Fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal of the left foot

What can be done? Raising chan~ The hard days of the two grandfathers are coming. Pig, with a sad face ~ even the little ones suffer. The day just felt a little hopeful, and a basin of ice water struck again...

I'm impatient and quick-tempered, and I really got myself into trouble. When I'm in a hurry, I want to rush up, it's not a big thing, it's just a small thing. The effort to send the child to school hurt the instep. Afterwards, a big bag swelled up, and I heard the sound of the jam, and a voice in my heart was thinking back, this is the end~

At first, I had 10,000 regrets. I guess it would be fine to walk the child to school in the morning. If the shoes were not so soft, it might be fine. If the book was not in the child’s bag, she would be fine. If... the problem is, the intense pain makes me clearly feel that there is no if not negotiable.

On the way to the emergency medical center, the pigs kept chattering, how could you be so careless, be careful? This is not your first time. Yes, both knees have been fractured in two years in the past few years. I have a strong feeling that I am dying. Like a glass, it shatters when it falls to the ground. From my younger brother's point of view, he thinks my calcium loss must be serious when I have two children. Then I treated myself as a man for so many years~ I did everything myself, and I moved by myself at the beginning. Really wronged myself.

When I went to the emergency center, the nurse at the front desk asked for an ID and an insurance card, and then a nurse took the blood pressure and asked if there were any drug allergies, and then waited for the doctor to come, without any treatment. The doctor waited, then checked a little, said to take an x-ray, as I expected, gave us the address, it was in another town, 17 minutes by car. Well, just navigate. Speaking of sprains or broken bones, shouldn't you give me an ice pack? After taking the X-rays, let us go home and wait for the doctor's call, and the film will be sent to the doctor. I asked the pig if he saw my broken bones, and he said he didn't understand. Forget it. Don't ask. There is still a lot of work to do today, so I can only wait for it.

The language barrier, I was waiting for the doctor's email, but it never came. In desperation, I asked my classmate who was studying English together. She said before that her son also had a broken bone. She replied to me, a friend of hers, also had a sprained foot, and also waited, she was still very painful, and it hurt for a few days, and then flew to a private hospital in Chicago for surgery at her own expense, she said that in the United States, unless you are dying Seeds give you the green light all the way. Fractures like this are irrelevant. She said you have to tell the doctor that you are going to die of pain.

Then, there is medical insurance, which California must buy, without fines. Bought, and from time to time will be notified in writing that we have requested to withdraw from the insurance plan, let us confirm this. Then I made a phone call. The government department was doing business. In order not to express myself in a wrong way, I asked for a translator to join in. I wasted years in the ringtone of the phone.

I am considered a strong person, and I have no minor ailments. When I join this insurance plan, I have to choose a family doctor again. What is the concept, that is, to see a doctor, you must first find a family doctor designated by your insurance company, and then the family doctor will recommend your specialist doctor, and of course, you must make an appointment yourself. Make an appointment with a doctor in the United States, you know everything you know, but it takes time. Because I joined the new insurance and appointed a new doctor, I had to ask him to pay $5 for the outpatient clinic first, and then he could transfer me to another orthopaedic doctor, and then that doctor could see a doctor for me. And because I am a new patient, it will take longer. We explained the situation, only slightly ahead of schedule, we have to wait until 12 o'clock next Monday. Today is Wednesday 3⃣️, I have to wait five days. If I have another appointment with an orthopedic doctor, it is still a long way from my fracture to be known to the orthopedic doctor.

Fortunately, I received a report from the doctor who took the fracture film. The base of the fifth metatarsal of my left foot was fractured and slightly displaced. It's not as painful as the classmates said, but now it's swollen, a big bag. Calm down and think about it, the doctor in the emergency center is useless, he came out to show his face, and then asked us to go to another place to take pictures, called me and told me that you have a broken bone, ice and elevated. The rest is on your own. Go to make an appointment and make an appointment with a family doctor. There is no medicine for the injury, just wait. I searched on the Internet, and in my case, it was cast in plaster.

What can be done? Raising chan~ The hard days of the two grandfathers are coming. Pig, with a sad face ~ even the little ones suffer. The day just felt a little hopeful, and a basin of ice water struck again...

Sometimes, it's really hard to be away from home and in a foreign country without a family. The thought of going back to my country came back to my mind. Maybe some relatives and friends will feel better when they are here. Like me, it's really uncomfortable. Let every day be unreasonable, and the earth and the earth will not work. I don't dare to tell my parents, it will only make them worry, and there is nothing I can do if I know.


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