Being curious about the world is a privilege

Just have a clear conscience

1. The third season of Qi'an84's "Since I was born, I'm going to travel" has ended.

Travel variety shows used to mean nothing to me. "Isn't this just a baobab tree?" My past self might have thought so, but now I am slowly crying while watching Qi'an 84 pray with his hands clasped together.

I believe that the world is related to me, and the same thing may happen to me. I believe in my own possibilities, and that’s why I’m moved.

But this is also a curiosity that has been cultivated for a long time.

2. When I got a remote job, I stepped out of my comfort zone, left the city where I had been for a few years, and went to one new city after another.

I started posting photos on Moments and received some messages. Some people think I must be rich to travel all the time.

But I am not a rich person. I also had no support from my family.

People think I have something that I don’t have.

This gave me a great shock. I suddenly realized that everyone sets limits on many things.

How much money do you need to save to do what kind of things. If you don’t have that much money, you have to postpone the gratification of your desires indefinitely.

——Am I not that kind of person?

3. I did delay my decision to become a teacher because I had no money.

I really want to be a teacher and engage in education. I became a teacher for the impact.

When I was a normal student, I worked as an English tutor for two or three years in order to save money to buy online courses. I met children from different family backgrounds, and I felt slowly, clearly, and painfully what the "imbalance of educational resources" is.

I clearly watched as the children went from first grade to sixth grade, the children in public schools gradually lost their agility, courage, and curiosity about the world compared to children in private schools. They need a "standard answer".

But life never has a standard answer. If you rely on standard answers for too long before entering society, the blow may be fatal.

At the same time, showing the world is not that difficult. Too many educational resources, such as graded foreign journals, are freely available online. I really want to show students the connection between knowledge and the world.

Later I thought, it would be better to go to the society and exercise for ten years. After you have more social experience and capital accumulation, you can show students different textbooks when you become a teacher.

A social textbook.

4. My life is strongly dependent on chatGPT, and I don’t want learning to make people become more and more like machines in an era of rapid development of AI, and it is an extremely backward version.

I deliberately train myself to explore different topics and train my curiosity about the world.

I know that, just like the children I have met who have better family backgrounds, for them, they do not need such deliberate self-training. Their family background provides this naturally, and others will do it for them.

I won’t feel sorry for myself, who has deliberately trained for a long time to reach the starting line of others.

We most likely only live once. The most important life lesson for everyone is to be responsible for oneself. I'm not repeating other people's lives.

Just have a clear conscience.

Kalm Village, Chiang Mai. A very favorite place, a free restaurant. I hope people who go there can pay attention to the cleanliness of the appearance and the sound.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

luzhiyuan保持强烈、单一的欲望 今年愿景:用英语进行深度交流 | 开辟第二份收入来源 |做个稳重的人|身体健康
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