feeling of freedom

This kind of freedom doesn't feel like the freedom I wanted when I was a kid. At that time, I thought that if one day my parents would leave me alone, I could watch TV all the time every day, and sleep whenever I wanted. If one day I earn my own money, I can buy whatever I want without looking at my parents' faces.

Shenzhen finally had a few days of blue sky and white clouds. I especially like to go to the roof of the building to see the city, mountains and forests, the sea, and the small islands in the sea in such weather. Every time I stand at a high place and look down, I feel very free, because I can see the traffic on the street, and I can also look up and see the plane flying in the sky. I could be the driver in a car, or a pedestrian on the street, or I could be sitting on a plane looking down, or whatever. We are just like this, in the same time and space, living a different life, which is very interesting.

This kind of freedom doesn't feel like the freedom I wanted when I was a kid.

At that time, I thought that if one day my parents would leave me alone, I could watch TV all the time every day, and sleep whenever I wanted. If one day I earn my own money, I can buy whatever I want without looking at my parents' faces.

These two feelings of freedom can be described by the mobile operating system and the APP installed on the mobile phone.

For example, when I was a child, it was me at a certain moment, because of my genes, my upbringing, my reaction to accidents, all my habits, etc., were encapsulated into an app. When A was triggered, the app would be It will directly give a B feedback, or a C feedback.

I have heard a saying before, character determines destiny. Probably it can be understood that it is my self-app running law that can automatically run the corresponding destiny. Because thinking determines behavior, behavior determines habit, and habit finally solidifies into character.

What I feel now is that I will gradually expand later, dissolve the self, and get out of the self-app. I found that, damn, there is an entire mobile operating system in the background of this app, whether it is IOS or Android. Then I can download all kinds of APPs like crazy, it's inexhaustible. If I play the app for a while and I don't like it, I'll just quit. I have the right to say no.

Everyone is frantically using Douyin, wow, everyone has to have it, do I have to download it? At this time, I faced the problem of social identity, but then I thought about it, who would really care what app is installed on your phone, and how I like to use my phone, that is my own business. Right.

So all of a sudden, this possibility, that is, the entire app store is in front of you, freedom may be a choice, not pointing to an app to play for a lifetime, and you are still in the dark, always feel bored, and still Can't play anything else.

In addition to the free A side, we have to see that it also has a B side. In addition to this inexhaustible resource, your mobile phone has a power capacity limit, which can probably correspond to your own time. And your phone has a memory limit, doesn't it? I can't download all the apps indefinitely, I have to make trade-offs. Again, I have to try my best to prevent my phone from being stolen or dropped, which means you have to be responsible for your own life, your innate social relationships, your health, your survival resources, etc. Wait, you're all responsible for it, they form the basic hardware of your phone, don't they?

Everyone is the only mobile phone that is exclusive and limited in the world. We all have limitations from hardware, operating systems, memory, etc., of course, we must try our best to take responsibility, and the rest, go to the app store , feel free.


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子曰大陆咖啡FIRE生活实践者,工科出身,外贸从业,数字游民,LGBT人士,爱好羽球,非虚构类社科作品,早C晚A,对于自然世界与人类社会本身的好奇支撑起生命动力。 分享疫情期间在大陆各地旅居的所思所想。期待疫情结束后,去到更广阔的的世界。
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