My Ads - Updated Version 2.0

It’s been a long time since I’ve shown you the commercials I shot. In fact, there are some from TV series and movies, but none of them have been released on the street. Moreover, the commercials are easier to share. I hope you all like them.

Originally, I was just an extra, but it was strange that the salary was so high. I was actually a special guest actor. My opponent is afraid of dogs and doesn't do well. I'm not afraid of dogs, and the dog is actually so cute. But the production company should communicate with the actors first. You better have good eyesight, I only have a one second shot.

There was no audition required for this commercial. The director already liked me very much and praised me for doing a good job. But the filming lasted all night and ended at 11 o'clock in the morning. Being an actor is not easy at all.

Although you may not know the actor named Yang Weilun, he is very funny and I like him very much. I even took a photo with him.

This is my first time filming a music video. Being a female prisoner is a big challenge. I edited my own parts, so the music doesn't flow.

It took me a year to shoot this Payme before it was released on the street. I had to pay twice because of image rights issues, which was good.

HSBC’s advertisement and Payme are both from the same company, so there was no problem for me to take the photo. Among the actors, different agencies came to me. Because I did well, another agency waved to me, and I was lucky enough to be able to shoot Andy Lau's commercial later.

This commercial was for a home-filmed casting. Because the director wanted exaggerated acting skills, he chose me. The price was high but I didn’t have time to eat. I secretly bought a bowl of Poke Go Hawaiian sushi bowl rice during my free time. It was super fun and delicious.

This is the first commercial I shot in Mandarin. Originally it was just the same sentence back and forth, but suddenly there were two more sentences on the scene, which made me very nervous. Moreover, I was really nervous to shoot with Andy Lau. Fortunately, the director, The assistant director and the client were both nice people, so patient and complimented me from time to time. When I finished filming my scene, the whole audience applauded. I was so touched!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

陳海雅現在專注演戲和創作的躁鬱病人 在Matters神出鬼沒
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