How to take advantage of the learning curve

All three curves are fully analyzed! Combined with the ultimate application of the 28 rule

Recently, I have seen many people advocating the concept that "how long you read is not important, the focus is on effect and efficiency", and I myself agree with this idea. I haven't watched the movie, and I haven't enjoyed the movie, so reading time should not be part of our pursuit. We should learn to make good use of the learning curve, find the most suitable way for each subject, and even add the concept of the 28th rule to improve reading efficiency. !

Definition of Learning Curve

Before we can make good use of the learning curve, we must first understand the definition of learning curve.

Definition of Learning Curve

As can be seen from the above figure, the learning curve is defined by time and degree, and with the increase of time, the learning rate does not necessarily become faster or slower, and it changes according to the nature of things , so I will share with you next. Describe the three most common learning curves.

Learning Curve Classification

Learning Curve Classification

The most common learning curves can be divided into three types, concave, diagonal and convex, and these three types represent three different types of abilities, and then I will introduce to you how these three types of abilities are different, and why there are completely different types of abilities. Different learning curves.

The relationship between learning curve and ability

Among them, I will make a supplement to the technical ability. Taking learning document software as an example, most people can be completely familiar with the basic functions in a few hours. It is a very good software for entry, but the advanced functions are very useful It is difficult to use, and it takes a lot of time to learn specialization. This example is a typical convex curve. It is fast to learn in the front, and slow to rise later.

How to take advantage of the learning curve

Below I will show you how to make the best use of the learning curve in your daily life in two simple steps.

The first step to taking advantage of the learning curve is judgment
The second step to taking advantage of the learning curve is persistence

To sum up, these two steps are actually our primary attitude towards many goals. Judgment allows us to be more calm and insist on magnifying the effect. Only when the two complement each other can we achieve our goals.

Supplementary Note: The Rule of 28

When it comes to efficiency, we have to mention this famous law. Although it seems very unintuitive, the whole core is to find the most effective way to implement it.

The twenty-eight rule

Cold knowledge of the learning curve

Before the end, let me share an interesting cold knowledge with you. I wonder if you have thought about this problem before?

Cold knowledge sharing

Finally, I want to ask you a question, what if today you would make different plans in advance according to different goals? Or do you prefer to make changes as you go to make sure you don’t work in vain?

If you have any thoughts after reading, please leave a message and tell me. If you like my articles, you can also follow my IG account ~


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