Pure sharing! If you want age spots to disappear, should you use Mioggi MediCentre 1064 laser skin rejuvenation treatment or Perfect Medical PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment?

Helen Pang

When people reach a certain age, no matter how well they take care of themselves, they will inevitably develop age spots. It’s okay if age spots appear on less conspicuous locations such as the back, hands, and chest, but if they appear on the face, they will really affect your appearance. In particular, age spots are mostly brown in color and will become larger and darker over time, even protruding from the surface, leading to a serious loss of appearance.

My mother is forty-seven years old this year. She says she is not old, but her face has begun to show age spots, which makes her look like an old lady in her fifties or sixties. She really verified the theory that women love to be beautiful no matter how old they are. Without my knowledge, she went online and bought Mioggi MediCentre's 1064 laser skin rejuvenation treatment. It wasn't until the day before the treatment that she told me to accompany her for the treatment. Although I don’t object to my mother’s love for beauty, I still worry about whether the treatment will have any impact on her. So, I accompanied her throughout the treatment. I would also like to share with you my mother’s experience with spot removal treatments, as a reference for those who are interested in doing spot removal treatments or taking their parents to have spot removal treatments.

Mioggi MediCentre's 1064 laser skin rejuvenation treatment uses nanosecond laser technology and selects the appropriate wavelength for laser spot removal based on the type and condition of the spots. Therefore, before laser treatment, the beautician will use a machine to test my mother's skin and analyze the type and depth of spots on her face. However, the beautician was lucky that the age spots on my mother's face were not old and not very dark, so they were completely eliminated after about five treatments.

Although the beautician said so, after five treatments, those age spots still stubbornly appeared on my face. Even after using the full course of treatment, there was still no noticeable change. I couldn't bear to see my mother disappointed, so I took my mother to another well-known medical aesthetic institution, Perfect Medical, to try their PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment.

Although Perfect Medical's PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment also uses laser technology, they combine the advantages of nanosecond laser and picosecond laser to penetrate dual laser energy into the skin and completely break up stubborn melanin. In addition, PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment also has the advantages of 1064 laser skin rejuvenation treatment. It also has four wavelengths of laser. Different wavelengths can also be used according to different needs to remove all melanin at once.

Since I didn't accompany my mother into the treatment room, I didn't know much about the treatment process, but my mother said that the treatment process was actually similar to the 1064 laser skin rejuvenation treatment. As for the feeling of PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment, she said that it is relatively mild. You will feel a little heat on the parts of the face where the skin is thinner, but there is no sensation at all on the parts with more flesh. The duration of the treatment was not very slow either. I waited outside for about forty-five minutes and my mother had already finished the treatment and came out.

Now comes the treatment effect that everyone is most concerned about. Although the beautician at Perfect Medical did not boast before, he said that after a few treatments, age spots will disappear completely. However, after only four treatments, my mother saw that some of the smaller and lighter age spots on her face had disappeared. As for the larger and darker age spots, it will take seven treatments to achieve a significant lightening effect. However, after a complete course of treatment, the age spots on her face had basically disappeared, and she looked much younger.

If you are also interested in eliminating age spots or your parents want to eliminate age spots, you may wish to try Perfect Medical’s PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment. The most important thing is that the treatment is truly zero-harm, so there is no need to worry about any side effects, especially suitable for elderly parents.

Try Perfect Medical PicoCure American ultra-picosecond spot removal treatment for free


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