Mintscan | LikeCoin is now live!

LikeCoin users can finally access news using this powerful blockchain browser

The long-awaited, LikeCoin can finally be seen in Mintscan!

On the Mintscan homepage , you can search, pull down to find LikeCoin chain, or you can see the current proposal of LikeCoin on the right hand side. Just click the link or enter !

LikeCoin's homepage DASHBOARD , you can see the overall situation of LikeCoin, such as the account rate and commission APR%.

VALIDATORS validators can see the current active validators, and Comostation has joined LikeCoin as a validator.

BLOCKS is the verification status of the current block.

PROPOSALS is used to see the motion, everyone is familiar with it.

IBC RELAYERS can see that LikeCoin has Juno and Sifchain's IBC Replayer and it is alive and clicking, oh!

ASSETS can view asset conditions, such as total supply or inter-chain supply, etc.

PARAMETERS is the setting of the blockchain. If you want to know more, you can refer to the old article LikeCoin chain's decree: The ignored BigDipper setting page is roughly the same.

Since LikeCoin successfully changed the wallet prefix from cosmos1 to like1, I am waiting for this day~~ I hope that Cosmostation wallet will also support LikeCoin later, so that there will be a mobile channel for managing LikeCoin other than Liker Land app, excited~~


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Daisy「𣎴去糾正觀點不同的人,克制自己的反駁慾,是情商最高的行為」 自封 LikeCoin 後援會頭號會員及會長、高重建盲粉、元祖讚賞公民2019年1月1日加入。 所撰寫之內容不歡迎任何人以任何方式截圖分發,斷章取義,斥責不雅,敬請自重。除非 tag 我或關聯文章,否則不予回應。
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