[Lecture Archives] Transcending the Self: Liberating the Inner Mind Beyond Self Inertia

趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
[Artist's Talk] I-Transcendence: Liberate Your Inner Knowledge From Ego Inertia // I-Transcendence Sangha on 2021 Virtual Burn
Virtual Burn Sangha Programs
Artist's Talk Slideshow Cover

[Archive] Recording of the Chinese version of the Burning Man Festival sharing lecture

Artist/Speaker: Zhao Tianlin Zhao, Tian-lin

Lectures in Chinese and English

Hi, this is Tianlin, welcome to our secret meeting at the Burning Man Festival.

Hi this is Tian-lin, welcome to our Sangha in 2021 Virtual Burn.

"Secret Society" is an experimental curatorial project that I initiated in 2017. The original Sanskrit meaning of the name refers to the place of true knowledge and communication, that is, the gathering of ancient intellectuals. In each "secret meeting", we use a combination of experimental audio-visual or behavioral performances, and creation meditation experience workshops as a medium to inspire participants.

'Sangha' is my experimental art curating project since 2017. The original sankirt meaning of 'Sangha' is refer to the place for intellectuals discussing about philosophy and universal truth. In each 'Sangha', we'd like to combine audiovisual live or performance art with creativity meditation workshop as a catalyst to enlighten the participants.

This time, for the first time, we tried to use the form of an online performance, which was held on the AltspaceVR platform in a VR world drawn by my dear friend, digital media artist UGLYKIKI. Enjoy this unique experience.

This is also our first time making 'Sangha' to an online event, and now we're in the VR world created by my dearest friend, digital media artist UGLYKIKI on AltspaceVR platform. Let's thanks KiKi for her efforts during the past month to let us have the opportunity to enjoy this special experience now.

Each conclave has a different exploration theme, and this time the theme is "transcending the self".

Each 'Sangha' has different topic to explore, and the topic today is 'I-Transcendence'.

What is the "transcendence of the self"? This is related to the artistic research project and spiritual journey that I am currently embarking on. Next, I will briefly share what "psychic" is, my "Transfer Project", and lead you to experience a trip to the astral out-of-body journey.

What's 'I-Transcendence' ? This topic is refer to my new experimental technology art project and my spirituality ascension journey. Next, I'll briefly share about what is spiritual mediumship (aka channeling) and my 'Transcendence Plan', and then we 'll have a meditation guidance to bring you guys to experience an astro embodiment journey at the end.

▶ Extended reference: Secret Society SANGHA

  • 2021/9 "Burning Man Sacrifice: Transcending Self" Experimental Audio-Visual Exhibition and Meditation Workshop, 2021 Virtual Burn, Internet/AltspaceVR
  • 2019/2 "The Secret Meeting of No Treasure: Holographic State of Mind" Experimental Audio-Visual Exhibition and Meditation Workshop, Acid House, Taipei
  • 2018/12 "The Secret Meeting of No Treasure: Memories of the Future" Experimental Audio-Visual Exhibition and Meditation Workshop, Acid House, Taipei
  • 2018/6 "The Secret Meeting of Wu Zang: Yin and Yang Synergy" Experimental Audio-Visual Exhibition and Transgender Exchange Symposium, First Door RAWDOOR Bar, Taipei

• Part I: Mediumship Is Not What You Consider As

First of all, I want to talk about what a "psychic" is. What is your impression of "psychic"?

First of all, I want to talk about 'mediumship'(aka channeling). What's your impact of mediumship ?

Let's watch a documentary, this is the world-class psychic Darryl Anka, who is widely loved by many as the messenger of Pasha, sharing his own upbringing as a psychic channel and a pertinent definition of psychic.

Let's watch a part of Darryl Anka's documentary. Darryl Anka is a household name who has been the beloved Bashar's channeler. He shared his own spirituality growth path of becoming a channeler and the accurate definition of mediumship in this video.

(The video is played and explained in conjunction with the video, no English interpretation is required.)

▶ Extended reference materials: short video guide in Chinese

OK, I have already explained clearly what psychic is. Those who are interested can search for the video on YouTube or watch the full version on the Gaia platform.

OK, it's very clear about what is mediumship truly is. If you are interested in this video, you can search it on YouTube or watch the full version on Gaia.

In short, everyone can be psychic. This is a common talent for all beings in the universe, but it needs to be practiced like other specialties.

In short, everyone can channel, it's the common divine gift for all the living existences in whole Universe. But it's also like other professional skills, you have to practice to master it.

• Part II: 'Transcendence Plan' Experimental Art Project

Why am I talking about channeling in the first place? Because this is related to my latest technology and art research project "Chaodu Project".

Why do I talk about Mediumship first ? Because it's related to my latest technology art research and development project 'Transcendence Plan'.

The "Super Crossing Project" is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is participatory performance art sampling. I am currently open to interested people to come to my temporary village-based studio to conduct this co-creation experiment. Participants will experience the process of uploading consciousness by simulating the rituals I designed.

'Transcendence Plan' is conprised of three main parts. The first part is participatory performance art sampling, I'm now open to everyone who is interested in spirituality to come to my temporary artist studio to co-create with me. The participants will experience a series of designed ritual as a simulation of mind uploading.

The second part is 4D digital prints and NFT virtual collections, and the third part is the brain wave sensing interactive device. These two parts are the application and reprocessing of the sampling results of the first part into physical works of art.

The second part is 4D digital painting and NFT virtual collection. The third part is brainwave sensoring & re-generating Interactive Installation. These two parts are the concrete artwork transformed from the consequences of the first part's sampling.

Participatory behavioral sampling uses hypnotic techniques to guide participants on a journey through time and space, simulating the process of extracting a copy of their own consciousness.

Participatory performance art sampling will use hypnosis method to guide participants experience a hyperdimension self-reflecting journey to simulate a kind of process of personal mind uploading sampling.

If you are interested in the "Chaodu Project" and want to experience participatory behavior sampling, you are welcome to make an appointment to register for participation.

If you're interested in my Transcendence Plan and want to be the co-creator in this project, welcome to RSVP.

• Part III: Mindfulness Guidance Before Astro Embodiment Journey (aka Genesis Meditation)

Now, please adjust to your own comfortable fixed posture, and then we will go on an out-of-body journey through creation meditation. We'll do a short breath meditation before we actually start playing the Creation Meditation.

Now, please make yourself fixed position in a comfortable way. We're going to have an astro embodiment journey through my Genesis Meditation guidance. We'll have a short mindfulness breath practice before start to play Genesis Meditation.

[Spotify Playlist] Genesis Meditation: I-Transcendence

Please close your eyes. Follow the flow of the sound and expand your breath.

Please close your eyes. Follow the sound flow and expand your breathe.

(Play music, Davis interprets "deep breath ~ exhale ~ ~" or something like that)

OK, very good. Next, please follow our guidance and follow the music, we are about to embark on the journey of out-of-body astral. During meditation, relax to allow inner vision to emerge, and whatever you see allows it to happen, remember that you are safe on this journey.

OK, good job. Now please keep follow our guidance and the music, let's start the astro embodiment journey. In the process of meditation, just relax and let your inner vision enfold. Whatever you see in the journey, just let it be, remember you're quite safe in the presence.

💫 Design meditation path: Death rehearsal ⇝ Crossing the Nether Sea ⇝ Passing through the niche door ⇝ Backlight report ⇝ Burning the inner ghost ⇝ Giving heart lamp ⇝ Returning to the world

Instant English Interpreter: Davis Chang

Lecture projection support: UGLYKIKI


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