EP03. My eggshells are hard enough, what about putting them together?



I mainly record this audio file because my own friends or family members, as well as my former colleagues, sometimes encounter some problems, and if I can't find the answer, I want to ask for some help or some advice, then In the state of providing such help, I have observed some characteristics, then I think I can record it and share it with others, maybe it will be helpful. In fact, I don’t have any special plans for this channel. Later, I may invite some friends to discuss the same topic with me, and then I can have different ideas to see if I can draw some different conclusions.

individual case

Opportunity to get in touch with programming

In fact, I have never been a person who likes to take the lead. I prefer to be the support role next to me. In such a state, it is difficult for you to take the initiative to create such an environment for you to play. I Was it until a friend in my country and his girlfriend was harassed or something, and then the communication software used at that time was still the age of instant messenger and MSN, and then I was wondering if I could help him? order something or something, so I asked him bluntly and said, "Then what do you think I can do for you?", he told me at that time that he wanted to see their chat records, but he His girlfriend didn't show him, so I started to study how to monitor MSN or instant messaging in my spare time, and then followed the steps on the Internet step by step, and finally succeeded. I found out that I seem to be ok with computers, otherwise I used to help my mother do company presentations and the like, so I started to study the program, and then I can usually help people recharge their computers, earning To make a small amount of money, when I was about to graduate, I thought that I could take the path of programming, and I thought it was very good.

Set short-term goals

At that time, I left my hometown and moved to a new county and city, and chose a private high school to study in a comprehensive high school. In fact, I didn't know much about the program at that time. I only knew some basic principles, so I haven't done enough. In the case of homework, I asked the people at the school, and then they said which subject is programming, and they told me that the motor should be OK, so I chose the motor directly, but after half a year and a year, I I have been soldering the circuit board and then renovating the hardware. I feel super boring. I haven't touched the program at all, but I heard that the business department seems to be learning VB, so I will directly and decisively next semester. I am a junior. After I transferred, I was really exposed to the programming language of VB, but on the other hand, I also need to study accounting and economics, which I have no interest in, but I don't think it's bad. Anyway, I chose what I wanted. As for the things to learn, I created the environment I want, so I still choose.

difficult breakthrough stage

At that time, I had been playing online games, that is, CS, the game of gunfight. I originally wanted to say that since I have to learn programming now, can I create a private server by myself, and then I realized that at that time, I said, wow His code is written in C language, which is different from what I learn. Because of the relationship of being away from home, I need to live in the school, which means that I have no way to get other resources in my spare time. At that time, the school There is a very strange rule, because I am afraid that the whole dormitory will fail the electricity, so it is forbidden to bring things that require too much electricity, such as refrigerators, computers, TVs, etc., then I only have mobile phones, so I have I was basically isolated at the time, I wanted to know what big things were going on right now, I had to rely on the newspapers in the breakfast shop, and then I only had two hours of going out a day, one hour for breakfast and one hour for dinner, so I was in the morning. Of course, it's just to eat breakfast, and then in the evening, I want to grasp it, so basically for three years in high school, I spend all that hour in the Internet cafe, otherwise I can't test my program. Ah, so when I go to the Internet cafe around the school now, there should still be my stored value. If it is not drained, I will save my own money and buy a broken laptop. I remember it was 500 yuan. And it seems to be bought at an open-air auction. I don't know how many hands have been transferred, so basically he can turn on the computer, open a notepad, and then he can't do other things. Sometimes there are even problems with the archive, but it doesn't matter, I just let It just runs the program. Since there is a problem with its archive, I usually run the archived things, I will copy them down by hand, and copy them on the A4, and then this kind of life will go on day after day, I I have already focused on programming, and I have not cared about other things. I don't care about Chinese, English, mathematics or professional subjects. I don't care about those things. I only study programming in class, and I am all the time. Make up for sleep, because I spend the whole night every night, and then study those programs, which leads me to have a lot of demerits recorded by the school, and then my mother will receive these demerits all day long, and my mother will help me organize them. It was a whole box, but at that time I thought it was okay, because I was learning what I wanted to learn, I was sure I wasn't kidding, that would be fine, and then I tried to communicate with my family, but this time I just thought, why do I have to be so tied up when I do things, and I didn't do bad things and didn't do anything wrong. When I think about this, I think of the "solve responsibilities first and then do what I want to do" mentioned in the last episode. You can only persuade others to do things”, so since I’m currently in contact with two different languages, I’ll practice both, anyway, the concept of the program is similar.

Seize the opportunity in difficult times

Because of this opportunity, I can learn programming much faster than the average person. For example, everyone is still practicing some if then else judgments. I am already writing arrays, but my performance is only programming. Other things All were poor, even my professional subjects were never higher than 20 points. In the end, I just didn't bother to write. Every exam paper was a blank. At that time, I thought it didn't matter. Anyway, I knew what I was doing It's good, until one time, I took my handwritten code, I wrote a concept of an instant messenger, and then showed it to my teacher, that is, the teacher who taught that subject, I wrote four, and then At that time, I still used a key ring to string it, because I didn't have a stapler, and then I wanted to ask the teacher to run and see if the program could run, see if I did anything wrong, and so on, and then the teacher When I saw that my four A4s were full of code, I began to discover me. Otherwise, I usually sleep at school. Then he came to tell me that you can participate in the selection of the national skill competition. Selection, at this time I thought to say, wow, if I don't take these things out today, will I never know about this competition? I mean it's not that I can't seize this opportunity, it's that I don't even have the opportunity, I didn't even know there was this competition, so I started to make some balance between this, that is, my programming in school, I still have to have some performance, and then I really participated in the school selection. , most of the participants were elites, including those students in the experimental class, and then two people in our class participated, one was the first in our class, the other was me, and I was the last in our class, and then we selected It was also very interesting in the process, because I remember that the exam at that time consisted of ten questions, and then they were all super difficult ones, and no one could finish them. I only wrote six or seven questions, so when I started the test, I immediately thought about my strategy, how should I win this game, so I first observed my opponents, everyone was very good I typed hard on the keyboard over there, and I felt that they would definitely write a lot of questions. If I wrote a lot of questions, I might not be able to win against them. Even the first place in our class, oh yes, he is the first place in the school, too. The first place in our class, and then he was also writing, so at that time I went to find one of the questions that I thought was OK and could be played, and I went to write for that question, and then my strategy was to seek quality Don't ask for quantity, I wrote the code for that question to the best of my ability. If I can use variables, I will never use the concept of constants. People who know programming should understand it. For example, a thousand-line program, I The concept of condensing it into fifty lines is that it is already perfect, and you can't optimize it any more. By the end, many people have written three, four, four or five questions, but I can only write One question, but I am super confident, I am confident that there will never be a better solution to that question, so of course I won that competition, Then I got the only representative right of the whole school, that is, to participate in this national skill competition.

practice experience

This is a process of my previous contact with the program. At this stage, I feel that I can finally give my family an explanation, that is, I can tell them "Look, am I saying that I am really there?" Work hard, I'm not just kidding." Because at that time, it was almost the time to graduate from high school, and when everyone applied for college, they didn't have to pay your grades to prove those things. At that time, I realized that, I am our current class, the third-to-last in the school, and I don't know how to apply for that transcript, so I was very unconfident at the beginning when I was interviewed at the university, and some professors even asked directly. I said, "Why are your grades so poor? What are you doing?", but there are still professors who will go to see the better places first, that is, you once represented the school to participate in this competition, otherwise with my grades at that time, I think it should be difficult to go to a good school, even if I have this record, oh yes, and another point is that when I graduated, I graduated with seven majors, but the seven majors It's all a warning, because it's all about those who haven't handed in homework or slept in class, and so on. There's no fight, and then if you make a big mistake, you'll get a big demerit, no no no, and then it's funny at that time, because the instructor graduated in When I sold it, I was surprised and said, "Ah, I see if you usually do bad things, ah, how can you have so many deaths?" So the main purpose of discussing this experience is to explain, which is what I said. These things are mainly my personal experiences. We can only discuss what we have learned in this process. I can't always say that you should do this right or wrong. Yes, because my method is to put eggs in the same basket, that is, to spell the same subject, then you have to make sure that when you fall, the shell of your egg is hard enough, which means that you are doing this thing. Then, when no one around you can understand your situation, can you continue to insist on what you think? If I am in the middle of the process, I suddenly feel like saying, "Okay, I seem to be really bad, Because I have been remembered so many times, and then I have been labeled as a bad student, should I start all over again and learn these things from the first year of high school?”, then it is even more impossible to go When I come into contact with this kind of competition, my own thought is that if I want five or sixty points, I might as well get one hundred and one hundred. I don’t know if this kind of experience will help you, because this is actually a kind of Gambling, but before doing this gamble, I think I know myself enough, I think what I want to learn I can learn it well, and I will want to do it well, but I have no interest It doesn't matter how much time it takes to do something, that's why I just plunged into it at that time, but now if I want to start a business, or something, I still need to understand some things about the economy or accounting, so I I still have to go back and learn those things, but I'm not that refined. I actually have no experience with this kind of stuff. There are many, so I think if it is OK, I can try to finish it, because I think this is also a record, that is, the process of recording my life, as mentioned earlier, this is an independent sample creation process, You can refer to, evaluate, and even optimize. I think this is the most valuable part of recording this audio.

Original link Independent sample creation process


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