[Food Notes]-Wanhua District, Taipei City |

In fact, I already ate it last Friday, and I didn't introduce it to you until today. XDD

Today, I am going to share with you the Ho Le Egg Roast in Wanhua District, Taipei City.

Located at the intersection of Heping West Road and Xiyuan Road in Wanhua District, this Hole Egg Roast is also a convenient location for one of the food distribution centers in Wanhua District.
There's a whole slice of good food there.

Really a whole piece.

The establishment of this egg roast is the same time as when I moved to Wanhua, it has been nearly two years.
The stall car in the arcade, like the boss, is full of style and personality.

Image source: https://mongahaole.com/

The egg roast sold by Ho Lok is a Korean-style egg roast with an oval appearance. Like the chicken cakes that were often bought on the roadside when I was a child, it has a crispy shell and a warm and dense heart.
And the old gear car pattern printed on the outermost layer highlights the gear car soul buried deep in the boss's heart.

Image source: https://mongahaole.com/

In addition to the soft texture of the egg yaki, there are also a wide variety of flavors for you to choose from.

Image source: https://mongahaole.com/

On the stall cart, there are also some Wanhua books for customers waiting for the egg to be cooked.

Last week, when I visited this egg roast restaurant, it was raining heavily because of the typhoon.
After running around for an entire afternoon, all the clothes I was wearing were soaked and attached, like the wind and rain brought by Xuan Lannuo lingered around my body and lingered.
While waiting for the eggs to cook, it was dripping wet everywhere.

The rain slid down the eaves of the porch, dripping on the sidewalk, bit by bit, eroding my patience and fueling my irritability.
"Hey, your eggs are ready." Just when patience and irritability were about to break through a certain threshold and come to the intersection of death, the boss's voice in my ear was like the arrival of a savior, which relieved my negative state of constantly dropping san values.

There is still the residual heat of the iron plate in the egg roast, and when I put it in the palm of my hand, the tiredness and irritability that were tumbling in my heart subsided little by little.
When I got home and opened the paper bag, the heat instantly blurred my eyes.

The flavors I settled on were custard and bittersweet chocolate.

When I was in school and tutoring when I was a child, if my mother was in the right mood and time allowed, she would buy wheel cakes as snacks for our children.
And I always choose the creamy flavor.
The warm crust wraps the hot, thick and sweet custard filling inside. If you bite down recklessly, you will always be scalded, but it will not reduce the satisfaction of enjoying desserts between the pressure of schoolwork.

Later, when I grew up to the point where I didn’t need tuition, and I didn’t even have to pay for points, I still felt that if the word “happiness” was embodied, it should be the appearance of a slightly smoking custard sauce.
Even if you work hard and run around, even if you are exposed to the sun and rain, you still have to pamper yourself like you were loved by your family when you were a child.

The bittersweet chocolate is my portrayal of that afternoon.
The thick cake is covered with a corner of dark chocolate, and the first reaction on the tongue when it touches it is bitterness.
The slightly sour and sharp bitterness of plant alkaloids refreshed the taste buds, but what followed was the pure and thick aroma of chocolate, spreading between the lips and teeth, making people ecstatic and unable to stop.
At this time, the taste buds are completely stretched out because of the infinite depth and aftertaste, until the chicken cakes in my hand have disappeared, and I still feel unsatisfied.

After eating this egg yaki wrapped in bittersweet chocolate, I felt relieved about this embarrassing last day off work.
When we feel some suffering, perhaps it is leading us on a journey full of depth and lingering.
And the pure and fragrant sweetness is also coming towards you on the road you are carrying forward.

Although this Ho Le Egg Grill has been open for two years, my colleagues and friends have served me before, so I have already had contact with it.
But on that bad weather evening, I came to his stall for the first time and bought two egg roasts from it.
Looking up, the halo of the signboard seemed to be smiling at me in this dim wind and rain.
It says "Let's just relax and enjoy."

Image source: https://mongahaole.com/

This should be the master of this world who wants me to meet this store in another state, in another more practical form.
After all, the embarrassment and irritability of the whole afternoon were gone after I finished enjoying their egg burnt.


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午月因為生命是音樂 死亡是聽
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