New Superman Comes Out Author: Everyone should see themselves in heroes

DC Comics took advantage of the National Coming Out Day on October 11 to announce that the new generation of Superman Jonathan Kent is bisexual, and that he has met reporter Jay Nakamura. love. The new Superman: Son of Kal-El comic will be released in November, and the new Superman will come out.
Graphics: Beth

Written by: Coco

Text Editor: Jeffrey

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DC Comics took advantage of the National Coming Out Day on October 11 to announce that the new generation of Superman Jonathan Kent is bisexual, and that he has met reporter Jay Nakamura. love. The new Superman: Son of Kal-El comic will be released in November, and the new Superman will come out.

Zhuang Nafen is the son of the previous generation of superhumans Jane Keeler (Clark Kent) and Ling Ruth (Lois Lane), now 17 years old, inherited his father's mantle of saving people, once for the repatriation of refugees, to prevent high school shootings, and to put out wildfire. Nakamura Jie is also a reporter with Ling Ruth. He has admired Ling Ruth for a long time, and he is also a good friend with Zhuang Nafen. Zhuang Nafen is always by his side when he is exhausted, so he gradually develops a relationship and develops a love relationship. In the comics, there will be scenes of the two kissing.

"Hopefully this won't be seen as a big deal in the future"

Comic writer Tom Taylor said that in today's society, which has become very tolerant, it is a "missed opportunity" to write a new generation of Superman as a straight white man. "I always say that everyone needs heroes, and they should see themselves in heroes." John Timms, who is in charge of the painting, said: "I hope that in the future people will not take this kind of thing (Superman is bisexual) as a big thing." Taylor pointed out that the new Superman is young and hateful, he is blind to corruption, the climate crisis and the inversion of right and wrong. Older people, because they're used to being the loudest."

Superman: Son of Kal-El by Tom Taylor

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Gay Captain America is coming

In fact, the new superman is not the first sexual / minor character in American comics. Marvel Comics announced in March that the gay Captain America will appear; in DC comics, Batman's good partner Robin confirmed that he was bisexual. Love tendency; Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn) is also bisexual. She was previously in love with Joker (Joker), and later fell in love with Poison Ivy (Poison Ivy) and married, and this story is also a collaboration between Taylor and Tims. 's results. Although the gender/gender minority characters in mainstream American comics are still a minority, the number is increasing, and it can be expected that the attitude of the American comics industry will become more open and inclusive.


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