SP|2021Matters Annual Questionnaire

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
Dear Matt City, you are very much like my good friend, no matter what happens, you will be there to listen to me silently, or wait for me to tell you what happened recently. Many times I don't know that I can tell him my innermost thoughts, and when I look back, I will know that you can be my warm companion.

(Skip the first two questions because I feel that it is a bit boring to ask, the questions are a bit boring, and I always feel that there is nothing special to say, and what should be said is in the usual article.)

1. In 2021, where will you lay flat?

No, for me every time I was "about to lie down" at the moment before, there was always a strong motivation that woke me up and told me that I couldn't lie down. Taking a step back, I'm basically where I'm not likely to lie flat . Because I care, I care, I want to be better, and that kind of good in my mind .

Conversely, if I don't exist, it means where I don't care, don't care. Not to mention lying flat, things that would never appear in my line of sight, things that I didn't even care about, I really couldn't even "lie down".

2. In 2021, what gives you the deepest sense of meaning or gives you the greatest sense of power?

The feeling of being recognized, understood, and accepted, especially by unknown people in Matt City, and Matt citizens who have never had any relationship with each other. The most meaningful and energetic thing in 2021.

In 2021, I have developed a habit of loving writing , and Matt City must be a big pusher .

I am very grateful to every friend who has liked my article and even supported me, and I always feel that this is an amazing thing. In Matt City, there are really a few people , maybe you will never meet each other in your life, but you can always feel a deep resonance time and time again in their words, or discover interesting new things again and again .

Two of these people are @无, @AzureSky, I know that there is a community event that recommends each other recently, but the positioning of this article is not to participate in that event, but simply to express my love for them The love of words has graced my trip to Matt City in 2021.

(It's more likely that the graduate students at the end of the year are too explosive, and they can't find the time to write an article for them, but I think people who can read my writing should know the two of them, right?)

3. In 2021, a farewell or an encounter you experienced

I met a girl at the end of last year, and this year I learned how to say goodbye to my love and say goodbye to my gentle, romantic and somewhat unreasonable self. But when I say goodbye, I don't mean to see each other again , but I believe that one day we will meet again .

I want to tell him that I will find you again one day, maybe in the last month or two, I think I will find you soon , but it always seems to be a little short. It's as if the moment I'm about to catch you , you disappear into uncertainty again , lost in too much speculation and anxiety .

4. How has your relationship with your body changed since last year? Do you like your current body more?

This question is an embarrassing question in the questionnaire xDD, because I can't use any metaphors, stories, or switch various perspectives to explain like the previous questions. I must be very honest and say: Yes , the body is getting worse . There is no other reason, that is, I like to stay up late to sleep, and then lack sleep, and I like to publish articles at strange times. ( And then secretly complaining that some articles might have less clapping ?)

5. Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you meet in 2021

There are quite a lot of music that can be recommended, because I usually listen to the Taiwan Indie Orchestra the most. Among them, the Taiwanese band I like very much: Paixie Juvenile . Today I recommend their song " Undercurrent " to everyone. Their songs can always bring me energy, with calm and rhythmic drum sounds, catchy and memorable melodies, and very flavorful lyrics...

A song that gave me a lot of energy in 2021

6. Share a moment that meant a lot to you in 2021 with a single photo.

In June 2021 I graduated from college and joined Matt City. At the end of August, I officially enrolled as a graduate student at the Institute of Philosophy. Since I became a graduate student, I only felt excitement and anticipation in the first month of school. In the following days, I have maintained my position to this day, and I have been chased by various reading progress, report deadlines, and work efficiency.

Not to mention excitement and anticipation, I feel that it is amazing that I did not apply for a leave of absence, and I feel more and more about the pursuit of education and academics. Perhaps, it has never been the best solution to reduce the class gap. We are increasingly suspicious of the possibility of class mobility. It seems impossible to practice "academic life" and simply focus on one's own academic major.

Usually I like to watch the sunset and the sea to relieve stress. But in the days of the new school, I seem to have long forgotten this interest. When I found this stress relief method again, the school had already started for more than a month. Every day I wonder if I can find myself in philosophy , or if I can once again restore the rhythm of life I want.

The first sunset photo I took at school after I started graduate school in September 2021.

7. Please fill in the blank: 2021, meet Matters

In the second half of 2021, I met Matters on the recommendation of a friend. Dear Matt City, you are very much like my good friend, no matter what happens, you will be there to listen to me silently, or wait for me to tell you what happened recently . Many times I don't know who I can talk to about my innermost thoughts. When I look back, I will know that you can be my warm companion .

8. Dear HJ, do you like yourself now?

To be honest, my recent state has been a bit bad , bound by time, limited by self-expectation, and even more by the need of others for myself—the sense of self-needing, like a hungry beast, anxious to get affirmation, and started not to. Know what pace of life is what you want.

I sometimes doubt that my state seems to have not been better since the second half of the year. December is the summary of the year. Do you like yourself more? How would you respond to the current situation? Don't rush to get better, don't expect to see results quickly, because the real priority is always learning to let go of yourself .


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見|https://liker.land/redisyoyo/civic 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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