[Balkans short story] Ljubljana. night

This series of records is scattered in Balkan memory between 2018-2019. As the capital of Slovenia, Rubiana has a unique leisure. It has not yet reached the prosperity and decency of Western Europe. However, it has gotten rid of the disproportionate wages and prices in Eastern Europe.

The two years 1848 and 1888 are marked on the Flying Dragon Bridge, which is probably the last prosperous age of the Habsburg family. At the end of the nineteenth century, nationalism was surging, and the bronze flying dragon could no longer protect the aging Austria-Hungary Empire. Emperor Franz Joseph I built this bridge on this nearly 600-year-old territory to commemorate the 40th anniversary of his accession to the throne. At this time, he did not know how many years His niece would be assassinated on another bridge, completely changing the face of Europe.

It's just that the past doesn't matter much once you're walking around the city.

Ljubljana is almost what I imagined, the new town is similar to Ghent, Bucharest, Dresden or other European cities, all kinds of chain stores or sweatshops are displayed; the old town is small and charming , a small river, a few bridges, a few minarets, accompanied by a few celebrity anecdotes and urban legends, and of course street performers, lying in the center of the square on a hot day, rolling and waiting.

As the capital of Slovenia, Rubiana has a unique and leisurely style. It has not yet reached the prosperity and dignity of Western Europe. However, it has gotten rid of the disproportionate wages and prices in Eastern Europe. , Entering the thirties, Rubiana has his own unique attitude.

In the evening, I managed to recover from the jet lag, took a walk along the Sava River, and turned back to both sides to find something to eat. Probably because of the meal time, all the tourists crowded into the restaurant on the shore. The lively memories of summer in Europe and the crowd rushed up. I walked into the alley, picked a place, chose a Slovenian dish, and took a bite. I ate it slowly until it was dark.

Then slow down the shutter, leaving a few shots of the night that you won't be able to savor after joining the tour group.

 It was written in the summer of 2018 in Rubiana before the group with my parents came to this city. That was the last time I accompanied my parents with the group, but I forgot why this article appeared in the draft inexplicably.
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