"Suffix" Interview and Writing Camp" Event Trailer丨Citizen Unpacking Event Copy

Sponsored by Matters "Million Matter City Rocket Fund"

📣 ""Suffix" Interview and Writing Camp: Accompany you to interview a citizen", this event has been sponsored by the " Million Matter City Rocket Fund ", the following is the event preview. 🥳

The event co-sponsors are:
@Jeger, @Joanna , @cauliflowerDenken

After reading the trailer, you will know "the organizer's intention ", "registration method" , "the main content of the event ", " what should I prepare before registration ", and the event will officially issue a proposal on April 27, 2022 Announcement and registration will be accepted from May 1.

▦The intention of the organizer

Recently, @cauliflowerDenken came to me to form a team. After chatting, he said to me: " I really didn't understand that "Suffix" was actually encouraging citizens to visit citizens XD, I always thought it was an exclusive interview series written by you. ...... "

In fact, before the launch of the Rocket Fund, I thought several times about whether to hold a community event to encourage citizens to interview citizens, but I have always been afraid of organizing events. So when I was considering a proposal to apply for the Rocket Fund, I privately invited @zhishihua to help me design the event copy.

But soon, I immediately changed my mind. I did not want to organize an "awarding ceremony" community event . Instead, I changed to the invitation mode that "Suffix" was already in operation, allowing citizens to submit " citizen interviews " of more than 2,000 words. Provide fee. But what?

I've been thinking (assuming without permission), are there actually many people who are willing to interview citizens, and also want to be interviewees, but don't know how to start?

▦How to register

Therefore, I turned the invitation mode over again, and I came up with the idea of holding an "interview and writing camp ", and the entry threshold was very low. I adopted a "proposal registration". Please answer the following questions intuitively, about 500 words:

✍Which citizen do you want to interview? Why? What attracts you to him (trait, expertise)? What is the most curious and interesting thing about him?

✍Which article do you admire or impress the most about this citizen? (Please attach link) Why? Please cite an article from the text? and any reflections or thoughts this text brings to you.

✍What question do you want to ask him? Did the other party agree to be interviewed?

(Or you already have the first draft of the interview , please register directly with the first draft)

 Before the end of April, the other two co-sponsors will issue a "Registration Guide Demonstration Document".

▦Main content of the event

Since it is called "Interview and Writing Camp": to accompany you to interview a citizen, the representative will arrange an "interview editor" to assist you, from the first draft of 500 words, to more than 2,000 words, and to the extent that it can be published .

I tried to lower the threshold for "interviewing citizens" to almost the floor (only about 500-word first draft) , and then raise the "interviewer"'s gain to the ceiling after the successful posting:

①You can get a "Suffix" commemorative badge POAP

②You can participate in the editing of " "Suffix" Fake Text Qingzhi Logbook ", and compile your own interview into it.

③Get a " Surprise Gacha " (limited!)

Someone accompany you to write and complete a citizen interview.

The most exaggerated thing is that not only will they not charge you, but they will also send you a manuscript fee! ( Participating interviewers and interviewees can receive manuscript fees )

Recently, I started to warm up for the event promotion on the Discord of Matters Lab . I met a super enthusiastic citizen: @nakedzi  ( the account on discord is Chi), who gave me a lot of insightful insights, my interview control The attack happened immediately, and he was invited to be the "first reader" of the copywriting of the writing camp activity to unpack the contents of the activity for the citizens:

Q1: How do you feel about organizing such a community event?

I just read the introduction copy of the community activity, and I am more impressed with the sentence " Are there actually many people who are willing to interview citizens, but don't know how to start? "

I think this is not so much an "interview", but the motivation behind it is more like: " I want to get to know this (long-term concern) writer better through the interview ." Through the form of "interviews", a new level of relationship between readers and authors is concluded - this relationship will not necessarily be deeper, but at least it will provide a new dimension.

However, although Matters' mechanism design based on LikeCoin has promoted "socialization" on many platforms, I think the "Interview and Writing Camp" provides an opportunity for readers to use a more "formal" way to compare Passively" clapping hands and leaving a short message, turned to "actively" getting to know the writer.

Also, I think the text itself is "naked". When the writer is willing to put the text on a public platform, no matter what the proposition is, it may be an "adventure", but on the other hand, she may hope to find someone who can empathize with her through this adventure.

I believe that the emergence of the "Interview and Writing Camp" has "widened" the bridge between readers and writers here.

 💡 Listening to this person, is there a fu who wants to take notes madly! So good at talking, my meow! It was really the first time I met him in the "Creator Hall" of Matters Lab, and it happened that he had expertise and experience in "interview writing".

One of the interview skills is that the scope of the question is based on the other person's expertise, what they are doing, and questions that can be easily answered without thinking.

Q2: What is the problem after reading the text? Or something you don't understand?

As long as a 500-word proposal is submitted, does it mean that the registration is successful? Are there any screening mechanisms?

 Second answer: Those who have obtained the consent of the respondents and who have more complete interview intentions will be given priority.

After successful registration, is there a time limit from obtaining the "Interview Approval" to the production of a 2,000-word full manuscript?

 Second Answer: Registration will be accepted from May 1st, and you can complete the posting before the end of October. (Writing takes up to half a year, does it really take that long to write 2,000 words?)

Can I pester the interview editor to ask questions all the time? XD

 The interview editor will work with the interviewer to formulate progress and strategies, respect personal writing style, intentions, and creativity, and provide writing assistance. If the original interviewee refuses to be interviewed, the interviewee can also be changed.

But the ugly words are in the front. If the citizens participating in the writing camp cannot cooperate with the progress of the expansion and revision jointly formulated, the organizer has the right to return the copy, in order to replace the candidate.

▷ Is the first draft published on my personal Matters page? Can it be posted on other platforms simultaneously?

 The starter needs to be completed at Matters by the end of October.
Please post the label "Rocket Fund's "Suffix" interview and writing camp is soaring" .
 If the interviewer wants to simultaneously publish the article on other platforms, please make another agreement with the interviewee.

Q3: The way of registration, to answer some questions, will it be difficult to answer?

I don't think the questions listed in the proposal application are difficult to answer. As long as you are really "curious" about the writer you want to interview, I don't think it should be difficult.

But for those who have no experience in field interviews or interviews, perhaps the "precondition" of obtaining the consent of the interviewees may require careful consideration of how to proceed.

Politeness, elaboration of motives, and gain of trust are all things that I have personally discovered on the spot during fieldwork in the past.

Q4: Then do you want to be the interviewer, or the interviewee?

I think it's all good. I have experience in field interviews and (informal) interviews in the past, and I am very happy with both . Visitors, welcome to challenge to gain my trust and visit me :)

Q5: What do you think the " interview editor " is going to do? Are you curious about their qualifications, are they qualified?

Hmmm.... I don't actually have a lot of opportunities to come into contact with the role of "Editor", only once in the real world.

The only part of the experience that made me more rewarding was that the editor reminded me who the "audience" of this article was based on her experience, and gave me some tips on how to "correct and return" the main axis of "writing crooked". In addition, she It is also suggested that I change to the point of view of a "third party" in order to maintain the status of an objective recorder!

Personally, I don't really care about the so-called "qualifications". What's more important is whether the interview editor has experience in "on-site" interviews, and whether he can remind students of the eyebrows in the interview process in advance.

 The qualifications of the three "interview editors" convener of the "Suffix" interview and writing camp will be announced at the end of the article.

Q6: Participate in the event for free, and the period is still up to 6 months. If you successfully publish the article, you will still receive the manuscript fee. Are you embarrassed to ask how much the manuscript fee is?

Of course you have to ask~ I won't be embarrassed to ask! Wow hahaha~ So how much is it? $ $ $

 After the article is published successfully, the "interviewer" of the article can get 350Like, and the "respondent" can get 150Like.

Interviewers edit material, interviewees contribute material, and both contribute.

The interview text of this event is set as: "Citizens' Co-creation Activity". In fact, two people form a team, one person is the interviewer and the other is the interviewee, and they have formulated the "common topic" to be discussed. I will tell you the trick clearly.

(Note: A validator reminded me that LikeCoin refers to the chain, and LIKE refers to the cryptocurrency. He also said that it is not actually a "cryptocurrency", but a "cryptocurrency")

Q7: After finishing posting, the contents of the interviewer's gift bag :
① You can get a "Suffix" commemorative badge POAP
② You can participate in the editing of the "Suffix" Fake Text Qingzhi Logbook, and compile your own interviews into it.
③ Get a "Surprise Gacha" (limited!)
④ Someone will accompany you to write and complete a citizen interview.
⑤ The most exaggerated thing is that not only will they not charge you, but they will also send you the manuscript fee!
Please sort the above rewards from "most attractive to you" to "least attractive to you".

Dedicated person to accompany writing > Manuscript fee > You can compile your own interview into the "Suffix" fake breaking essay Qingzhi Logbook > "Suffix" Commemorative Badge POAP > Surprise Gacha

Q8: How many people do you think will sign up? 20? 40? 60?

Hmmm.... I'm not sure about this, because I really started to "follow" and "participate" in the community of Matters, it should have been since joining Matters' Discord (almost a month ago); so, a conservative estimate of 20 people (?)

But to be honest, I think the number of applicants should not be the main KPI, but more importantly, the promotion of interviews, and the process of "building strength" to improve interviewing ability!

I am also very curious and look forward to sharing the experience of seeing these power-building processes in the future!

Thanks to the enthusiastic citizens @naked child interviewed🙏

I agreed to be interviewed on the same day, completed the interview draft on the same day, 8 groups of QA, a total of 2150 words, how could it take 6 months, 6 days is not needed!

I also think the number of people is not the point. I always hope that everyone can take the initiative to participate in interviewing citizens as an interesting thing , but since Matty is willing to provide funds, we will use it.

In fact, this citizen guessed very accurately. I estimate that there are 15 applicants. Each group will admit 15 applicants. They are divided into three groups of "interview types". Please choose one of the "interviewers" to register:

Group A: Choose to interview citizens with the status of " non-appreciative citizens ". The subject matter of the interview is not limited , and the target number of words for the finished manuscript is more than 2,000 words.

🤗 "Interview Editor" Convenor: @Jeger

Group B: Choose to interview citizens who have become "appreciative citizens" . The subject matter of the interview is not limited , and the target number of words for the finished manuscript is more than 2,000 words.

🙋 "Interview Editor" Convenor: @Joanna

Group C: Choose to interview citizens who have become "appreciative citizens" . The subject matter of the interview is limited. The main content of the interview must be the discussion of "blockchain", "cryptocurrency (card)" and "Web3" . .

🙇 "Interview Editor" Convenor: @cauliflower Denken

📣 Invite all Matters citizens to join the event! 🎉

Registration will be officially accepted from May 1st. Interviewers and interviewees are welcome to form teams in advance and prepare registration materials (about 500 words to answer questions or the first draft of the interview). At that time, the "interviewer" will sign up for the interview and writing camp.

Please pay attention, if you have received the "Suffix" Commemorative Badge POAP before this event ( @workgirlJennifer @Chin@Joanna@Sprinkle salt on Polkadot @ 不@Wu Ming @ 奇奇文@陈凯西), please do not participate in this event, I urge you to become the helper of the "Interview Editor", every time you assist an interviewer to complete the posting, you can get 500Like, Interested parties private message Jeger.

👉 If you have any questions, please leave a message below, and the Q&A will be pinned to the top. 🙏

@JegerRelevant experience of editing:

The "Suffix" Fake Wen Qing Zhi label was set up on Matters as an article accumulation platform.

At present, 8 citizens have been attracted to respond to the spirit of the "first reader", interviewing another citizen and publishing an interview article. In more than two months, the number of "citizen interviews" demonstrated by the editor-in-chief Jeger has reached 15, and the "invitation mode" has designated the theme, and the number of articles in cooperation with citizens has reached 10.

In early April, in order to increase the willingness of citizens to interview each other, 100 "Suffix" Commemorative Badges POAP" were applied for and given to those who completed the interviews with citizens. When citizens obtain the "Suffix Commemorative Badge POAP", they are empowered to participate in the editing of the "Suffix" Fake Text and Youth Logbook, hoping to become an incentive for citizens to participate.

In mid-March, " I want to join the Citizens Appreciation 3.0 but less than 5000LikeCoin " was specially set up (25 citizens have been added), allowing citizens to track tags and care for new citizens. "Suffix" has successfully interviewed two of them and posted a post.

@Joanna Relevant experience of editing:

 I like yoga and make a living by translating, so I have the opportunity to translate "Yoga and Dynamic Zen", "The Truth of Yoga and Love: Leading the Wisdom of "Bhagavad-gita" into Modern Life. He is also a long-term special translator for "CIO Manager".
In support of Jeger's spirit of creating ""Suffix" Fake Wen Qingzhi", I have submitted articles, interviewed, and interviewed citizens, and I had a lot of fun!

▶ Contribution: Listen to Joanna's Quiet Adventure

▶Interview: "Suffix" fake breaking Wen Qingzhi ft. Joanna

▶ Interview with citizens: "Suffix" Fake Wen Qingzhi ft. Wu Ming

Write a Facebook fan page " La La Shou Around the World " to share what you have seen and heard around the world. Recently, 2 articles were adopted by the Commonwealth magazine "Change the Day Line":

Walking Machu Picchu, Coca Canyon, Ecuadorian Equator Line by myself——Why I don’t speak the language in South America, I still don’t go with the tour group?

Meet warmth in the poorest place in the world - a day of my volunteering at Mother Teresa's Dying Home

Wrote 5 topics on the grid, and was selected as the author of the grid Premium. He has accumulated 405 articles so far, and is the most popular author of the square grid.

@cauliflower DenkenRelated experience in editing:

 Appears in the Matters and LikeCoin communities, is active in analyzing intractable diseases in the community, and serves as the Matters Lab Discord Matt Universe Web3 driver.

At the same time run Matters perimeter: Web3 Lab , as a writing style for Web3 experimenters.

Columnist for the Digital Age
Two selected works:

Talking about media history - Netflix reinvents storytelling

When Cypherpunk becomes reality, can cryptocurrencies retain their original ideals?

"Suffix" interview and writing camp: accompany you to interview a citizen, won the sponsorship of Matters "Million Matter City Rocket Fund"


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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