Pink Femininity? Come on

The emergence of pink feminism can declare the complete bankruptcy of the first stage of Chinese feminism

The water article, not to mention whether pink feminism was constructed, or whether they were using an irony themselves, all showed the failure of this movement.

I used to have reservations about feminism, and wanted to see if it could bring something new, if it could really approach the center of power and improve class issues.

The emergence of pink feminism made me gradually give up hope for this movement. I am now completely desperate for the identity politics. Except for division, tearing, and confrontation, I don’t think there is any construction. If neoliberalism can’t find a way to improve itself, it is destined to be swept into the trash can of history. The so-called progress of feminism in the past two decades is nothing but a pretext for the progress of universal human rights on an international scale.

Feminism has raised a large number of people in China. In addition to pushing downwards against the weaker Puquexin boys, these people have now learned to flirt and move closer to the center of power. This is disgusting.

After feminism was introduced into China, it was brought to a very deformed position in the wave of Chinese totalitarianism and nationalism, and it has never been expressed coherently.

The hypocrisy of feminism is that you can ask the feminists around you, if they are heterosexual, do their mate selection criteria for men require height, appearance and wealth power?

The vast majority of feminists in China are fake, but they are just waving their flags for what they don't get. Their essence is the same as some people who scold corrupt officials. If it is their turn to be officials, they may be more corrupt.

They/they just didn't sit on that throne of power.


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用爱心说诚实话反本质主义,反物理主义,反西方中心主义,反语言霸权,反伪·新自由主义。 反一切虚伪的魍魉魑魅。
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