I found out from reading hours...

This is a self-soothing article. If you have the same troubles, I hope it can also enlighten you.

In the past few days, the revision of Matt Market has been very busy. Originally, I wanted to write an article to express my opinion, but I was not free. Then everyone wrote articles one after another, and they all wrote my heart, then I will I stopped writing, and then the official responded quickly. This is not the final version. We will continue to listen to everyone's opinions and continue to improve.

Seeing the official response is very heartfelt, then I look forward to improving it for the better.

The official mentioned before that the number of claps on the page will be replaced, and then the number of reading hours will be used instead. At first, I thought it was the "estimated reading time" of the article. After it was launched, I found out that it was the reader's "total hours of reading articles", which was a bit unaccustomed to, and after reading it for two days, I thought it was okay.

Then, I found something interesting and tragic. The number of clapping hands and the number of reading hours are sometimes completely disproportionate.

The clap count for this article is 159, the word count is 1513, and the reading time is 0.9 hours.

The number of claps for this article is 174, the number of words is 2867, and the reading time is 0.3 hours.

The number of words in the two articles is nearly double, and then the reading time is completely inversely proportional. Of course, there is a relationship between leaving a message and not leaving a message.

However, with about 3,000 words and 38 people clapping their hands, they only have 18 minutes of reading time, that is, each person spends an average of 0.47 minutes to read the article. I think everyone should go to the speed reading class. .

After reading this data, my immediate reaction was sadness. It turned out that everyone just came to clap and say hello. However, I thought about it again, although people haven't read my article, but they are still willing to click in and clapp their hands for me, is it also because of my hard work and encouragement? (Because, as I said earlier, I don't have to shoot back.)

Looking back on my habit of reading articles, I first looked at the number of words in the article, then whether it was full of pictures and texts, and then whether it was of interest to me.

If the number of words is small, you must take less pictures, except for paintings.

The number of words is small, but there are pictures or resonance, and it will be full of pictures.

The number of words is very long, no matter whether it is well written or not, I will fill it up.

Sometimes, after I click into the article, I find that I don’t like it, or some content that I read with my mind. I just read it a little, but I feel that the author wrote it very carefully, and I will shoot it well.

Thinking of this, I feel relieved. The taste of the novel is very personal and very small, but I can still get everyone's support and encouragement (those who only shoot but don't read, I have automatically regarded it as encouragement, if not Don't tell me either.) I'm still happy, thank you.

The emergence of reading hours has let me know which of my articles have been really read, and then I went back to look for old articles and found that I was quite pleasantly surprised, because the previous articles actually seldom clapped, but I found The people who clapped their hands all read carefully, which made me feel very satisfied all of a sudden.

I hope you, who are also struggling with the number of clapping and reading time, can also think about it in a different way and make yourself happy. The most important thing is to be yourself, continue to create, and come on.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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淡淡晴空主要寫育兒、身心靈成長、有時寫小說。(其實最愛寫小說。) 閱讀時做一個純讀者,寫作時做一個純作者。不互拍,不互追。 可以追蹤我的臉書:https://www.facebook.com/skymingmingQ
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