think "strike"


A few days ago, when the courier arrived at the door, I was told that it was a problem and asked to return it. After several complaints to customer service, I gradually learned that many couriers in my city were on strike, so I thought of this.

The word "strike" was first encountered by me in history textbooks: During the May 4th Movement, students went on strike, workers went on strike, and businessmen went on strike. These are all vague concepts, and they do not understand the role of "strike" as political participation and expression of opinions.

Later, I encountered a small game I played in my teenage years——QQ restaurant. In this game, if you don't pay the waiters in the restaurant, the waiters won't work, the restaurant won't keep running, and you won't make any money. This may be the reason for many strikes at present. It is human nature to stop working if there is no food to eat.

Since November 11th last year, I have heard news of strikes one after another. They are all sparks, and they are all for survival. When will there be a strike expressing political demands? However, the strike is already an expression.


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