Believe in those who haven't seen

There is something to give in everything. On the road to the goal, when you meet someone who is stronger than yourself, you will have more opportunities to learn and survive.

Recently, because of my new job, I began to examine my current life circle; it’s okay if I don’t go deeper, but I found out that I’m already very different from them.

Maybe it's a matter of pride, or maybe it's not the case at all. But what I cared about, and what they cared about, really seemed to be different.

What to say.

Although I was already mentally prepared, when I really realized it, I was still melancholy for a while.

A respected senior told me before that even if the family and friends around you have very different values or beliefs than you, you can still maintain a friendly relationship, which doesn’t matter.

I think so, it does not matter, but it is already foreseeable that the future life circle and the people who will be in contact will definitely be very different from the present.

But isn't that what I've always wanted? Changed my life and circle of friends.


A former colleague and sister told me that as I grow older, I will realize that people come and go, and you can't completely catch anyone.

At that time, I was worrying about whether I should tell the truth to a friend who was in love with me, and asked him not to throw his emotions on me; I knew that with the character of the other party, after I finished speaking, our relationship would change a lot, but not When I say it, it's me who bears the emotion.

So what my colleagues said at the time deeply affected me.

I understood right now that even if I keep my friends now, I may not keep them in the future; and all I can do is to prepare for the worst and let things happen naturally.

Later, my relationship with that friend did change, but instead of being too sad, I felt a sense of relief. So I know that there are many things that will happen like this in my life. Maybe it’s better to get used to it sooner.


I woke up these two mornings and started to practice meditation. My meditation is divided into three stages, which are generally boosting energy, feeling love, and previewing the future.

It doesn't take very long, 10 minutes is enough; and it is strange to say that after two days of implementation, I can clearly feel that my emotional state is really stable, and anxiety is not as easy to spread as before.

Uncertain things are still uncertain, but I seem to have found a better way to coexist with them, and I am beginning to feel that I have the power to control my life.

This state is so hard to explain, it is a sense of detachment that I have never had before.


July is coming to an end, and the beginning of August is the real cultivation. Even though many things are beyond my comprehension, I think I seem to understand more and more how to live in this state.

Hopefully my preview will come true.


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K.Instagram: dreanglet - 大多數人需要先看見才相信,只有少數人先相信才會看見 一些生活相關紀錄;正在成為專職交易者的路上,不時分享。
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