why we all like to stay up late

Psychological analysis of staying up late

From a psychological point of view, analyze why everyone likes to stay up late today.

1. Procrastination

In fact, staying up late can also be said to be a kind of procrastination. The editor also introduced procrastination before. Interested friends can learn about it.

Psychology: What Causes Procrastination and How Can Procrastination Improve?

Procrastination can be common to most people, but to varying degrees. The backside of procrastinating sleep actually reflects the emotions behind it. Maybe it is dissatisfaction with the current state. Maybe the thought of sleeping will make you think that today is about to end, and a new day will start tomorrow. There are so many things during the day, then This state makes you have no courage to face it and makes you want to avoid it; maybe it is thinking of going to bed, and preparing a series of rituals: washing your face, brushing your teeth, placing things, etc. Studies have shown that these preparations that hate sleeping are also Reasons for procrastinating sleep.

2. There is no reasonable planning for the time, and it is made up at night

There are still some people who lack the ability to manage time and plan things, and their work efficiency is not so high. They will make up for it in the evening and use the time at night to complete tasks that were not completed during the day, and even create an illusion that they are working hard .

3. Compensate psychology, it is rare to have your own time

During the day, many things occupy our time: work, reading, socializing, etc. During the day, we always feel that there is no rest and relaxation to do our own time. At night, we will want to seize this rare time and have the freedom to control it. The time feels so good. As a result, many people began to compensate by staying up too late. Compensation at night is to make up for the time of your own that you don't have during the day.

4. I like to stay up late, I think staying up late can prolong life

There will be some people here who think sleep is a waste of time. They like to take the initiative to stay up late, thinking that they will have a lot more time than others, which is also a way for them to prolong their lives.

5. Staying up late has become a habit

There are often people who always swear and threaten to go to bed before XX o'clock tomorrow night. As a result, at night, their brains are still so active. At this time, they still choose to take out their mobile phones to swipe Weibo, WeChat, and various community forums. Before they know it, time has passed, and they still stay up late. In fact, it is unrealistic to want to change staying up late at once, because staying up late has become a habit, and the biological clocks of the brain and body have continued as usual. At this time, you can change slowly and gradually, first change a few minutes or ten minutes before falling asleep .

6. Physiological factors cause staying up late

Some people also stay up late because of insomnia and poor sleep quality; there is also a sleep disorder: sleep phase delay syndrome (a sleep problem related to the biological clock, a circadian biological rhythm sleep disorder), which It usually occurs in adolescents, and adolescents with this sleep disorder will go to bed later than other peers and fall asleep later.

7. Lack of self-control

Staying up late can also be said to be a sign of a lack of self-control. At night, maybe we want to relax, so we turn on the computer to watch dramas, play games, or turn on the mobile phone to swipe Weibo, these things always feel that time passes very fast, occupying every fragment of our time, it It brings us pleasure and makes us feel satisfied. The brain can’t control this feeling, especially at night, our brain is relatively tired during the day, so our self-control will also be worse than during the day, so, unconsciously, we are consumed in various modern tools like this night time.

If you want to go to bed earlier at night, you can: avoid bringing mobile phones and other tools to bed, and do not do strenuous exercise an hour before going to bed: if you are running, try to go ahead as much as possible, soak your feet when you go to bed, clear the meridians, drink some milk before going to bed, and ensure that the temperature of the bedroom is appropriate , which can help you fall asleep earlier.


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