[Workplace] Job seekers I have met

In just six months, I have met countless job seekers, let me record a hot case today.
The picture is taken from the Internet

I have worked in this company for more than half a year. When I first joined the company, the manager gave me the job of contacting job applicants. Since then, our company has been looking for employees in the production department. It is not high, and the salary is of course not very high. The main abilities you need are: being able to carry 15 kilograms of items, graduating from high school, and having work experience in food production lines.

The manager will review the resumes of all job applicants by himself, and after reviewing them, they will hand over their names and contact numbers to me to arrange an interview. In the past six months, there have been more than 50 people who have called and contacted, and there have been so many cases that the interview time has not come, and it is not surprising. In recent months, when I meet someone like this who doesn't come and doesn't make a phone call, I don't even call to ask. I thought to myself, "Are you looking for a job, or am I looking for a job? Why? Am I more motivated than a person looking for a job?" More often than not, when I call job seekers to make an appointment for an interview, they sound very confused and ask me again and again which company I am and what this company is doing. What, there are so many job seekers who haven't done their homework that I start to wonder. Now everyone is saying that it's very hard to find a job and it's hard to find a job. Is it because these people didn't do a good job themselves? Not doing what a job seeker should do? Or is it just that our company is an exception, because this kind of sad salary can only attract such talents?

Case of the Day: Job Seekers with Difficulty in Interviewing

Zack is the person I made an appointment to interview at 1 pm today. It was already 1:10 pm, but no one was ringing the doorbell in the office. I said to my sister at the counter, "Look! Another one who didn't come. For those who don't notify, we will wait for another person to come for an interview at 2 o'clock. Let me tell you first." The sister at the counter said: "Okay! The person who will come for an interview next, let's see if he can There will be no news.”

At 4:24, only 6 minutes before I get off work, a letter suddenly appeared in my email. The person who wrote this email was the same Zack. In the letter, he wrote:

Hey! Winnie!

Are you OK? I'm sorry I missed today's interview, but I've had some nasty things on my way to your company. It started with an argument, I got into an argument with the homeless man on the bus, and from that argument it got crazy! That bum and his friends started chasing me down the street, and I'm two stops away from your company! But wow, that's a place I've never been to in Vancouver, and it's ridiculous that someone hits them with heroin on the bus! So, I ran like crazy on the street just to get rid of them. Sorry again, but these things have made me lose interest in this job and this area is not a place I want to come to work every day . Sorry for wasting your time and thank you for giving me this opportunity to interview.



(Please forgive me for any inconsistencies in the above translation)

After reading this letter, I really feel that he is a writer who was delayed. I have a feeling that I want to continue watching after watching the first episode. I feel that what happened to him today is unfinished, so write it down for me One episode!

Besides, I have been in Vancouver for so many years, and I have never seen a person who is playing heroin on a bus, nor a homeless person who will chase you. Also, most of our offices are weak women who commute, and there are also employees in the production department. A bunch of girls and boys who look pretty weak, more than 20 people in the whole company don't have this problem, so Zack just met him today! lucky enough! Moreover, our area is not as complicated as he said. Many employees of the company's production department drive to work, and the cars are parked on the side of the road. There is no chaos as mentioned in Zack's letter.

If he made up this article because he didn't want to come to the interview, then I don't think it's necessary. There may be true and false, and some exaggerated parts. I will read his letter as a story, turn off the computer, Check in to get off work.


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