How is the report grid made?

To stick to the right of freedom of publication, Mi Department will continue to publish!
Press: A text written in Apple last year, in today's environment, even more absurd! Specially reposted, to pay tribute to those who are still holding on, those who do not back down. Let's all do it together until there is absolutely no way out.

"X, ATV!" This joke, everyone must have heard it, in addition to laughing and cursing, it also summarizes everyone's impression of ATV. A media, whether it is a print media, online media, or video media, must have its own unique positioning and establish its own style. For a newspaper, it is the newspaper format.

The movie "The Post" is a Hollywood first-level production, directed by Spielberg, and Tom Hans and Mellie Streep. Although it was Spielberg who temporarily decided to shoot, the intention was to satirize the current government, but it also maintained the standard. The film tells that in the Nixon era, an analysis report of the Vietnam War was leaked out of the Pentagon, and the content revealed that during the Vietnam War, the government used a lot of false news to mislead the public to support it, and it got deeper and deeper, and the country and the people suffered. The New York Times, a national newspaper at the time, was the first to get the secret report, but after publishing the first report, the government immediately issued an injunction to prevent them from publishing other parts.

The Washington Post (the origin of the film's English name) was a regional tabloid at the time, and it was ambitious and did everything possible to get a secret report. In the face of the injunction of the New York Times, and they are located in the capital Washington, they are the eye of the political and economic center. In the face of all kinds of intricate relationships and inextricable network connections, the newspapers can move the whole body at any time. How to choose? In short, a movie is about how the format of a newspaper is made.

There are two main lines in the film, Tom Hans plays the editor-in-chief Benjamin Bradlee, and how did a group of editors and reporters find clues, obtain the "Pentagon Papers", and then digest the content and turn it into a written report. The plot, the whole team is united, doing their part for this important moment. Katharine Graham, the boss played by Aunt May, was forced to take over after her father bought the nearly bankrupt Post, and then her husband took over the business. At that time, the media was dominated by men, and so were the political and economic figures in Washington. She was at a disadvantage, one can imagine. The "Post" is preparing to go public. If something goes wrong and offends the powerful, not only may he become a prisoner, but the "Post" may also be wiped out.

But as a boss, she has to trust her subordinates, and she also needs to stand on the same side as them. To achieve great things, we must seize the opportunity and take a little risk. She also weighed the importance, consulted with many people, and listened to their opinions. "I ask you to give me advice, not to give me orders!" In the end, she chose to join the Post staff. The most moving scene in the film is when she and Townhans come to the printing room, everything is ready, everyone is in their place, she gives an order, the machine starts, that is the most beautiful voice, that is the freedom of the press sound! An outspoken newspaper was published.

But this is not a fairy tale. Of course, the government is furious and has resorted to the law. After several rounds of back and forth, the freedom of the press is maintained. In fact, the independence of the judiciary is very important. This is also the system of a democratic country, which can check and balance all parties, and the government cannot just cover the sky. All freedoms and rights are not given by God. Every place has struggled and fought for it. It has been debated openly in the court, and it has come back and forth over and over again. The experience of each place is different, but we must strive to fight for it. As in the sentence read in the movie, "the press was to serve the governed, not the governors", I hope the governors will be aware of it.

"The Washington Post" became famous in this matter, but the "Watergate scandal" that followed really made them famous and established it as a national newspaper, but that is the subject of another movie. To borrow a sentence from their other editor, Ben Bagdikian: "the only way to assert the right to publish is to publish" To uphold the right to freedom of publication, Mi will continue to publish!

Note: Post a link to the original in particular to see when it will be gone!

[Guozi Reading Room] How was the newspaper format of "The Washington Post" made? A century-old newspaper of "Hard and Dangerous, I Endeavour" - Duncan Lau


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