thank you! Made me see that bright light more clearly!


thank you! Made me see that bright light more clearly!

In the face of the epidemic and the death of their loved ones, many friends told me: people are really too small, and what they feel is helplessness and powerlessness!


Therefore, we need faith, we need to look up to heaven, and we need role models on the road of life. A passage in the spiritual testament of Benedict XVI made me cry! "I am grateful to my parents, who gave me life during a difficult time and made great sacrifices. They prepared me with their love for a wonderful home. They were also like a beacon, which is still alive today. Illuminate my day every day. My father's enlightened faith taught us children to believe. It stood like an unshakable signpost on the way of my intellectual search; my mother's sincere piety and great love were a I am forever grateful for her legacy."

The hearts of parents in the world! My father passed away years ago, but the faith he left for me remains a beacon! ( A magical Clivia ) My mother passed away two months ago! Walked extremely peacefully and peacefully! In the previous six months, my mother told me that she had no other wish but God to give her a good death. First Pope Benedict XVI spoke of my forever grateful inheritance from my parents: their faith and love!

Not only the parents who are as great as Benedict XVI, but also the parents of ordinary people like us.

Especially those "orphans" who lost their parents! Who can read this and not be grateful to their parents!

However, Jesus told his disciples: "I will not leave you orphans. I will return to you." "I will leave you peace, my peace I give you" (Jn 14 :18;27)

The epidemic can ruthlessly take away our relatives, and death will make us farewell to our parents forever, but the resurrected Jesus Christ, who does not leave us as orphans but gives us peace, still illuminates our every day. One day, the legacy that our parents left us will still be forever grateful for us!

thank you! Pope Benedict XVI, you have made me see that light more clearly!

A master of theology, leading everyone to know the way to follow God.

The great shepherd leads the flock into the watery pasture.

A role model for all ages, a model for generations who humbly respect and take the initiative to abdicate.

The spiritual testament of Benedict XVI


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