

In the hot summer, the beach has become a paradise for bathers; in the bleak winter, the beach is only accompanied by the cold sea.

summer. In the hot summer, the beach is full of people and crowded with bathers. Bathers take a dip in the blue waves, or lie down on the fine sand of the beach, letting the sun light on their skin. Or just listen carefully and hear the footsteps of swimmers stepping through the fine sand mixed with the pace of the breeze. There was a look of joy and forgetfulness on the face of the bathers, and there were a few bursts of laughter.

In the hot summer, the beach is lively and refreshing. The beach loves hot summer, and summer brings visitors to the beach. The visitor suddenly runs to the front of the sea, then leans over and jumps into the blue sea to float and sink.

Summer is just one season, the hot summer will pass, and the excitement will dissipate. Time flies, good times don't last, and the departure of the hot summer is exchanged for the arrival of the cold winter.

winter. In the cold winter, there are few bathers on the beach, and the joy is long gone. Every year in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, everyone wraps their clothes for warmth, and no one shows their chests and backs. I only occasionally hear the cold waves crashing on the shore, and the sound of the waves is like a sad song of grief, which is the cry of the lonely and unbearable beach.

In midsummer, the beach is full of vitality; when it is cold, the beach is only lonely. Everything has destiny, summer is not the beginning, and winter is not the end. Because the four seasons cycle, the cycle is endless.

Midsummer, although lively but short-lived, has changed beyond recognition in an instant. In the tenth winter and twelfth lunar month, although Xiao Sa is real, it is already full of spring when looking up and down. The epidemic has receded, and the portraits of all living beings are once again shadowed on the beach.


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