"I will stay with you like this forever, because I know your pain best." - "A Piece of Red Cloth"

I'm proud of my acquaintance with you and my love for you until I die

A Piece of Red Cloth

That day you used a piece of red cloth

Blindfolding my eyes also blinds the sky

You asked me what I saw

I said I saw happiness


This feeling makes me feel comfortable

It makes me forget that I have nowhere to live

You ask me where I'm going

I said I'd go your way


I can't see you and I can't see the road

You held my hand too

You ask me what I'm thinking

I said I want you to be the boss


I feel like you're not iron.

But as strong and fierce as iron

I feel blood on you

Because your hands are warm


This feeling makes me feel comfortable

It makes me forget that I have nowhere to live

You ask me where I'm going

I said I'd go your way


I don't think this is wilderness.

But I can't see that the land has dried up.

I feel like I need some water

But your mouth blocked my mouth


I can't leave and I can't cry

Because my body is dry

I want to accompany you like this forever

Because I know your pain best

When talking about Cui Jian, there is always a word that cannot be avoided: milestone. He is officially recognized as the "Godfather of Chinese Rock". In 1986, "Nothing at All" made Chinese rock born in the world with a very high standard. And this song "A Piece of Red Cloth" was born in 1988. After more than 30 years, Cui Jian's influence in China is still huge. Not long ago, on April 15, Cui Jian held an online concert "Keep Going Wild", which was watched online by more than 44 million people. In this article, I want to talk about what this piece of red cloth means.

Without the "red" color that has been colored by history, "A Piece of Red Cloth" is a love song, and the understanding of the image of "red cloth" determines the boundaries of the song's connotation. The song is defined by you to what extent you understand it, but there is no right or wrong, as long as you can enjoy the song.

The red cloth covered my eyes, and combined with the social reality of China in 1988, it is easy to associate it with the thoughts of 1966-1976, or the red totalitarianism under the Western political spectrum. It is not unreasonable to say that it was the ideology of communism that was instilled in the whole nation before the 1980s. From the first line of the lyrics, the style of this song is simple and pure: "You" asked me what I saw and what I felt. "I" did not respond in a long-winded way, but only expressed my feelings about this piece of red cloth with simple and clear answers such as "I saw happiness" and "It really made me feel comfortable", which even made me forget that I was a homeless poor man with nothing.

But "I" can't see "you". I don't know what kind of person you are, whether you are tall or short, fat or thin, I don't know, I don't even know where the road is! Even in such an embarrassing situation, I have no complaints. I just want you to make the decision and go your way. My hand is held by you, and I hope you can make the decision for me. This is an unconditional trust. The lyrics here are written into reality, which allows different people to see their own shadows. It describes the story of a person who is blinded by love in the simplest language. Even if you have not experienced it, you can empathize with it, which is why "A Piece of Red Cloth" has a profound appeal. Isn't love like this? Even if I have nothing and no place to live now, "you"'s quality makes me willing to trust you, and I am not panicked even if I can't see the road.

Then, extending to the history of China from 1950 to 1976, there are many associations that can be made - political and religious control, or the dream of a better future in the depths of the spirit. The early days of a new country must be the most vigorous and energetic - you are not iron, but as strong and fierce as iron; you have blood on your body, because your hands are warm. "You" have both the firm will to move forward and the warmth of flesh and blood. The blood on your hands represents the great sacrifices made for previous efforts. "I" feel warm in my heart, because your firmness makes me feel at ease, and there is no lack of human warmth and care. The blood on my hands contains a sense of security and strong love that is difficult to describe in words. Only those who have experienced extraordinary times or have had unusual experiences can experience this strong sense of companionship and belonging.

However, there must be a way after all. No matter how much warmth and trust there is, it can only fill the spiritual void. Although the land under my feet is not a wilderness, it is already dry and cracked due to lack of water. This thirsty person wants to drink some water. But "you" did not let me drink water, but blocked my mouth with a kiss. Some people think that this is deceiving me with sweet words and not letting me speak, which is political control of speech. To a certain extent, I agree with this view, but such a narrow interpretation is obviously unconvincing. Kissing is the most intimate and loving behavior between lovers, and "you" do not let "me" drink water because there is really no water to drink. You want to use the sweet act of kissing to make me temporarily forget my physical needs. The extremely romantic act of "kissing" contains a lot of intentions, which is much richer than "no freedom of speech". You and I are not in an opposing relationship at all, but a pair of soul mates with deep love in a difficult environment, and a couple who probe their souls into each other's bodies in the thirsty wilderness - this is so touching, isn't it?

The highlight of the whole song lies in the last two lines:

I want to accompany you like this forever

Because I know your pain best

This person who has dried up due to lack of water is dying and can't even cry. What should he do next? Should he blame the person who brought him to such a dangerous situation? Should he break free and go his own way? No! I said, I will always be by your side, because I have merged with you. At this moment, the giver and the given are no longer distinguished. Your pain is my pain, and my pain is your pain. This pain is so intense that neither of us can escape. Only you know what I have been through, but you still can't help me get rid of it after making great efforts. Such a strong expression is the cruelest sentence about love I have ever read. All the roars, criticisms, and protests are just the externalization of anger and love. They are just superficial expressions of love and history. Only eternal companionship is the most painful and fiery sacrifice. All human history is a history of blood and tears, accompanied by crying, death, broken internal organs and broken limbs.

When I first heard this song, I was deeply shocked. Just a few lines of lyrics released the most instinctive emotions of human beings - love and hatred, which are extremely strong. This is a song sung to the Chinese people in the middle and late 20th century, and an aria sung to the Chinese people who were bloodied and scarred in the humiliating historical process. Wang Shuo said: "I almost cried when I first heard "A Piece of Red Cloth". It is written thoroughly! At that time, I felt that our thousands of words were not as good as his few words."

Everything that Jiang Wen wants to say in several films and what Wang Shuo wants to say in millions of words are all in this song. But excluding the political and contemporary meanings, this song itself is an overly romantic love song. Companionship is the longest confession of love, and wishes carry the power to break fate and change the world. Under the most difficult conditions, we still pray to be able to protect our loved ones, lick each other's wounds, and tell her "I fully understand your pain." This is the most romantic silhouette of love I can imagine.

Finally, I am a die-hard fan of "Neon Genesis Evangelion". When the last movie of the new theatrical version "The End" was finally released last year, this song "VOYAGER ~ 日付のない墓標" (translated as: Voyager ~ Tombstone without a date) made me cry like a fool. This song fits the theme of this article very well, so I will end with its lyrics:

The injured friend

Soldiers who abandoned

Please give your pain

Only tell me



Can't live just for yourself

Lonely person


Because of my acquaintance with you

My love for you

I'll be proud of it until I die


Riding on a cold dream

The Voyager Disappeared in the Universe

Things that change us all the time

We haven't realized yet



How far is it?

Can't go back anymore?


Because of my acquaintance with you

My love for you

I'll be proud of it until I die

(End of full text)

Finally, here are my favorite versions of "A Piece of Red Cloth", "Flower House Girl" and "VOYAGER ~ Daily Tombstone":

A Piece of Red Cloth:


"Flower House Girl": This song is sung by Jiale, hehehe, Jiale, my music,,,


"VOYAGER~日付のない墓標": This is the best edited version of "EVA Final" I have ever seen



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