In 2020, continue the epidemic...

Another surprise under the epidemic

Bitcoin is crazy again ← This sentence was meant to be the title of the article.

Watching the market news, the hot coffee in the morning is always cold without noticing

Today, when I woke up in the morning, I opened my phone and saw a bright green. Yes, Bitcoin has reached a new high again.

Immediately post the latest news on Instagram .

Bitcoin continued to rise after dinner to $21,700. Started writing an hour later and flew to $22,000 again🚀

Bitcoin monthly returns in 2020

If you are a long-term investor, every dip is a good time to enter.

I am here to share investment information, definitely not investment advice. Before any investment, you must have your own independent thinking. 👀

Anyone interested in cryptocurrencies can also read this Bitcoin article first.

Four Witch Days under the Epidemic

Although the stock market and the crypto market continue to be in a state of surprise at a high level, there may be a state of market shock around the Fourth Witch Day💀. I watched some financial news and a series of episodes about year-end market analysis.

I want to share one of my favorite financial channels with you, and there are two and three that can be shared later...

This Youtuber will post the most up-to-date news to analyze individual stocks objectively. Bella Channel is a new channel that came out at the end of March this year. I have been following her videos since the beginning of April, and I am a loyal little fan. Until today, the number of video episodes has reached 273, which means that on average, 34 videos need to be released in one month. 👏👏👏👏👏, her video production efficiency is showing a rapid trend. Not only share the latest stock market news to the audience, but also contain rich financial management ideas. She also has a channel for reading notes, which provides more solid financial knowledge analysis of individual stocks for your reference.

Bangs under the epidemic

To say what the epidemic has changed for me, one of the things is: because of the epidemic, I was forced to keep long hair and match it with speechless bangs😄

As a long-term short-haired person, the length of the shawl is already super long for me. Look in the mirror and laugh for a while, and say to yourself, how long has it been since you straightened your hair? Then I took a photo of the stupid one as a remembrance. This small change in life, I would like to describe it as a small joy in life. It is a fleeting beauty. There are often small events or small things in life that will make my heart smile. Although there is no life The shape can be said, but it is not bad to the bottom. Although life is not particularly interesting, it feels good to bring a short smile to myself.

The epidemic in the United States and Canada is still spreading slowly. It is inconvenient to go out during the epidemic, and many stores and restaurants cannot operate. The epidemic has caused disturbing inconvenience, but so what, I have a healthy body under the epidemic. Gratitude and cherishing of life is actually a way to enjoy the little luck. It is not difficult to live a happy life, and it is not difficult to live happily, as long as you remember to always keep a small heart, you can celebrate Thanksgiving every day. 💛

Will the market be green or red tomorrow?

Good sleep.


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