The first is missionary

This man is a sloth


We drank that night, he took my lower lip, and we staggered back together hugging. As soon as I felt my calf hit the linen sheet, he shoved me onto the bed behind me. The bed was also soft enough. As soon as I lay down, I felt like I was sinking into it, and my whole body was so soft that I lost my strength. He was so adept at undoing my underwear from behind, and I was amazed how easily he could undo what I needed to pull off. But I didn't say a word, my mouth was blocked by his.

Next, he entered me while pinching my left breast. The moment he came in I suddenly felt the meaning of the word "enter". I felt like he got into my penis with his soul attached, not just his penis got into me, not just my vagina, but everything about me. I thought a lot about the second the vagina was filled, I remembered watching the formation of a fertilized egg in my high school biology class, the sperm - his penis inserted into the egg cell and released the male pronucleus, which was tightly packed with my significant other's genetic material. Together, we form a new whole.

The moment he entered me, a state that had never existed between us came into being. I burst into tears immediately.

But this short-lived beauty didn't last long, and I felt him pulling his cock out. I panicked instantly: what are you doing? He said: It can't be inserted all the time, it has to be inserted back and forth.

At that moment my short-lived good state was over. His cock started to be detached from me, and the quick thrusts sent a stream of cool gas into my vagina. Those bubbles passed through my stomach, chest and throat, and I stopped crying. . His moan grew louder and his leg muscles rubbed against my inner thighs with the same disgusting thump. He impassively directed me to shout with him, and he said that he liked the sound of making love one after another, and felt that it was a kind of sound of nature.

So after half a month, I learned to pretend to call bed.


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Ariana一部分的我散落在这里。 如果半年没回来,估计我那时已经死了。
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