Clearly support ChatGPT to kill the Internet content that is full of garbage

Don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I'm talking about everyone here...

ChatGPT, a chat robot that knows astronomy and geography, has screenshots of conversations spread throughout the Internet. It is incomplete if you haven’t chatted with it about Qin Huang, Han Wu, and the life of the new crown virus. But soon, its "hot energy" will pass.

During the chat, ChatGPT is like a straight boyfriend who cares about you and has limited knowledge. Sometimes he has to repeat "drink more hot water" several times, but he can't judge the real reason why you still talk to him because of your abdominal pain .

This "friend" is also not very trustworthy. Although he frankly stated that he lacks the ability to predict the champion of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and cut off everyone's thoughts of "getting rich", he also talked nonsense about the 2018 World Cup champion in Russia and opened his eyes to talk nonsense.

It can be said that when you know the correct answer, ChatGPT can still be viewed. If you don't know, it's better to be cautious.

The profound significance of ChatGPT is that it raises the lower limit of all articles in the world.

Most of the articles flooding various channels are far inferior to ChatGPT in terms of accuracy, knowledge and logic. However, no matter how good the article written by AI is, it is just a "short, flat and fast" data integration. Writers should not be satisfied with the "shadow writer" writing method of ChatGPT; readers should pursue more in-depth and higher-quality reports.

Not exactly to pour cold water on it, either. chatGPT is very touching, especially in areas such as family disputes and emotional problems. Last week, there was a screenshot of chatGPT helping people answer "the wife is angry that her husband thinks the Christmas tree is too expensive and doesn't buy it". chatGPT first pulls up, saying that there is something to discuss, don't be emotional, and then give a solution-or the two of them themselves Making a Christmas tree by hand is not costly; or traveling, you don’t have to pay attention to the price of the Christmas tree at home.

This routine is completely in line with psychological theory: to appease the emotions, stand on the side of the speaker, and then give some practical solutions rationally. From this perspective, chatGPT is indeed better than most straight men.

"Christmas Tree" was a high-frequency issue in December. Shopify executive Cynthia Savard "broke defense" against ChatGPT. ChatGPT helped her write to her son: "I am writing to let you know that I am not a real person, but a character of a story your parents told you out of love."

"Your parents told you stories about me and my fairies to bring joy and magic to your childhood. They wanted you to believe in the spirit and magic of the holidays," it added, "Parents to Your love and care is real. They created great memories and traditions for you, and hope your childhood becomes special."

The two "Christmas" stories actually highlight the true ability of ChatGPT as a new generation of "chat generation pre-training converters": answering questions raised by humans as comprehensively, decently, and informatively as human beings.

ChatGPT comes from the OpenAI Research Lab and is powered by the GPT-3.5 series of models, including model versions prior to 3.5, all trained using text and code data on the Azure AI supercomputing infrastructure. It should be noted that the preview version that people are currently using is not connected to the Internet, and any responses from it will come from training the model offline. You ask it "how's the weather today", it doesn't know.

The most important change in the GPT-3.5 series of models is the adjustment based on real human feedback. This is a newly used AI training method. The marker will write the expected reply in the model, sort the marked answers according to the expected reply, and reward the model by sorting. In the process of continuously optimizing parameter iterations, the reward model is input to obtain optimized parameters.

Human marking and guidance play a big role

To use an analogy, it’s like you are taking a final exam, and you fill in the exam papers according to what you have learned throughout the semester. If you answer correctly, you will get a high score and a high ranking. When you go home, you can get the latest Super Mario Lego that your parents bought. If it’s a Chinese test, you know that the judging teacher likes Lu Xun, and he didn’t forget to say “In my backyard, I can see two trees outside the wall, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree” when writing the composition. classes, and the chance to unlock even more rewards.

After adding a large amount of labeled feedback that humans expect, it is equivalent to a kind of "predisposition guidance". According to the same mechanism, you can get rewards. As a result, ChatGPT has greatly surpassed its predecessor GPT3, which can only answer the "definition" of keywords dryly according to the question, while ChatGPT can already speak "following the meaning of human beings", and sometimes it seems worse than straight boyfriends. intimate.

Machine learning and human brain learning are roughly the same. This is also the reason why artificial intelligence suddenly made rapid progress five or six years ago-the deep learning model convolutional neural network is actually a breakthrough in a multi-layer perception system similar to artificial neural networks.

Different neural layers receive and process different information, step by step, and get a "correct" description of something. The computer simulates this process and begins to "learn" people's "recognition" and "cognitive" abilities.

"Rewards" are similar. In most cases, all activities that humans do that are beneficial to survival will secrete some reward substances such as serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins and endogenous cannabinoids in the body to make the brain feel "happy". And AI can get the high score judged by the system, which is a "reward" for it.

ChatGPT already has all the qualities of an excellent customer service. Compared with the idiot customer service robot that people often encounter, "I suggest you say it again", ChatGPT can definitely make all consumers happy and regain the feeling of God that they no longer have high blood pressure. Any industry that requires customer service has the potential to benefit from advances in this technology.

In addition, ChatGPT is also a good efficiency tool.

Such as search. Some people think it is enough to replace search engines like Google, maybe too absolute. First of all, ChatGPT's integration of data is based on "dialogue", and there are a lot of nonsense about succession and transformation, which will waste the searcher's time. Secondly, ChatGPT does not absolutely guarantee the authenticity, and does not provide the source of the information, and the searcher even has no way to verify it in many ways. It can be said that under the premise of fidelity, some industries that require knowledge inspection may be expected to use ChatGPT.

Like writing. Not just ChatGPT, GPT3 is already very good at writing papers. They will arrange the materials they have collected under the very typical writing ideas of TOEFL essays, which are well-organized and very standardized, but there is really no "originality". As long as we remember one thing, human knowledge work actually requires creativity rather than repetition, so we don't have to be hungry for it.

Like painting. ChatGPT can be linked with the recently popular Stable Diffusion. Use ChatGPT to form a paragraph of text that meets your requirements, and then input the text into Stable Diffusion. The resulting paintings are generally much more beautiful than those directly entered by yourself. Maybe AI understands AI better - ChatGPT's description is more detailed and easier to extract.

As a professional writer, the emergence of increasingly intelligent AI such as ChatGPT, I think it has played a very good role in promoting reflection.

In a sense, ChatGPT is another aspect of question-and-answer media and knowledge payment. You want to know a skill or a piece of information quickly, ChatGPT will answer you without thinking. Reading and knowledge can be acquired through very convenient, minimalistic technology, not through a long, winding learning process. Unlike search engines, you don't even need to screen information and identify the source yourself, ChatGPT will do it for you.

For creators, this is a big challenge. Fast and direct is the goal, watching a movie in five minutes and explaining a masterpiece in ten minutes. ChatGPT is a technology that conforms to the needs of the times (aligning downwards, not upwards), but it should not be the purpose of creation.

Articles created by "shadow writers" will soon flood various media and channels, and many people will not be able to tell the difference between them and human writers. The "Space Opera House" painted by Midjourney before won an award. At first, the judges didn't know that it was drawn by AI.

This is a normal phenomenon, or in other words, the high-quality text of AI is sufficient for circulation and commendable. But if human creators are satisfied with this, there may never be "Macbeth" born.

The infinite monkey theorem states that if you put an imaginary monkey in front of a typewriter for an infinite amount of time, the monkey will eventually write Shakespeare. The monkey in the picture is writing "Macbeast", a parody of Shakespeare's "Macbeth" (Macbeth)

ChatGPT, as well as the previously released, can help creators quickly generate drafts or outlines, save time and energy to focus on the details and depth of writing, and create more valuable works.

With AI, it is unreasonable for us not to create great works earlier.


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超载叽“啊哒”~嘤嘤怪+硬妹,一个经不起批评的人。科幻文学硕士,星球大战中文网副站长。关注科技、游戏、艺术、美食、历史等领域。曾服务于多家主流媒体,主持过文化、科技、游戏等栏目。 创作,是要发现和体现属于自己的趣味。 此博客登载本人原创文字和编译内容,未经授权严禁转载。 “伏枥骅骝千里志,经霜乔木百年心。”
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