Tainan City is preparing to adjust the housing tax rate, it remains to be seen whether it can pass the customs


Tainan City plans to adjust the housing tax to a more progressive differential tax rate. The current single tax rate of 1.5% for non-self-occupied households will be revised to "2.4% per household with less than 5 households and 3.6% per household with more than 6 households". The bill has been submitted to The city council has decided that if Tainan City successfully revises the law, it will become one of the cities with one of the best housing tax rates (second only to Taipei City).

But whether the adjustment proposed by the city government can pass the parliamentary level this time is actually worth watching, because there are precedents for failure. At the beginning of 2019, Huang Weizhe led a substantial reduction in the housing tax base as soon as he took office. In order to balance the reduction of the tax base, Tainan City also proposed to adjust the housing tax rate, and completely compared the tax rate to Taipei, but was blocked and returned by the three party groups. At that time, I also wrote an article about this matter: https://reurl.cc/q86bpE

But in any case, compared to other counties and cities whose housing tax rates are stagnant, or even the lower housing tax rates in New Taipei City and Hsinchu County to please builders, Tainan City Government should be encouraged to take up this issue.


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