Night talk review Tokyo Rimongatari Community building in Japan's place creation

Where should the dying class go in the future?

In the night talk yesterday (7.23), the guest we invited was Tokyo Ri Monogatari . The theme was community building in Japan's local creation, explaining the importance of community and the self-help society of the middle class.

by Tokyo Story

The effect of this night talk is very good, the guests are professional, the voice is clear and loud, and they are high-level and simple. I feel that so many wonderful contents can actually be talked about for a month or even longer, but within an hour, I have to summarize the outline Many can only be taken with one stroke.

The focus of the evening talk last night was still to focus on the importance of the community to the individual and why we need the community to discuss these two things. I agree that the most important thing is people.

He also talked about the future of the middle class, a class that is dying out in an M-shaped society. Because of the short time, many concepts and examples of the guests could only be brought to the show a little bit, the response was very enthusiastic, and there were quite a lot of participants, including new friends from BAR.

Thanks to Tokyo Li Monogatari, I look forward to inviting him to come again next time, and tell us about the in-depth, systematic, regular and comprehensive.

Thank you to everyone who participated and we will see you this weekend.

The grid of the story in Tokyo:



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