
Self-growth, mentality change, epidemic response

Here I share what happened after I decided to return to the US last year and some life inspirations. Time pushed me back to the United States, which was early September last year. At the time, Taiwan was still on alert level 3. I finally returned to the United States smoothly. At that time, due to the strict epidemic prevention measures in Taiwan, when I came back to the United States, I was very careful about everything. I even wore protective clothing when I went out to the supermarket to buy things. I also bought a lot of alcohol and wipes. However, over time, under the general attitude of "coexisting with the virus" in the United States, and the situation that everyone on the road does not wear a mask, over time, their own defenses have been gradually removed and neglected. However, the whole semester was safe and sound, and I also thought that I was acting cautiously, wearing a mask when going out, and disinfecting the door when entering and leaving the house. The incident happened on Christmas, the general holiday season for American universities. At that time, many friends of friends came from all over the United States to spend the Christmas holiday together. At that time, everyone ate and traveled together and didn't notice anything different. At that time, everyone also made an appointment to go to the famous California resort: Palm Springs. The morning before departure, I woke up feeling very weak, my muscles were sore, and my throat was sore as if it were going to split. At that time, I suddenly felt bad, and the latest variant virus Omnicron was also popular in the United States during this period. Many quick screening tools were sold out in supermarkets. Take it for a test. I still remember tremblingly, waiting for the longest 15 minutes in my life, and the result came out! is negative! At that time, I was relieved, thinking that the discomfort this time was just a flu. After another two days, my body gradually improved and I was able to walk at home freely. It was not as difficult as it was at the beginning, and I felt dizzy when walking. Fortunately, my roommate just grabbed 4 household quick screening tests. At that time, I tested it again with a mentality of taking insurance. I was not worried at that time. After the test, I put the reagents in the restaurant downstairs and waited for the results. After taking a shower, I went downstairs with an unguarded mood, only to see the result of two lines. I still remember the mood at the moment, the feeling of being swallowed up bit by bit, and the feeling of being swallowed up bit by bit. At that time, he had to self-quarantine for 14 days. It was also during these 14 days of staying home that I suddenly had a lot more time to introspect and watched a lot of various videos and articles. It was also during this time that I accidentally discovered a foreign youtuber who explained his self-growth and mental journey as a sharer from a relatively objective perspective. For me at the time, this was another deep inspiration. Usually, I learn and grow by myself, and I don’t need to be attached to the source of information and bring it into an objective perspective. But when the roles change today and become a so-called "sharer", you must be responsible to your audience, no matter if your audience is 1 person or 100 million people, as long as it is shared on an open platform, every word you share will , Every drop of information has to think about the value it shares from a completely different perspective. The source of information is clear, the information is correct, the integration of self-experience, the introduction of an objective tone, etc. are all points and lines that a "sharer" needs to consider. However, there are two sides to the same thing, and this is also an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to organize thoughts and knowledge nutrients more carefully, an opportunity to think more clearly about the complete knowledge structure, and an opportunity to better understand the absorbed information and summarize the output. At that moment, I had two personal realizations. First, I decided to start my own journey of writing and sharing. Second, I also deeply realized that if I look at learning from the perspective of a sharer, it will undoubtedly strengthen my understanding of what I have learned. Remembering and driving me to continue to seek truth from facts and to break the casserole to the end of the learning spirit will eventually become the coal that will continue to burn on my long learning journey.

Finally, put a picture of the days before the epidemic when you could not wear a mask, and tell yourself that the world is changing so fast that we can never be prepared, but we can adapt and make the best response and change at the moment.


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布布萊恩加州大學爾灣分校(UCI) 分享內容包含:自我成長相關、留學經驗、健身及飲食調配、生活經驗、投資理財好書推薦分享等等。希望藉此平台達到分享交流目的。
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