"The Miracle of Copying English" The power of copying brings a little victory every day

Facing the turbulent world, the process of copying allows me to temporarily put aside the external noise and create an environment where people can concentrate on their work, feel calm inside, and bring spiritual enrichment after completion.

Author: Brett Lindsay
Publisher: How

"The Miracle of Copying English: In 10 Minutes a Day, English and Life Take Off"

This is an English learning book that is recommended to be read in 100 days. It is also a beacon that brings abundance to life!

Brett Lin , the author of " The Miracle of Copying English ", is a foreign English teacher who teaches SAT in Taiwan. He used his 25 years of teaching experience and combined with his practice method of learning foreign languages ​​(for him, Chinese), and finally With the presentation of this book, it will help more people pick up their passion for English.

The materials in this book are very simple, but "how to use" these materials is a big question!


Teacher Lin Xi wrote 100 inspiring articles covering 10 important life topics. These articles are very similar to the concept conveyed by " Principles ". Only true principles are combined with the laws of nature (virtue that is universally applicable) .

These articles are not too long, about 1 to 2 minutes in length, and can also be listened to with audio files recorded by Teacher Lin Xi.

Teacher Lin Xi also mentioned that in real life, native speakers mostly use informal English when speaking and writing , so he also adopted this writing style. This is a choice he made after careful consideration, to make everyone more integrated into the daily situations of native speakers.

▌How to use?

In the preface of " The Miracle of Copying English ", two learning concepts are mentioned: "spaced repetition" and "copying".

The former is reflected in the arrangement of those 10 topics. The same topic will appear again every 10 days on average; and spending a short time every day to complete an article in this book for 100 days will be more effective than swallowing it all in one go. ideal.

The latter is an ancient but powerful learning method that requires you to copy the article you see every day. When was the last time you "wrote a paragraph well" like this?

The following is my implementation of this book based on the suggested "how to use" it:

  1. Read the Chinese translation of the daily article (this will make it easier in the second step).

  2. Read the daily article (silently).

  3. Read the daily article and match it with the audio file (take your own silent recitation in the second step and compare it with the accent of a native speaker).

  4. Copying (can be done more than once at different times).

It's amazing that in the process of copying, you will pay attention to (think about) some details that you didn't notice (take for granted) before, such as whether there is an "s" added to the verb here, and whether the "to" is followed by V or Ving. ⋯⋯.

The remaining stages are to practice repeatedly and increase the intensity (recite silently → recite simultaneously → recite sentence by sentence → reinterpret the article without a manuscript). I don’t do it every day, but I will do it when I have time.

▌Postscript: A little victory every day

I originally wanted to spend the rewards from the "Readmoo book credit" (which can be redeemed for e-books under 250 yuan). I browsed this book on the official website and it was unexpectedly useful!

Facing the turbulent world, the process of copying allows me to temporarily put aside the external noise (3C products), create an environment that allows people to concentrate, and feel calm inside. After completion (a small victory every day) brings spiritual energy On the abundance.

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