Strangers Met in Namtso (8) Nyingchi, Basongco, Brahmaputra Grand Canyon (II)

"There are some places that you can't go with anyone. In my mind, Tibet can only be visited alone, or with friends who are very close. I always wanted to come with my ex-girlfriend, but she is old I said that I didn’t want to work hard, but after we separated, I had no chance. I didn’t think there were many people around me who could share the trip to Tibet with me. So I came alone. As a result, I met someone who could talk to me in Lhasa. My friend, I am quite happy."

Early the next morning, he and her participated in the Linzhi three-day tour. It was a bus tour of forty people.

In the bus, she sat next to him again. When taking a long-distance bus, she reminded herself that they are just friends, remember not to fall asleep and look at the scenery. But she got up too early that morning. Their car was still driving on the highway in the morning. The scenery outside the window was monotonous. Looking at it, she was a little sleepy. She leaned against the window and closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt someone reach out and grab her shoulder from behind.

Of course it was him.

"Don't sleep against the window, it won't be good to hit your head later. I'll lend you this."

He pointed to his shoulder.

She wanted to say no, but he had put her head on his shoulder.

"It's not the first time, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing her words, her face flushed.

She didn't want to attract the attention of others, so she followed his wishes and rested her head on his shoulder.

With such a commotion, her drowsiness disappeared. But leaning on his shoulder made her a little embarrassed, and she could only pretend to be asleep. How could she close her eyes like this, and she would really fall asleep after a while.

Finally, the car stopped. He gently patted her awake.

"Get off. It's time for lunch."

She looked at him and said softly.

"Thank you, sorry to sleep on your shoulder again."

"What are you being polite about? Don't say it, get out of the car, everyone in the car got off."

Looking at the carriage, sure enough, all the group members got off the train quickly.

She suddenly felt ominous.

He and she sat down at the corresponding table according to the previous arrangement, and found that the dishes were all placed on the table, and the group members were already unceremoniously eating. She found that there was not much rice left on the table, and half of the food had been eliminated. The two of them had to pack up their mood immediately and join the battlefield.

Group meal venue

After dinner. He smokes outside the restaurant and she accompanies him.

"It's the first time I've met so many people who eat so fast and so cruel. If we move slowly, we won't have anything to eat."

"This is the culture of eating group meals in the mainland, and everyone is welcome."

"It's an eye-opener for me."

"Didn't you also travel to many places in the mainland?"

"Yes, but I rarely participate in such bus tours."

"That's it."

They were silent again.

In the end, she was the one who broke the silence.

"It's almost time to get in the car. I'll go to the bathroom first. Let's meet in the car."

After that, he ran to the bathroom.

When she came out, she saw him again.

"What are you doing here? Don't you get in the car first?"

"Don't be in a hurry to get on the bus, there are still more than two hours' drive away, you can just sit slowly."


"And it's only natural for a man to wait for a woman to go to the bathroom."

He said this softly, and she looked at him, then turned away.

"Okay, let's get in the car."

She walked straight to the bus.

The scenery on the road after lunch is indeed very different from the morning. Nyingchi is located in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River. Due to the low altitude there, what you can see is not a dry plateau landform, but forests and canyons.

"People say Linzhi looks like Switzerland," he said.

"I haven't been to Switzerland, so I don't know if it looks like it. But I prefer the highland scenery to the forest landscape."


"Perhaps, the beauty of the plateau is a little sad. I think I am attracted by this little sad beauty."

Hearing her say that, he looked straight at her.

"What's wrong?"

She was a little embarrassed.

"When I first met, I thought you were a quiet and optimistic girl. I didn't expect you to be attracted by sadness."

"You think I'd like the wood cabin kind?" she laughed. "It's hard for people to fully understand from their appearance."

"Yes, but I didn't think you were so different."

She smiled.

"I often talk about me, why don't I talk about you? Do you like Linzhi more, or Lhasa more?"

"I also like Lhasa more. Because there, I met new friends."

"Because of friends? Funny for that reason."

"Yes, because of friends, like you. For me, it doesn't matter anywhere in the world, the most important thing is that someone can share with me."

She pretended not to hear the "like you".

"If that's the case, wouldn't you be able to have someone share it with you in the first place when you chose to hit the road with a friend? Why travel alone?"

"There are some places that you can't go with anyone. In my mind, Tibet can only be visited alone, or with friends who are very close. I always wanted to come with my ex-girlfriend, but she is old I said that I didn’t want to work hard, but after we separated, I had no chance. I didn’t think there were many people around me who could share the trip to Tibet with me. So I came alone. As a result, I met someone who could talk to me in Lhasa. My friend, I am quite happy."

After talking, the car stopped again. The tour guide arranged for them to visit some specially designed Tibetan homes. Although there is no charge for the visit, the tour guide suggested that it would be better to give those families some money to help make up for it. Most of the group members were very cooperative.

While visiting a Tibetan family, he stood outside smoking again. She came out to ask him after visiting.

"Why don't you go in and take a look?"

"These are just fakes, what's so good about them."

"These are false, so what is true?"

"These are just buildings built by tourism operators to collect money from tourists. I don't like Tibetans using people to make money."

Looking at his usual carefree appearance, she never thought that he had such a thoughtful side.


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