Save Matt City Story | Matters is crying (1)



"Can you help me, I'm dying." I opened Matters and saw the blue dot next to the notification. I opened it a little excitedly, but it was such a comment.

I have been writing in Matters for a year, and I have created 42 works with a total of 3,798,270,000 words, but it is like a grain of sand engulfed by the desert, and there is no response. The most single clapping I got was 73, because I sent a selfie with a travel card. Other than that, like other platforms, I wrote novels and essays that no one cares about. Sometimes I thought it was a system error and didn’t send it. , refreshed several times, only to find that no one really paid attention to me, so when I saw the comment this time, my heart trembled with excitement.

Sitting on a small chair in the rental house, I finished writing the official account tweet that I brought back from the company. It was past ten o'clock. I stared at this comment as if struck by the computer screen's blinding light in the darkened room, and didn't know what to say. help him? Then who will help me, I may never be a writer for the rest of my life, damn it.

His name is a string of numbers with unknown meaning: 68854788, like an unknown netizen on the forum ten years ago, I named him, Brother Six, I don't know if he will like it, a stranger to Matters. Open his homepage, there are only two articles, how to make pepper chicken in Xinjiang, matters 2019 annual questionnaire. He didn't post in 2020, but it can be seen from the two posts that his cooking skills are good, and his life in 19 years seems to be very fulfilling, saying that he met the person he loves.

There are good people everywhere in life, what kind of help do such people need? Rather than being concerned, I was curious, and I replied to him.

"I don't know what difficulties you have encountered, and I probably can't help you. But if there is anything I can do, please email me at "

After posting, I refreshed the page again, and no one applauded me. I felt a little lonely. I walked out of the room and came to the living room. I heard the little couple next door making love. They were screaming loudly. The lines were I love you, use some force. I rubbed my temples hard, went to the fucking share house, walked quickly to the balcony, lit a cigarette, and before I finished smoking, the phone turned on, the landlord urged me to pay the rent, I entered 700 yuan on the transfer interface, and the system Insufficient balance is indicated. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I didn't reply. After smoking the remaining half of the cigarette, I went back to my room and went to sleep.


When I woke up, no one was in bed.

In front of me was a world I had never seen before. Nearby there was a torii and a stone tablet with the words "Matt City" written on it. No, isn't Matt City a website, I have become data?

Looking inward along the archway, there is no end to the street. There are many houses in two rows, spire, round, apartment-style, with yard fences, in different shapes, and almost none of them are the same. There is only one thing in common, all the buildings are crystal clear, their shapes are outlined by azure lines, the plane is glowing with green light, and there are strings of strange numbers floating on top of them, constantly moving, making people feel like forever won't stop. I looked down at my feet, and it was the same texture of crystal, but I couldn't see what was in the ground, and it didn't reflect my appearance. I could only see a fog-like white expanse and numbers.

"Welcome to Matt City." I was still in the dread of being overwhelmed when I suddenly heard a voice, like a mouthful of phlegm, and felt a touch on my shoulder. I turned my head reflexively, but saw nothing but a wall of blue lines at the border of the distant world, and there was nothing outside. The world is like an empty box.

"I'm everyone's favorite @Matty oh ." The emotionless robotic voice came again, the shoulder was touched, this time I didn't turn back immediately, I meditated in my heart for three seconds, so that the other party couldn't react. , turned around suddenly, but there was nothing except the stone tablet with "Matt City" written on it standing quietly.

Matty, Matt city administrator? I vaguely felt as if something extraordinary had happened to me, so I forced myself to calm down and decided to test this Matty.

"Are you Matty? I don't like you. My favorite in the Matt City team is @yingxin"

"Yingxin? What's so amazing about her, I'm the heartthrob of Matt City." For the first time, the voice of the robotic voice fluctuated, but I couldn't figure out the direction of the voice.

"Yingxin's avatar is a selfie, and you are just a machine, not a human at all."

"Who said I'm not human, I'm much cuter than Yingxin."

"Let me see if you are cute, why are you hiding?"

Matty was silent for a few seconds, and I thought harder.

"I guess you don't look good even if you're human."

"Bad boy, let's open your eyes today!"

The stone tablet in front of me suddenly burst into a violent light, like a blue sun. I closed my eyes and felt that the ground was shaking. The sound of glass breaking was heard in my ear, which lasted for more than ten seconds, and the light and sound seemed to subside.

"Open your dog's eyes." Matty urged me.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a small bald head in a daze, completely ignoring the strange situation I was in, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, I think you're too cute haha." I looked at Matty carefully and found that he was only as tall as my belly, thin and small like a stickman, the body material was the same as the house in this world, with a bald head that was bigger than his body Floating numbers.

"I know what you're laughing at, bald, but I want you to see yourself."

Matty turned around with his little hands, and a mirror appeared in front of me. I saw a bald man with all the hair on his forehead. He tried desperately to comb the hair on the back of his head to cover part of his bare scalp, which was barely visible. The white bald patch made this head appear even more revealing. It can't be me, can it? I scratched my head, and the person in the mirror also scratched his head, as if there was really no touch of hair, only a bare scalp. I find it a bit comical, and there is a sense of dread of life declining. At the same time, I am still a transparent crystal.

"Why did I become like this?"

"Everyone who comes to Matt City will become what they look like in their hearts. It seems that your mind has deteriorated greatly."

"But why did I come to Matt City again."

"Because there are people crying in Matt City." Speaking of this, Matty put away his smirk and made a mechanical sound somewhat solemnly. "Look over there, is there a black cloud." He pointed his finger to the end of the street, where there was a crystal mountain, and a dark cloud gathered on the top of the mountain, dark and surging slowly. This is the only thing in the whole world that is not a crystal.

"When the black cloud expands to a certain level, Matt Mountain will collapse, and the entire city of Matt will cease to exist. You are here to prevent this from happening."

Destruction is destruction, no one reads my novels anyway, I thought to myself.

"Come on, there are so many people in Matt City, why do you have to come and let me go home to sleep, who wants to be bald here." I waved and asked Matty to take me home.

"If you don't save Matt City, you will be buried with Matt City." Matty stared at me with his little eyes.

"You're the boss of Matt City, can't you just let me go? I'm going to beat you up if you say something like that!" I was a little scared that it would become a funeral, and raised my fist to hide my inner fear. At this moment, an unfamiliar voice appeared.

"Excuse me, is this Matt City?"

Matty and I followed the voice. There was a little girl with a ponytail. She was about the same height as Matty, but she frowned. There was a melancholy look on her face. There it is.

"Okay, there is another one who saves the world. Now you can let me go back." I was relieved and asked her with a smile: "What is your id in Matt City, maybe we know each other."

"I think, um, it should be, 68854788?"

(To be continued)


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