Adventures in Amsterdam|He wrote a book review for "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China"

Suddenly her voice echoed in her mind when she was not present at Li Yuchun's concert: "There is always someone at the altar. Who is it, does it matter?"

Having written so many book reviews, I recently saw a special book review in the European Book Review, and I couldn't help but write a book review for this book review. 😂

Stephan Petermann's daily life is traveling between China and Europe. When he was teaching in China, he read the set of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China". Stephan introduced his original intention of writing this way when reviewing books - I found out why there are so many people who write book reviews, but no one writes a review for Xi Jinping's series? So he simply read his four sets of "The Governance of China" and wrote a book review, titled " The Big Beige Books " (translated as: "Big Beige Books").

At the beginning, the author mentioned that the first volume of this set of books appeared on Zuckerberg's desk, and Prince Andrew of the British royal family also called this set of books "landmark", and of course Kissinger's endorsement. However, according to the German Amazon ranking, this set of books ranks 18,867th among foreign language books. Then a book review becomes even more important. Especially when the author noticed that there was no endorsement by a well-known author on the cover of this set of books (the above-mentioned endorsements are all in other places), there were no advertisements on the waist, and there was no synopsis on the back cover. There was only an oval author photo on the cover and ISBN and pricing on the back cover. The whole atmosphere of the book review became lighter and more humorous when he sharply and accurately described the font "Times New Roman" used.

At the reading meeting, Stephan was also invited to read his book review, and even brought a copy of "Governance". While reading the manuscript, Stephan showed the book to the audience. Stephan was very proud that he spent several months reading this set of books, and he really showed off when he met the principal of the school when he returned to China and asked about it. The principal was surprised but dubious and "spot-checked" him. What were the "fourteen elements" of Xi Jinping Thought? He actually gave an accurate answer, which made the principal also praise him. 😂

"European Book Review" Reading Club

What Stephan mentioned in the book review is that if a person reads some words repeatedly, the words will be imprinted in the mind unknowingly. It seems to have come true when he answered "Xi Jinping Thought". I haven’t experienced this kind of experience often, maybe because the forced memorization when I was a child made me miserable, so I couldn’t remember the sentences repeated a thousand times no matter how much I regurgitated them.

While reading, I was surprised by the author's observation and sensitivity. The accuracy and conciseness of his language can make readers nod in agreement, and he is often accompanied by a humorous tone to make readers laugh. Maybe this is also a different angle. Sometimes I reflect on myself, and I often lose the humor cells in my body when certain issues are mentioned, as if all the unpleasant experiences are pouring into my mouth, and I have to spit them out to not feel uncomfortable. actually not. I feel that many times my reactions are unknowingly learned from the people close to me. If I were removed from this situation, my reaction might not be so strong, not even hateful, and my humor would be natural. Will return. As I thought about it, I suddenly felt the distance and the importance of a second language. Many times, it is the distance between the second language and the real world that gives one's own feelings a chance to slowly recover.

This is why reading Stephan's book reviews is not as hard to swallow as a boring political class. On the contrary, it turns out that a book like "The Governance" can actually produce such interesting book reviews. Maybe, this is the only time that after reading a book review, I will not buy/read the book reviewed, but I will definitely be able to read the book review itself again with joy 😂

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Suddenly, her voice from Li Yuchun's concert, which she did not appear but rose to, echoed in my mind: " There is always someone at the altar. Who is it, does it matter? "

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