"Ni Kuang"

Ni Kuang is not a memory of my childhood or middle school. His writing has revolved around me for half of my life. Wesley's adventures really saved my life.
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I don't know when is the last time you read Ni Kuang? I personally was two days ago.

Yes, just two days ago, after biting a piece of marijuana chocolate, I started to run wild, and suddenly remembered the two lines of fighting in the Yuhuatai Stone (slightly wrong), but I am not sure if the top leader was involved (no), So I went online and read the story again before going to bed.

At the end of the story, the evil alien creatures failed, Ni Kuang/Wesley concluded: Although human beings on earth show all kinds of ugliness, they also possess noble qualities (sacrificing themselves to protect all beings), and there is still hope - as long as No more killing each other.

Of course, we all know that humans have no bottom line when it comes to cannibalism.

But that's not the point. The point is that from childhood to middle age, no matter if I have walked out of the windless Coconut City at the southern end of the island, I have seen many strange customs on the earth; no matter what my reading content is varied and constantly changing with age and identity; No matter my stance ranges from yearning for the capital of all dynasties and capitals of China in this life, to extreme disgust with the Chinese government and Confucian civilization, I will open Ni Kuang's novels if I have nothing to do.

Especially in the most melancholy year in Germany, I woke up every day and locked myself in a dark apartment without being able to speak. For a while, in order to prevent myself from committing suicide, I watched all the episodes of the CSI store and branches endlessly, and then in In the dim light at night, reread all Ni Kuang's works (except Yuan Zhenxia).

I didn't choose Ni Kuang's novels to read at that time for other reasons. I didn't want to spend my brainpower so I read the novels, and because I already knew the plot, I wouldn't have unexpected mood swings.

You see, Ni Kuang's novels to me are not just memories of extracurricular readings in childhood or middle school, Ni Kuang is not just a legendary or legendary name in Chinese literature, he has never been my favorite writer, Wesley and even Bai Su Neither is Mulan Hua my favorite character, and the political metaphors in his novels may be brilliant but not so much to me as I study modern Chinese politics or human history.

But all his works are closely related to my life .

For this reason, I am very grateful that in the Chinese world and era I live in, there is a writer named Ni Kuang. His writing is the same as that of Harry Potter, and he will probably continue to accompany me into old age.

There are many mourning articles about Ni Kuang, so I won't go into details. Anyway, for me, whether he leaves or not, the novels are all there.

Recommended website: Nixue.com
(The first time I discovered this website may have been 15 years ago. The amazing thing is that this website has been updated until this year.)
Extended reading: Which book to read for Ni Kuang (guide)

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YZ|捲座標多倫多,半路出家的政治學徒一枚,文字時而溫柔,時而暴烈,時而浪漫,時而尖銳,時而簡潔,時而瑣碎。網站:https://yztoronto.com/ 【近注】不需要追蹤我,最近忙於家事和讀書,大概率也沒新文章可以追蹤。
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