I am with Web Monetization

Hope everyone can be a happy architect in Matt City.

After reading @Matters Lab's article on Web Monetization, I realized that today's payment methods have been so advanced that we no longer rely on centralized exchanges, can be user-centered, use the currency everyone wants, and then convert each other.

It is very sad to see the news that bitasset is suspected of running away, and seeing the hard-earned Likecoins of many people disappearing like this, I think this is also the disadvantage of centralized exchanges. In order to cooperate with the transaction and exchange for different currencies, our users must cooperate with their cumbersome transaction process, and have to bear the consequences of running away.

I think this is why it is necessary to support Web Monetization now. I have just opened an account, and I hope to be able to attract others, so that everyone can have a better trading environment.

Cross-chain payment address


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