come come come! Analyze your own music style (Spotify)


When I hear a very nice song, I hope that the types of songs played next are similar to this one. I believe everyone has this experience, right? Now, both Spotify and Apple Music can actually provide this function - radio, but I don't know if anyone has the attribute of a categorization madman like me. I want to know what kind of music this song is, I need to remember it, next It can come in handy when making up a playlist or wanting to immerse yourself in the genre again.

So, I found a service that can analyze the types of music in Spotify - Organize Your Music , tried it out and found it interesting, and wrote a record to share with you.

Organize Your MusicHome

Analysis mode

Five analysis modes are provided, which are (let’s translate English to Chinese 🤣):

  1. Songs you've saved to Your Music: Songs you've saved to Your Music
  2. 2. Songs you've added to a playlist: The playlist you created
  3. Songs in playlists you follow: the playlists you follow
  4. All of your music: All your songs (1+2+3)
  5. A specific playlist: a specific playlist

After understanding these options, we can start to analyze the music style.

Step 1 Select Analysis Mode

If you choose 1/2/3/4, you can directly click "ORGANIZE YOUR MUSIC" after choosing. If you choose 5, the following screen will appear:

At this time, you need to copy the link to the playlist in Spotify, as shown below:

 Right-click on the playlist, select Share, and then select Copy Spotify URI

Step 2 Link Spotify account

Link your Spotify account

Step 3 Wait for the analysis to complete

It doesn't take a few minutes for more than 1,000 songs, I think it's very fast.

Start analyzing...
Analysis results

GENRES: Shows the genres that have the most to the fewest songs, like I am pop > dance pop > post-teen pop > tropical house > electropop > ….

THE TRACK LIST: Displays a list of songs of a certain type, and also lists other information such as: Top Genre (the most suitable type), Year (year), Added (the time when it was added to the playlist), BPM (tempo), etc. Wait.

THE PLOTS: According to the distribution map of different attributes, you can see where different songs fall under specific attributes, such as: songs will make people feel alive, how happy is the degree... and so on. (Remember that when Spotify could install third-party packages in the past, there was actually an app like this)

THE PLOTS distribution map

STAGING PLAYLIST: If some songs are checked in THE TRACK LIST , they will appear in this list, and you can create a new list of these songs directly in Spotify.


Although it may be a bit reluctant for the music itself to be classified into only one genre, and it may be a bit aggrieved for the creators. After all, the creators all hope that they are innovative and unique, but for a layman like me , this is a way to understand music types, especially if you want to find non-mainstream music types, you really need to know a classification to discover music.

However, I don't know how accurate the classification of this analysis tool is, so it's an interesting reference.


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