True freedom is to forgive the unfree self

From childhood to adulthood, the world has provided us with various ideals, dogmas, principles, advantages, disadvantages, risks... We live in a world of countless hypnotic imprints, like shackles to pursue ideals, what is freedom? ?

From childhood to adulthood, we have countless hypnotic imprints stacked in our minds.

Parents and teachers say that success is hard work. So we ran hard, always feeling that one day we would reach our goal, but we also found that we always had another goal, and we were exhausted both physically and mentally.

People say, make money and get rich. So we tried every way to invest, but found that it was like a zero-sum game in the long run, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, wondering why the luck is always worse than others.

Some people say that good looks win at the starting point. So we are busy working out and dressing well, but true love is often impossible to find...

The world offers us all kinds of ideals, dogmas, principles, advantages, disadvantages, risks.... Our brains are accustomed to picking and aligning with certain beliefs, and even continuing to focus, giving life more direction.

So we live in these beliefs, living in a state of hypnosis .

In the world formed by these beliefs, when we meet our ideals, we feel great; but when we fail to achieve our goals or setbacks, we can’t help but blame ourselves for not doing well, or we feel that we are not good at meeting people, and when we are not with us.

However, if these beliefs often bring about feelings of fatigue, disappointment, or pain, is it possible for us to untangle our shackles and freely decide the course of our lives?

Is "being yourself" really free?

Some people who advertise "being yourself" are eager to get out of the social framework, some run towards socialism, and sneer at wealth; some choose low achievements unconsciously and conduct a silent protest; some are unique and live their own lives life, but still often dislike the blind obedience and the unfree world.

It's just that the above-mentioned people who "be themselves" are still struggling in this world he doesn't like, and they are not truly free. isn't it?

True freedom is to forgive the unfree self

In fact, true freedom is to be aware of and understand one's own unfreedom , not to eliminate all unfreedom. Only when we are willing to admit and break free from the shackles set by ourselves from childhood to adulthood can we have the opportunity to wake up from the hypnotic world and rewrite the script of life.

You know, the worries and self-doubts in our hearts always affect the achievement of our life goals. So try to be aware of your state and feelings:

  • Behind the dedication to success, is there a self who is afraid of failure?
  • In pursuit of wealth, do you have a self who worries about scarcity? Or need to use wealth as a guarantee of personal value?
  • Desire to meet true love, is there a gap in your heart that needs to be filled?

Such things, calm down and feel, living in a world constructed by social values, do you really enjoy the pursuit of ideals? Or are you working hard with anxiety and fear?

Both are states of life. Just remember that all thoughts and feelings are just a state of the moment. You are always the vast you, please forgive the once with those thoughts.

A free spirit can enjoy an unfree world

So, how do those who lead to freedom do it?

They know which hypnotic beliefs they follow along the way, and they are aware of the " underlying reasons " for their pursuit of ideals. In this way, there is a chance to stop being hypnotized like this, and to wake up.

In the process, admit all kinds of positive and negative feelings in your heart, whether it is self-doubt, worry or powerlessness, you are willing to accompany this unfree self.

Because they know that when they accept their "good" and "bad" , true faith will follow. With less self-doubt and blame, there is full motivation to achieve goals and enjoy the pursuit of ideals. You can even choose not to follow the crowd and create your own path in life.

Because of accepting and forgiving the unfree self, I gradually can look at the unfree others and the world from a benevolent perspective , naturally respect the life choices of others, and even begin to appreciate this seemingly unfree world.

People who know how to forgive themselves broaden their hearts, their minds become more flexible, and they begin to have a variety of options. Because of his kindness to himself, he has the courage to take on every decision and consequence of his own, and has the ability to create his own free world from now on.

with a peaceful heart

Begin to be aware of and forgive the unfree self

We are all on the road to freedom

Be aware of beliefs
admit feelings
Accept good and bad
forgive yourself

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S+【心靈創作/潛意識導引諮詢/社工師】曾經,日復一日迎合世界的標準,追求完美、害怕失敗、討厭錯誤...,苛刻地做為自己最大的敵人。直到踏上靜心與自我覺察道路,發現潛意識影響著我們每一天的生活,體認到力量在於心念之間,每一個當下我們都擁有選擇! 原來,生命本身是一場祝福,只待我們去「覺知」它。 也因此,盼將這份覺知與祝福,傳遞給與我相遇的每一個你,一起讓生命成為禮物!
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