Where are you? Mokosha

The rich man who escaped from the lunatic asylum, his only purpose is to find Mokosha, because Mokosha will give him invincible power and will make him no longer afraid... (For details, please read the novel "Looking for Mokosha")

Where are you? Mokosha

(From "Looking for Mokosha")

Where are you? Mokosha

are you in the crevice of the rock on the cliff

Are you playing with lions in the African savannah

Are you lounging in Tahiti in the South Pacific

Are you standing still in the red desert of Australia

Do you read scriptures in Thai temples?

I've been through hardships, I've been through vicissitudes

i feed the time

let it split out more details

Every detail fills your face

Even if you are a drop of water in the ocean

Even if you are a colossus on Mars

Even if you are a prophecy in the Indian population

Even if you are a cold wind on K2

Even if you are an ancient remnant stardust in the solar system

I have to find you

You are finally here, Mokosha

you come to me

You smile at the pen of a wandering painter on the streets of Paris

You spread your wings and fly, your figure crosses the imaginary sky

You yell three times to get people's attention

The first sound, wafting from the tomb of the pharaoh, the sound came to the sun god

A myth that enlightened mankind, guiding rivers to our eyes

That voice is ancient and mysterious

Shake the pharaoh's scepter to creak

You yelled a second time, giving humanity a revelation

The children are in your arms, playing, fighting, and briefly being in harmony

The Eastern Continent has heard your voice

Find your epiphany from the Zen scroll

Bells of the Apennines

spreading your nagging

Your voice is with the plague, with hope, with confusion

So you yelled a third time

You finally yelled out the third time, in the Dharma-ending era

God is farther and farther away from us in the sky

The Buddha also passed away in Nirvana

So you called, did you call, Mokosha?

I know you must have barked, you barked a third time, for the world

I'll call you

Who do you not call?

You are Mokesha, Mokesha, your third voice, I'm listening

first thing i open the door

just listen

the first thing i do after i get dressed

just listen

I hear your beautiful voice

No matter what beauty calls on the bed

Only pay attention to your gentle whispers

everyone is woken up by you

They set off to find you

Mokosha, you have to wait for me

I know you've been there, you've never left, you've never come

I imagine you as a land

i want to live with you

I'm coming to you to form a clan, to form a tribe

Mokosha, I am one of your billions of fans

I am your most staunch supporter, whoever makes things difficult for you, I will fight him without hesitation

Look, Mokosha

On the Mississippi River, on the Southern Continent

on the Volga

in the Yangtze River Basin

There are people with backpacks

They poured out of the house and went on a journey

I'm going to act now, I won't tell anyone, my loyalty to you

I want to compare speed and mood with everyone

I'm a wanderer looking for Mokosha

The wild goose has come into its own

I also set foot on the homeland of seeking relatives

Mokesha, you are the only remaining elder in my tribe

I swear on Xia Xiaoxing's name

don't find you

i am not your descendant

I will take the initiative

Give back your blood

Even if you are kidnapped, humiliated, buried alive, raped

I'm going to be with you too

You are my reason for living, Mokosha

You don't know how many times I cried for you when you were indifferent

Crying from winter to scorching summer

if god dooms me to die

i will die for you


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此岸江山時間:1984年。地點:強村。人物:若壬 。事件:若壬喜歡寫村裏發生的一些稀奇古怪的事情,但是村裏大人物不讓他講這些醜事。幸好,他遇到了Matters。
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