[Witch's Journey] "Mad King" Louis II's Maiden Heart

Last week (posted for two weeks XD), I went to a lake with two friends. This lake is very popular in Bayern Province, and almost many Bayern people go to play every summer vacation.

Why did I write this title?
You'll find out by looking down.

Last week (posted for two weeks XD) I went to a lake with two friends. This lake is very popular among Bayern people. Almost many Bayern people go to play every summer vacation. The name of this lake is Chiemsee, because of the pronunciation, I guess the Chinese translation is "Jianhu"? Later, I Googled it and found that it was translated as "Kim Lake" and is often called "Bavaria Lake".

The husband's mother said her parents even had a holiday home here before (Summer house in German). But she doesn't like the place with so many tourists, so it has already been sold.

The way to arrive at this lake is a bit of a turning point, so write down the traffic process so that you can have a chance to see it in the future (you can also mention your future self XD )


Take the train at Munich's central station (usually the BRB RE5) and you will arrive at this station Prien am Chiemsee.

There is a small train here, you need to walk to the platform on the other side to get on the train. The train has only one terminal, the wharf.

When you get to the pier, you can take a boat to the small island on the other side. Note that the island with the palace is called "Herrenchiemsee", so don't sit on it.

The timetable of the small train and the wharf is quite ugly. The main reason is that the schedule is different on Sundays and weekends, and on some days, the schedule is different. Look carefully.

The picture below shows the small train, which takes about 15 minutes to reach the destination pier. There are many tourists at the pier, and many people are waiting to board the boat. Some tourists rent dinghies and drive their own dinghies around the lake.

Built in 1887

cute exterior

The boat journey is also about 15 minutes. After arriving at the island, we immediately went to the ticket booth to buy the admission tickets for the palace.

go ashore

It takes about 15-20 minutes to walk from the pier to the palace. Along the way, you can see a very good natural scenery. Some people pay to ride in a carriage, and there will be a smell of horse stool (full of pastoral atmosphere).

Full of idyllic atmosphere
garden in front of the palace

Arriving at the main entrance of the palace, it is really magnificent! In addition, the garden in front of the palace is also beautifully arranged. The flowers set off the magnificent palace, and there are exquisite fountains, which make people feel relaxed and happy.

garden in front of the palace
Uncle taking pictures for his wife
fountain in front of the palace
Angels taking selfies?

Since you need to follow a guided tour to enter the palace (the conductor will ask you what language you need when you buy the ticket, and you need to arrive on time), we saw that there was still some spare time before the English group, so we went to the palace restaurant to eat in the garden. Order cakes, but unfortunately the pastries are not very tasty/special and expensive, so I don't recommend it, but the environment is good.


It's finally time to enter the venue, and when you walk in, you can see the momentum of the entrance stairs! I think there will be a sigh of admiration when I watch it live, but unfortunately I can't take pictures inside the venue, so I will find some online pictures to show you the inside.


As we listened to the tour guide's introduction, it turned out that the original builder, Louis II, who was called the "Mad King" by the world, hid his thoughts everywhere in the castle, and as a girl, he also admired him for "" Beauty" persistence! (Money is self-willed😅) Below I will introduce his interesting girly heart design .

© Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus, Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung

visual effect ceiling


In the reception hall at the entrance, you can see the beautiful pictures on the ceiling. The tour guide said that this palace was built with reference to the Palace of Versailles in France, so the pictures on the ceiling were based on the Palace of Versailles.


However, Louis II added a careful thought. It turned out that the ceiling was specially designed, and the paintings seen by the entry and the exits were different. The full picture is visible at the exit angle, but not at the entrance. The tour guide said that Louis II liked to see the effect of the entire ceiling painting at the exit before leaving the reception hall. This is a ceiling with visual effects.

Sophisticated bedroom design

Privates Schlafzimmer von Ludwig II © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus / Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung

Later, we came to his living room, and he painted a lot of mural decorations. The guide said that the painters at that time complained that it was difficult to work in winter because it was too cold. All the decorations on the walls, blankets, rugs are also beautiful.

As soon as he entered his bedroom, he was even more shocked, because he was very stylish and beautiful. First of all, for his own convenience, he made a small staircase beside the bed to facilitate going to the toilet at night (I shouted inwardly: this is what I want!), and the staircase leads directly to the toilet.

Then there is a night pearl in front of the bed. The guide said that Louis II liked to have a small amount of light in the bedroom at night to help him get up and go to the toilet at night, and its light at night is very beautiful and dreamy (God, this is not the bedside of modern people. Lamp? I like it too!)

But I was puzzled, that the bed looked very small, so I asked the tour guide, and she said it was actually another visual effect! In the middle of the picture above is the king bed! Isn't it big?

(I have a black question mark!?)

She went on to say, because you need to look at the height of the bed to the ceiling, in fact, this bed is King size, but it seems to be too small, this is what Louis discussed with the carpenter. Therefore, the bed frame is built very high, and the side of the bed is surrounded by wooden boards, so it looks very small. She said that Louis II was 1.9 meters tall, and this bed was enough for his long legs!

This really makes me feel great!

Featured Embroidery Stitches


There are also felt decorations embroidered with gold threads everywhere in the city. The guide said that this is a very special embroidery method. The gold threads used in these embroidery are very small, and it looks like a 3D feeling, but it is different from the current one. No one knows this method now. Louis II also used more than 100 women, mainly to make cloth decorations in the city.

Never Wither Porcelain Flower

Meißner-Porzellan im Schloss Herrenchiemsee © Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus / Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung

Louis II liked to decorate the castle with flowers, he used porcelain to make flowers, this lace will never wither (My God, this is a girl's heart, I also like flowers that do not wither!!)

This porcelain flower looks super beautiful in reality, I don't think those are fake flowers at all, I thought they were real.

I also used some silk cloth to make the leaves, it looks good, and the color matching is also super nice! ! !

Candle Gallery


The tour guide said that Louis II was a "night owl", he liked to take a walk after three in the morning, so he thought that the palace at night would also be brightly lit, so that he could take a walk. There are about 7,000 candles in the entire palace, and there are more than 5,000 in this corridor alone. Because he often walks in the middle of the night, the servants often spend time preparing candles.

It is said that this is the corridor where he often walks at midnight.


The candles in this corridor are organic, and are designed so that after one is lit, the others will be lit automatically (with a wire attached). The entire palace has 52 large candle stands and 33 large crystal glass candle chandeliers, but more than 70 servants also need to spend more than an hour to light the candles in the entire palace.

But I can't understand why he likes to walk at night. There are more than 5,000 candles lit in this resplendent corridor. The scene must be very beautiful and spectacular. The crystal chandelier reflects the golden light of gold and candles, and it feels shocking and dreamy to the naked eye, but I can only rely on my imagination.

magic table



This is an interesting design called "Magic table", and it is also my favorite and most "girly" design.

Louis II thought of setting up a mechanism under this wooden table , the table can be lowered to the next floor, the servants can serve dishes, and then the table can be raised to the upper floor through the mechanism. This creates a feeling that the food appears out of thin air, which is called "magic". He specially asked someone to design the mechanical stand used in it, but unfortunately, this mechanism requires two servants to operate, and it took half an hour to raise the table to the first floor, so they were only used for hot soup at that time. , because it won't get cold so quickly.

Other foods will only be served normally.

When I heard the word "magic", I found it very interesting, and it was a pity to hear the whole process of using it, because the technology at that time was not as developed as it is now, and the consequences of immediate lifting and lowering could not be achieved. But even modern rich people, no one wants to make such a lift mechanism at home. I think Louis II was really a person with a great attitude to life, and he knew how to make everyday life interesting.

huge bath


After we visited the first floor, we came to the next floor, which is where the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other living areas are used.

After passing the toilet, the last room is a huge bath, it is about 5 meters into 5 meters, and it is quite deep.

I was curious and asked how much water the tour guide can hold here. I forgot how many tons she said. I just remembered that she said that it would take manpower to bring the lake water from the lake to reheat it, and it would take at least 8 hours to prepare. However, Louis II was not often at the palace, and she believed that the bath was therefore unused.

Before the bath, there is a bit of Roman design, it is very bright, and marble is used. I think it should be very comfortable to take a bath here.

"House" for escape

In fact, this is the building of Louis II to escape from the world. He didn't want to socialize, and he didn't want to hear criticism from others, so he came back here for a short life.

First, the traffic on this small island is inconvenient, so people are not allowed to come to him; secondly, the lake freezes over in winter, which makes it easier for him to avoid the world.

And the money to build this palace is more than the sum of the other two castles.


More than 5,000 people and their families were mobilized at the construction site, which was like a small village at that time.

The tour guide said that although the decorations and buildings here looked magnificent, because the gold at that time was of good quality and had high elongation, only 5kg of gold was actually used (I guess it is what people call gold plating now).

I think I can escape from the world in such a beautiful place, I also want to "house", but it's a pity to use it for "house"!

After seeing such a magnificent palace, we took a boat back to the pier of Lake Chiemsee. Walked along the shore for a while and also played in the water. Then I found that there were no more trains, so I walked back to the train station for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, the train station was full of people and we couldn't get on the train, so we ate dinner and waited to get off the train to go home.

(There is a very delicious Italian restaurant near the train station, I recommend everyone to eat~

Trattoria Toskana

Address: Postweg 4, 83209 Prien am Chiemsee


Among the above so many characteristic palace designs, which one do you think is the most girly? Or which one is your favorite? Welcome to leave a message and talk about it.

 Do a little science:
It is said that one of the reasons why Louis II was called the "Mad King" was because he spent money like crazy.

Another theory is that because of his close relationship with a male doctor at the time, people thought he liked men. However, there was no concept of "gay" at that time, so people thought he was "crazy" for liking boys. Strangely, Louis II saw the doctor before his death, and he and the doctor were walking around Neuschwanstein Castle, only to be found dead in the ankle-height lake. (He has a wife but no children)
(So I heard this statement from the tour guide at Neuschwanstein Castle, and I have no way to test it)

Whispering Wu Lunzi:

When I write about the Royal Palace, I think of the Queen of England, oh, I was born 97 years ago, and I also own and use BNo to travel. I have loved England since I was a child. When others were in Hari, I was in Hari because of Hari xD . My university in the UK is a member of the royal family, so I have also seen the Queen up close. She and Kate came to our school to participate in our celebration activities, and they kindly waved and smiled at us. Her passing is definitely a landmark change of times.


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