • Email: (nut brother)
  • Weibo: @NutBrother

Looking for creators to write lyrics, contact heavy metal bands

For 11 heavy metal-contaminated villages, compose 11 lyrics, contact heavy metal bands to participate, rehearse, and make an album "Blessing with Money", which will be released simultaneously during the tour

National tour

Tour to 11 villages (or will have a car to tour the country)

seek sponsorship

We will try to find relevant agencies for sponsorship, or crowdfunding fees

If you or your organisation is interested in support, please contact us.

Recruitment coordinator

Content: Connect and arrange for volunteers, creators, bands, tours, albums and other related affairs to advance the entire project. It takes a lot of time. There are subsidies.

Interested and experienced partners are welcome to contact us!

Initiated by: Nut Brothers

Email Contact:

Weibo private message contact: @ Nut Brother NutBrother

In 2015, the "Dust Project" was launched:

In 2018, the "Salt Project" was launched:

In 2019, "Shenzhen Doll" was launched:


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