Speak|Everyone has a mouth, but how to speak well?

Talking is something that we can keep improving by using our own snacks. And speaking well, the biggest gain, of course, is ourselves

talking is getting along with others

Words are meant to be heard. The more you speak, the happier others are; the happier others are, the more they will like you; the more they like you, the more help you get, the happier you will be.

Opportunities are only given to those who want them. For those who don't want an opportunity, there is no chance of it being lost or missed. No one is right or wrong, and there is no good or bad, just the difference between what you want and what you don't want.

No knowledge, no insight, no sense of humor, it may take a while to improve. However, being passionate and deeply interested in the people, things, and things that appear in your life can be changed with a single thought.

We must make speaking our own responsibility, and no one else can speak for us. And speaking well, the biggest gain, of course, is ourselves.

Common mistakes we make:

Too many words will fail! If you don’t want to let yourself talk for a long time and still be ignored in the end, you should first organize your thoughts in your mind, and then tell the other party concisely and solemnly. Don't let your words fall to the ground and no one answers them, making them worthless.

Of course, there are big and small events in life that will affect our professional performance, and we can only do our best. Is it naive to think that everyone at the scene will give you a big tick on the test paper first, and then give you 10 points of comfort? Such an opening will only make the atmosphere slump in the first place, making your presentation sound weaker and less powerful than it should be.

When we speak, all the parts of us that we despise and feel bad about others are often our own problems. We can't hear ourselves, but we all think that the other party can't hear. Many mature people who have seen the world in front of us are often reluctant to directly point out our ignorance or mistakes, because they are afraid that we will not be able to step down.

The nonsense of a meeting is equivalent to burning the company's money!

People with a weak sense of presence don't have to swear frequently.

Don't pull self-cultivation to the opposite of honesty. The dimensions of the two are different, and they are fundamentally different things. If you really care about honesty that much, then you should actually value honesty more, and place more value on honesty in your life. What is a valuable position? For example: what is used to face yourself, not what is used to face the outside world, your heart. That is, be honest with yourself.

Respect is good, but reverence to the point of trembling and shivering becomes obsession. Treating any person on the altar as an ordinary person is definitely not disrespectful, but a good attitude that will make it easy for each other to speak human words.

Instead of trying to stick to the things that make you the same as everyone else, try to find the things that make you different!

When quarreling, don't deny the other party's fundamental position of existence, and don't attack the other party's foothold in life. If we have nothing to do, we can practice scolding ourselves. If we can scold the truth, we will be more and more able to accept the scolding of others calmly.

Even beasts can control their volume, how about you? Unnecessarily loud volume doesn't mean cheerfulness or closeness, it probably just means lack of control, lack of consideration for others, or deteriorating hearing.

To speak ill of others behind their backs is a tasteless thing in the field of gossip. Those who do this, of course, have their reasons for doing so. We are not their parents and teachers. We are not obliged to remind them, and we have no position to control them. But we don’t want to become such a person ourselves. We don’t have to speak ill of people behind our backs to make money. We still need the respect and trust of others in our lives.

Improve your speaking style:

Sometimes in life, the good ones are just idiots, and the bad ones are geniuses! Making others feel "unfinished" about you is always the highest purpose. Be a genius, don't be a fool.

There are highs and lows in everything. There are different tastes in clothing, tastes in eating, gossip, and of course grades.

Gossip is inevitable, gossip is a must, but you can pursue a more tasteful way to gossip, rather than gossip behind others' backs.

Self-mockery is not just a tactic of speaking, it is also an expression of self-confidence. We don't have to laugh at ourselves often, it will be very pitiful. We might as well find the source of our self-confidence first, and then use self-deprecating as an occasional time to relax. You will find that when you relax, others also relax. What's more precious is that the moment you relax and laugh at yourself rather than others, you gradually become a person with a sense of humor.


Compassionate greetings make you more popular

Books need to be good-looking, and they will not win with more words. If a book with many words is good-looking, then a thick dictionary should be the best to read. The same is true of speaking. You can talk more or less, but the important thing is to make the listener feel comfortable.

If you use rigid words, you will get rigid responses. If you use a more flavorful statement, you may get a more flavorful response. Spice up your speech and let people see how well you can handle your message!

Want to be an angel in someone else's heart? Want to be noticed? You might as well practice setting up obstacles. Don’t always play the role of coming and going. Set up some obstacles to give yourself a little buffer time. If you still decide to refuse later, at least there is a way out. It's always a good idea to let things start in a less-than-successful place, and then move on to something that's better and better for everyone involved.

Improve your speaking skills:

Our appearance may not have an audience at the moment, but our words must have an audience at the moment. It is not necessarily the appearance that others see. We attach so much importance to it, but there must be someone who can listen and speak. .

Start by looking in the mirror when speaking! You can record your reports and speeches on your mobile phone, and there is a better mirror, that is, those acquaintances who have heard you speak and chatted with you candidly tell you how they usually feel when they listen to you .

When you say "no," try to blame yourself and put the blame on yourself. In this way, blaming yourself for breaking the game, although you seem to have wronged yourself, on the one hand, the other party has steps to go down. Very cost-effective!

If you make a rude call, you will hang up ruthlessly; even if it is a little urgent and it is too late to send a text message, when the other party picks up the phone, you might as well add a sentence: "Is it convenient for you to talk now?" , at least to express We value other people's time. The other party was asked by you in this way. Although the next five minutes, even ten minutes, or thirty minutes may have been wasted, the other party approved you to plunder his time.

Commonly used chat questions can be roughly divided into three types. The first one is "fill in the blank" plus "true and false questions", which is easy to get stuck in chatting; the second one is "declaration questions", which is suitable for those who are knowledgeable and like debaters; the third one is the least stressful "quiz questions" "It's very close to the people and has no IQ threshold.

Since we are facing an emperor who will not cut our heads, when explaining our position, we might as well have a clear heading like a newspaper editorial, and at the end, make a clear conclusion to ensure that the other party understands us.

When "talking in a simple way", you might as well "test the water temperature" and "measure the wind direction" first. As long as the other party is willing to reveal their emotions or values, it means that the other party is interested in having a few more conversations.

Emotional fire, put out the fire with emotional pink foam. (For those who have anger and emotions, they should be a functional "fire extinguisher", grasp the core of the reasons for their emotions, and guide the other party to control their emotions)

Of course, an interview is also a performance. You play a person who is full of expectations and enthusiasm for the job, not a difficult uncle. It makes sense to apply for a job and want to know about the company’s benefits, but it’s not appropriate to ask face-to-face.

Who said "you can't interrupt someone talking"? As long as the way of interrupting is polite and the attitude shows interest in what is being said, the speaker will be happy. The speaker is talking endlessly, everyone around is dozing off, those who are playing with their mobile phones are playing with their phones, and no one interrupts the speaker at all. Do you think the speaker will not feel like crying?

When you don't know what to talk about, talk about food!

If you want to strive for performance in speaking, don't ignore it: you can strive for performance in the ability to "listen", rather than blindly strive for performance in the ability to "speak".

When you are forced to do something that others may not agree with without a good reason, it is best to bite the bullet and give a reason. In this way, you may still be very guilty, but the other party will somehow feel much better. (Refer to "Influence", whether it is a reason or not, as long as you say "because", the other party will accept it by default)

Everyone has a set position, but usually there is still room to be guided. If you practice more, you will gradually be able to guide the other party step by step to a place where both parties can reach a consensus. This is "seeking common ground in differences", finding the greatest common divisor of both sides' opinions.

When you want to convince others, when others miss your point, you need examples . Then before you try to convince others, you can test whether you can give examples to prove your claim and make them understand.

Put on the doorknob for your introduction! (When introducing yourself or referring others, include specific examples that interest the other person)

Don't ignore the power of coquettish, don't put this weapon away because you are not a crush. The core of coquetry is "showing weakness"! It's not shameful to show weakness, it's just a trick. Coquetry is a trick of communication.

To practice giving thanks, don't just say thank you and think it's enough, add specific examples . Through the words spoken, train yourself to be grateful, and train yourself to grasp the importance of human feelings.

It doesn't have to be left or right, most things have multiple paths.

Every time you complain about something, it is followed by a compliment. (This method helps to improve the atmosphere that is about to be destroyed)

If you are not good at talking to yourself or keep a diary or something, then find a good friend you can talk to, and you can rely on them as a spool to help you unravel and help you make decisions in difficult moments.

Sensitive issues are best approached from insensitive angles. (For example, when talking about salary, make a joke first, and reduce the precautionary mentality of going straight to the topic at the beginning)

The above are all my experiences through other people and my own daily life. If you know how to speak, you know how to be a person. If you like my articles and hope to support me in writing, you can go to the following link to support me without the cost of a cup of coffee, just two strings Fish balls are enough, thank you


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