10 of my favorite movies

5 short films and 5 full-length films.

Mr Indifferent

I think Mr. Indifference may not be that ruthless, he just doesn't know how to start helping others. He learned important life lessons from his grandmother. Maybe you don't need to do anything big to be helpful. In fact, you can make someone else's day full of luck and gratitude by simply extending your hands.

Open your heart, show kindness to others, do your best, learn to smile at strangers, and share the seemingly simple love, which not only brings gratitude to others, but also brings happiness to yourself. Win-win! It's good isn't it! 😊 Did you help someone today?


The film is about children with dyslexia, also known as dyslexia. The boy's intelligence quotient (IQ) was 147, but he had difficulty reading and writing, despite no impairment of intelligence. Symptoms are often associated with familial inheritance. Such children are prone to develop a sense of inferiority, and in severe cases, school bullying occurs. They have no problem in normal conversation with others, but when they start to recognize, memorize and learn to read aloud, they cannot continuously or quickly write a complete sentence or verbally express it to each other. The 20-minute micro-movie narrates how the hero Mike's mother creates miracles for her children when she has nowhere to go and no one to turn to.

The Little Prince (ss) (2021)

Gabriel, a 7-year-old Chinese-American boy, plays a very important and special role in the play. He loves anything pink and likes to dance ballet. He often has a sweet and lovely smile, outgoing, brave and caring. Good friends with 8 year old Robert. Robert is a typical big boy with a strong personality and likes to play basketball.

Robert's father felt abnormal about the femininity displayed by Gabriel, he believed that boys should run around like his son and love sports, so Robert's father decided to intervene in their friendship.

Moonlight (La Luna) (2011)

A short story about three generations living together. It's only 7 minutes in depth and has a little humour. Children's laughter. The tenderness of father and grandfather, the sweetness of the stars and the moon. The animation is beautiful and full of charm. Although the three generations all wore the same overalls and hats, there was friction in the same job faced by the three. How do little boys find the best work model for their generation?

The Silent Child (2017)

The Silent Child won the Best Live Action Short Film at the 90th Academy Awards, a real-life public welfare micro-movie that broke my heart.

Although my words are silent, my heart is not silent.

The heroine, a deaf 6-year-old girl named Libby, lives in a silent and quiet world until she meets Joanne, a caring social worker who is like an angel from heaven. As a gift, Joanne found Libby's innocent smile, and the little girl slowly learned to communicate with the world in sign language.

It is easy to make children happy from the heart, but sometimes the difficulty lies not in the children themselves, but in the parents. Especially for the more special children, if Libby's parents can focus on the child, listen to the inner voice of the child and learn how to properly take care of the deaf child, Libby's childhood memories will surely be happier. Children actually know whether their parents have sincere companionship, but usually the relationship between them is gradually estranged, often caused by invisible injuries in indifference.

In the movie, Messi, the little girl who plays Libby, greets friends in Taiwan.

Luca's Summer (Luca) (2021)

I subscribed to Dinsey+ for 1 month to watch Luca's Summer and The Little Prince(ss) 🥰

A tale of 2 fish, set in Italy.

Teenage Luca joins her friend Alberto on an unforgettable adventure and this summer they hope to take part in a relay race in town to win the gift of their dreams - a Vespa locomotive. However, the two protagonists Luca and Alberto in the story have a big secret. They are mermaids and sea monsters from the seabed. Immediately the original shape of the fish appeared.

This is a story about friendship and dreams. This movie reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki - The Witch's Delivery Service. It also brings us the story of facing the unknown life issues in the future and learning and growing up in the face of setbacks. Sometimes when we are on an adventure, we can clearly hear the voice of our courage. Although many times we will be in a very difficult and tiring situation, but in fact, we can always walk through in the end, chasing like Luca. dream.

The Little Prince (2015)

Is it hard to be happy when you grow up? Maybe the more childlike you can enjoy the contentment you have in the moment, the easier it will be for you to be happy. The Little Prince is an animated film released in 2015. If you have the chance, I highly recommend reading the physical book, which has sold nearly 200 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 250 languages. I think the little prince is not just a children's book, but a fairy tale and fable for adults.

The story is about a blond boy named Little Prince who comes from the asteroid B-612, a fairly small planet with 3 volcanoes and 1 rose. Before the roses appeared, the little prince took care of his B-612 asteroid all day, pulling out the baobabs regularly, because if they were not dealt with and allowed to grow, the B-612 planet would be destroyed and turned to dust .

In fact, the little prince is lonely. He likes watching sunsets. He watched the sunset 43 times a day. One day, because of a beautiful rose, his life was enriched. She loves the little prince, and the little prince really takes care of her and loves her. Unfortunately, they were too young to have doubts about love, and the little prince chose to leave Rose and his little planet to start his one-man journey.

After a journey through 6 asteroids, he came to Earth. The little prince met a fox and tamed it. It was the fox who let the little prince know that his rose was unique in the world. The prince begins to realize that he was actually tamed by the rose, and is as responsible to her as he tamed the fox. How did the story turn out? There are more exciting stories to come! Every time I read The Little Prince, I am moved by the prince's curiosity, innocence and attitude towards life. The little prince taught us how to face life with sincerity and innocence.

Little Stars on Earth (2007)

Little Stars on Earth is an educational Indian film. The core of the story is to explain that every unique child needs a teacher who understands the child's heart. The 8-year-old male protagonist Yi Xiang always has a wild imagination, his imagination is full of bright colors and a variety of wonderland. Such children sometimes keep making troubles, but Yi Xiang didn't make mistakes on purpose. However, in the eyes of his parents, he was a so-called problem child, and Yi Xiang was also treated differently by others.

Yi Xiang, who was constantly creating problems, made his parents decide to send him to a boarding school. The little boy was very sad that he was forced to leave his parents, so he began to shut himself up. Until the appearance of art teacher Nikon, he saved the boy and let him find the pure happiness of the child again on the way of growth.

The Two of Us (2005)

Our two films won the Best Director and Best Actress awards at the 25th China Film Golden Rooster Awards. Jin Yaqin, who plays the old lady of the landlord, was 84 years old when she acted in the movie.

1 little girl, 1 old lady, 1 small courtyard house, 1 spring, summer, autumn and winter, covering extremely touching stories, rich and sincere emotional interaction, is a hyper-realistic movie that made me cry to the explosion.

A delicate friendship between a female college student drifting alone in the north and an old lady of the landlady. In the relationship between 1 old and 1 young, at the beginning, there was only the strange interaction between the landlord and the tenant, until after a long time of love, the two gradually became each other's dependence. Especially for lonely old people, the monotonous life of old age has more sincere companionship of girls, which in turn produces extremely unforgettable emotions.

Do you believe in destiny? Some people just appear in your life by accident, and they may come from different countries, languages and cultures. Every encounter in life is so wonderful. Those who know how to savor every encounter can feel the beauty and moving of every relationship.

Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by British author Jane Austen.

The story takes place in England at the end of the eighteenth century. The biggest wish of the heroine's parents in their lives is to marry all five daughters to wealthy gentlemen, so they often specially arrange opportunities to make friends with high-ranking people.

The arrogant character in the film is the hero Darcy, while the prejudiced character is the heroine Elizabeth. The plot of this novel is fascinating because the presentation of the story is very twisting and ups and downs. When the handsome but arrogant personality of the male protagonist meets a cheerful, lively and confident country girl, she immediately has a deep prejudice when they meet for the first time. From suspicion, misunderstanding, hatred, to gradually clarifying the prejudice in each other's hearts, until they deeply love each other, they end with a perfect ending that everyone likes.

In fact, there is no intimate contact scene that often occurs in romantic dramas, but it has a faint throbbing appeal. A highly recommended classic romance movie, and you can also feast your eyes on the picturesque English countryside scenery.

Wow wow 🐸 Ten movies, nine of which I cried. Which one do you like best?


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