Forced to Need Help | Guo Jing's Diary of Covering Sweat and Dust | 2/16-2/19

A dog basking in the sun on the road on February 16 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

February 16

What happened to the bad luck?

I moved to Muhan in November 2019, and a new type of coronavirus emerged in December, and the virus spread widely in January.

It rained heavily two days ago and my house leaked.

In December, I bought the rice cooker and wok on Xianyu, and now the button of the rice cooker has some problems, and it takes a lot of presses to respond. A screw has fallen off the handle of the wok.

The screw at the water handle position of the mop fell into the squat toilet.

I'm pretty unlucky, but certainly not the worst. What do you do when you encounter bad luck? Small people can only handle themselves.

Is He Hao unlucky? He posted a Weibo on the 14th and wrote: I never thought my dad was very capable, and I didn't benefit from being an official all my life. Until this epidemic, when the whole province was closed, he sent a car to take me back to Jingzhou from Tianmen through his relationship.

Tianmen was once the city with the highest death rate from the novel coronavirus. It is unfortunate to be trapped in Tianmen. It is human nature to want to leave. But there are very few people who can leave in this situation. He Hao also posted Alipay bills in 2019 on Weibo, with a total expenditure of 2.86 million, of which 2.12 million for home life and 320,000 for clothing.

On February 15, He Hao issued an apology, explaining that his father was He Yanfang, the section chief of the Jingzhou City Commerce Department, and he had no right to send a car to take him back from Tianmen. He claimed on Weibo that He Yanfang was just taking advantage of his friend's relationship and contacted a return vehicle transporting daily necessities at Tianmen to bring him back.

He Hao claimed that he is a self-employed person engaged in clothing business in Guangzhou. The annual bill of Alipay is the running bill of his business, not given by his father. It was published to show off his achievements.

He Hao is very unlucky. He was just vain and wanted to show off, but he met serious netizens. But he has already used his privileges and gained benefits. Who will this high-sounding apology actually help?

Yesterday's dinner was fried pork with garlic moss and porridge.

There was only one lamp in the room last night, and I was chatting with friends in the semi-darkness.

Some people say that there was no appetite for a few days, and then they found that it was just too unpalatable to cook by themselves.

Someone said, "It's been less than a month since Feng Chen, and it feels like half a year has passed."

We talked about whether your partner's breakup violence toward your ex is related to you. First of all, no matter whether it is an ex or not, a person breaks up violence against an ex, we should not turn a blind eye, but should do our part to stop the violence or ask for an apology and other punishments. In addition, many abusers only abuse one person, and they will not easily change their behavior patterns.

In November 2018, Jiang Jinfu was detained for domestic violence against his Japanese girlfriend. In November 2019, Jiang Jinfu's new girlfriend claimed that she was domestically abused by Jiang Jinfu. She said that the days with Jiang Jinfu were like being in prison. So for yourself, if your partner is unapologetic about previous acts of violence, you could be the next victim.

I am worried about restricting going out. I have a sense of panic again. When I chat, I feel like I am eating. It seems that it is not because I am hungry, but I don’t know when I will not eat. .

Before going to bed I started thinking: If the property wouldn't let me out, I could sneak out through a gap in the temporary fence damaged by the storm. However, I don't know what the punishment will be if I sneak out of the community and get caught, and I'm worried that I can't afford to break the rules now, even though the rules are unreasonable.

My apprehension about being able to go out came into my dreams. In the dream, I was trapped with others in a place I was not familiar with. This place has more than one door. After we went to one door and was blocked, we tried to see if the next door could go out.

People and cars downstairs in the community on February 16 (picture provided by Guo Jing)

The sun is shining today, the roads outside are basically dry, and there are not many traces of storms. In the community downstairs, two sanitation workers were sweeping the floor, and one was walking the dog.

Have I opened the ordering appX, and all the supermarket interfaces display "temporary rest, please come back another day".

Because yesterday's request to leave the community was rejected, I don't know if I can get an exit permit today. I went to the property management room with the mentality of giving it a try. I said I was going to go out to buy vegetables. The staff gave me a "temporary resident pass". The earliest date of entry and exit is February 12.

There are also remarks on the temporary pass:

1. One certificate per household, please keep it properly,

2. Each household can send one person to go out every three days.

3. Enter and leave the community with this card.

I became someone who had to be approved to go out.

When I was leaving the community, the security stopped me and didn't look at the temporary pass, but took a photo of me. I don't seem to have the right to refuse, and I forgot to ask him why he took pictures, just thinking about going out. He also told me: "Buy more food at a time." The moment I went out, I felt much more relaxed.

Temporary pass for residents on February 16 (Photo courtesy of Guo Jing)

There are three dogs sunbathing in the middle of the road. One of the alley entrances was covered by a blue fence, and outside the blue fence was blocked by a yellow guardrail and a Mobike. On the blue fence is the "Announcement of Wuchang District on Implementing Closed Management of Residential Areas", which contains eight articles:

1. Strictly implement the closed management of the community;

2. Strictly eliminate gathering activities;

3. Strictly manage the personnel returning to Han;

4. Strictly manage public places;

5. Strict home observation management;

6. Strict information release;

7. Strict community environmental governance and rental housing management;

8. Strictly enforce discipline and law enforcement.

Article 7 reads: "Implement the management responsibilities of rental houses and strengthen the management of lessees. If there is any abnormal situation, it must be reported as soon as possible. If the epidemic situation is not reported in time, the legal responsibility of the house lessor or unit will be investigated according to law."

Is this asking the landlord to supervise the tenant? Generally, people who rent a house should be adults. If they are really infected with salt, they should be responsible for themselves. Many people and landlords do not live together, how to supervise? Will this cause the landlord to evict the tenant?

At this time, someone pushed the blue fence away and walked out. More than one alleyway or passing by was sealed off. It seems that my attempt to run out of the community through the temporary fence is too naive. They have thought of everything I can think of, and they have sealed everything that can be sealed.

The alley that was sealed off on February 16 (Photo courtesy of Guo Jing)

There are community workers posting announcements at the intersection of the supermarket. After one person finishes posting, the other person takes a photo.

There were more than ten people queuing at the entrance of the supermarket, and everyone queued up consciously, waiting for someone to come out before entering. At this time, someone walked straight in, and the people in the queue were very angry, and some people scolded, "I have never seen such a shameless person." The person who entered did not know who it was, and did not respond to everyone's anger and abuse.

There are about twenty people in the supermarket each time. The fruit on the fruit shelf in front of the supermarket is a little more empty than before. Vegetables are quite complete. A freezer for quick-frozen food was empty, a shelf for yogurt was relatively empty, and luncheon meat and sausages were all gone. There is meat in the meat cabinet today.

My mood today is a bit like the first day of Fengchen, worrying about survival again. Now I go out once every three days. I don’t know if tomorrow will be changed to once every five days, or even once every ten days, once a month . I bought another 5kg of rice, two bags of noodles and enough vegetables for a week.

When I came out of the supermarket, I found that I forgot to lock the bike when I came over on a shared bicycle, and the bike was ridden away. My account was temporarily frozen, and I had to walk home with more than a dozen kilograms.

Walking on the road, I thought of "The Handmaid's Tale," a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood that was adapted into a TV series of the same name. I only watched TV dramas, in which extremist religious forces occupied parts of the United States, established the Gillette Republic, and used armed forces to control the country.

Everyone has specific responsibilities in this country, and many have to be forced to accept their responsibilities. The women in the play have their bank cards frozen at first, and then the female employees are fired from the company. The fertile women are reduced to maids. They have to perform a "fertilization ceremony" with the bishop every month to give birth to a child for the bishop's family. It has nothing to do with the maid.

From the dust to the closure of the community, our activities are being controlled more and more tightly, and our sense of control over the world is being deprived a little bit.

My next date to go out is February 19th.

People queuing outside the supermarket on February 16 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

February 17

How much food should I stock up on?

A friend asked me how much rice I have at home, and I said more than ten kilograms. She said that this is enough for a month, and let me stock up on some more. I know she's right, but I can't accept the state of constantly hoarding things, I feel very perverted. She was a little worried and said, " But there is no food, and no one can help you right now." People tend to hoard a lot of food in extreme situations, and I am still denying my situation to a certain extent.

Some people think that the blockade of the community is to control the epidemic, but I think it is more to control people. There are only a few people who go out after the wind and dust. Everyone will take precautions and try to avoid going to densely populated places as much as possible. Under such circumstances, the infectivity of the virus is very low, but I dare not say it is impossible, and no one dares to say it. I'm still a little apprehensive when I go out.

But is this possibility big enough to block the community? Because the blockade of the community will deepen people's panic and powerlessness. After closing down the community, the sense of control I regained by going out and learning about the situation around me was deprived again.

Of course, there are still some people who think it is necessary to close the community. If I am unfortunate enough to be infected, these people may even applaud.

Yesterday's dinner was fried pork with cabbage and porridge. The wok that lost a screw finally couldn't hold up anymore, and the whole handle fell off. Fortunately, the former tenant left behind a wok, although it tends to get mushy when cooking.

Chat with friends at night. Some people are eating the couple's lung slices, and everyone expresses their envy.

Some people love spicy food, and now she can only eat Mala Tang in her dreams .

Someone started working from home, she said Monday to Friday.

Since Feng Chen, I have no concept of "day of the week today", only "today" and "tomorrow ".

A friend in a county in Hubei said that the level of martial law in her place has made it impossible to leave the house. A relative reposted a video showing that people who went out to dry clothes were arrested. Online mahjong players in Hebei, Shanghai, Hubei and other places have been arrested, some have been detained administratively, some have been fined, and some have written a review and read a letter of guarantee on TV.

Some people say that Evergrande Real Estate has issued a special discount notice. From February 18th to February 29th, all properties on sale across the country can enjoy a 25% discount. It's a great deal, but people who can't afford it still can't afford it. Now the national highways are free, but how many people can still drive on the highways?

Rich people increase their value by buying houses, while ordinary people can only save their lives by buying rice. There are some cheap things that ordinary people can't enjoy .

At night, I dreamed that my contact lenses were broken, and I couldn't match them during the epidemic. It was not a big deal, but I was crying in the dream. I have been wearing these contact lenses for almost half a year. At first, my eyes were particularly rubbed, and I shed tears from time to time. Now I am finally used to it.

Announcement on February 16 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

I woke up at 7 o'clock this morning. After waking up, I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling above my head. I suddenly found that there was a happy goat on the lamp shell on the ceiling. This is something I hadn't noticed before, I don't usually lie in bed looking at the ceiling. I was startled and quickly got up.

After the dust, I paid more attention to the surrounding environment, which I didn't pay attention to before, and this was because part of the world disappeared . I had a lot of emotions, anger, sadness, powerlessness, but together they turned into numbness.

I bought flour on the day of Fengchen, thinking that I could make egg pancakes when I had time, but so far I am not in the mood to make a pancake. The sweet potatoes I bought have only been eaten once, so I added a sweet potato to the porridge.

The sun is still very good today, a little dazzling. The sky is very clear blue. It's a pity that the house I live in faces north, so I can't get the sun, so I went downstairs to the community to bask in the sun after breakfast.

The community I live in has 3 buildings, the one I live in has 10 floors, and the other two buildings have only 7 floors. There are more than 200 households in the community. Now I can only walk in the community, and the amount of exercise is very limited. I live on the 7th floor, so I started to walk up and down the stairs.

The community is very small, and there are very few places where the sun can be exposed to the sun. I can only walk back and forth in the gap of 50 meters between the two buildings. A middle-aged man was also taking a walk, and a play was playing on his mobile phone. I listen to music with headphones. I haven't listened to sad music since Feng Chen.

Finally, we were all placed under residential surveillance. Designated residential surveillance is generally aimed at criminal suspects, and many people are now "enjoying" this treatment.

The blue sky on February 17 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

Today, the gates that people usually walk through in the community are also blocked by blue fences. Someone in the community group sent a message to remind everyone to pay attention: people who are disobedient and scramble to study in the gymnasium for 14 days, and the food fee is 50 yuan per day at their own expense.

Groups in the community began to initiate various group purchases. For those who bought vegetables and meat, the group purchases would only be delivered if they reached a certain amount. I joined the group in the community yesterday, and there were occasional Solitaire shopping in the group. I was very resistant at first. Before the storm, I used to buy groceries online, but now I desperately want to be able to buy groceries by myself. Today, I finally participated in the group buying Solitaire in the group.

When I heard someone knock on the door around 5:00 pm, I got nervous and asked, "Who is it?"

"Community, don't need to open the door . How many people are in the family?"


"Is the temperature normal?"


"The phone number of the community is posted on the door, so call if you need anything."

After they walked for an hour, I opened the door and tried to rip the paper off the door, and it was a little sticky, so I took a picture. On the door is the "New Coronavirus Fee and Salt Entry Checklist", which states the number of people at home, their health status, and the contact information of the community.

There should be a problem with the printer that prints the checklist. In some places, the words are very light, but the content can be seen. I washed my hands after entering the house.

Household checklist on February 17 (picture provided by Guo Jing)

February 18

These days, I have a feeling of being stabbed in the back while walking in the swamp . I thought the wind and dust was already bad, but then there will be closed communities, from going out once every three days to not being able to go out. I have no right to object to these measures. It doesn't matter whether these measures are necessary, they can be beneficial as long as the epidemic will pass .

People now have to be collectivized, the individual disappears. This morning, a document was sent to the community group, which is "On the Protection Measures for Residents' Basic Living Materials during the Closed Management of the Community", which shows that the superstore only accepts group purchases. These group purchases must reach a certain amount before they are sent, generally 30 copies. There were only 70 people in the community group I was in yesterday, and some people were worried that they would not be able to join the group.

Group buying can only take into account the general needs of everyone, and cannot take into account the special needs of everyone. Someone posted a vegetable delivery in the community group, and there are two packages: Package A, 50 yuan, includes winter melon, celery, baby cabbage, chrysanthemum, potatoes, 5 varieties, about 13 pounds; Package B, 88 yuan, peas, Corn, carrot, sweet potato, eggplant, green hang pepper, 6 varieties, about 13 pounds.

This is a mandatory package, and everyone's preferences cannot be taken into account. I don't want baby vegetables in the A package, and I don't like peas in the B package. Moreover, it appears that there are two choices, but there is no choice.

Whatever others choose, I will follow. There are no seasonings in the set either. I am a person who does not like spicy food. Fortunately, I stocked up a few bottles of hot sauce, otherwise it would be very painful to eat. In addition to food, people have many daily needs. Some people may have no toothpaste at home, and some people may need to buy toilet paper.

Someone asked me before if I have a community group, and some communities will help me buy things. I replied at the time that there were a lot of people in need and that I could take care of myself. However, now I am forced to need help .

Last night's dinner was fried pork with lettuce and porridge.

These two days my hands have started to get red rashes. I have never worn gloves when washing dishes, but yesterday I started washing dishes and started wearing gloves.

After dinner I had a special interview with my friend's daughter.

A friend called me on WeChat, and her daughter introduced herself in a serious manner: "I'm a young reporter Huang Moumou, and I'm doing an interview about the new coronavirus."

As soon as I heard it, I quickly became serious and said, "I'm Guo Jing, and I'm covering my sweat now."

She said seriously: "Then you meet my interview requirements." Then she asked me: "What do you think of the new coronavirus?"

I'm a little confused. This makes me answer the truth. I can only honestly say: "This problem is a bit big. To be more specific, it is an invisible virus and it is contagious."

She also asked about the impact of the virus on my life, and I asked her back. She said: "I don't even want to go out anymore. Once I went out to play with my parents, and the mask was full of water when I got home."

After the interview, I made a video with my friend, and the young reporter enthusiastically introduced me the helmet she painted for her brother-in-law and the certificate of reconciliation between her and her father. She is now taking classes online.

It's hard for her to be locked up at home with such an energetic child. Many people can't go out, and there is no room for activities at home, how miserable it is.

On February 17, half of the gates of the community were closed (picture provided by Guo Jing)

Chat with friends at night. Someone went to fortune-telling, she built her life from scratch, 2020 and 2021 will be unlucky, and she will be transferred in 2022. I said, "That's too gibberish, everyone will be unlucky in 2020".

Some people say that they want to eat hot pot the most now, and then sing K. The good news is that a friend's county town has issued a document saying that the county town will be downgraded and control may be released within the county town, allowing people to travel normally.

We talked about cheating, and some people didn't have the courage to break up. It was safer to find the next relationship and start to leave the previous relationship. When everyone breaks up, there will be various considerations. Some people are because the cost of living alone in Beijing is too high.

The guilt of cheating is related to what went wrong in the relationship, but the guilt of inappropriateness may be stronger, and the guilt will be less if it is because of controlling and difficult to reconcile quarrels in the relationship. Someone had a relationship when she was in a relationship, and she would worry about being robbed and violent when she was in a relationship.

Infidelity in a relationship or marriage is considered an extremely serious breach of contract, but a woman's infidelity is even more immoral and subject to more severe social attacks.

A female nurse in Gansu was shaved (picture from the Internet)

We talked about the shaved head of a female nurse in Gansu, and the only man in the photo has short hair. Many women were reluctant to have their heads shaved, and some even cried. Hair isn't just about looks, it's about dignity. Is shaving necessary? Has it been agreed? A woman's body is never truly her own, and there is always someone who has more power over a woman's body than the woman herself .

A friend said that she was forced to cut her hair short in middle school, and she cried bitterly when she returned home. Last year, a male middle school teacher in Guizhou brought a bucket of water and asked the girls to line up and take turns to remove their makeup. Cosmetics companies are encouraging women to wear makeup in order to encourage women to consume. Makeup has also become a sign of mature women.

Someone sent a gossip: tomorrow will enter the crackdown phase. During the crackdown, all supermarkets, pharmacies, and takeaway platforms will be stopped, and all previous vehicle passes will be invalidated. Everyone except those on duty is strictly prohibited from going to the streets. Everyone brought food and medicine.

Today, the grapevine has become an important source of information for people . Spreading the grapevine is an act of mutual aid among people in lockdown . Many group purchases are operated on mobile phones. What if some elderly people do not use smartphones?

I speak of a special kind of guilt, the guilt of being alive . We live now to a certain extent at the sacrifice of others.

At present, roads and villages are closed across the country, and many industries are affected. Bee farmers need to find places with flower sources according to the season, and now they cannot transfer. On February 13, Liu Decheng, a Sichuan beekeeper trapped in Yunnan, committed suicide. Because the flowering period in Yunnan had passed, his bees died of pesticide poisoning. On February 15, the Chinese Society of Beekeeping issued a document, which mentioned ensuring the smooth transportation of "transportation bees".

This is the first time I've come this close to a mass unjust death, so tragic, and I'm lucky enough to be alive. I have to work harder to live.

Liu Decheng's death certificate (picture from the Internet)

At night, I dreamed that a neighbor girl had her period for the first time. She was overwhelmed and cried nervously. I approached her and found that she still had used sanitary pads on her body. I tore them off one by one and went to the bathroom with her.

The sun is still bright today, so I went downstairs to bask in the sun after breakfast. I walked up the stairs, and when I reached the 5th floor, I heard a dog barking non-stop, but no dog came out. I stopped for a while, and after a while, someone pulled the dog back. Dogs are not lonely either.

There are several packets of love cabbage on the ground downstairs, everyone can get it. The property staff asked how many people in my family, and I said, "one". She thought about it for a while and said, "Then I'll give you two small ones." The property staff occasionally shouted, "Go downstairs to get the food." Someone asked upstairs, "Did you order the food yesterday?" There are vegetables in it."

The downstairs is quite lively. There are about ten people in the courtyard of the community, occasionally chatting in groups of threes and twos. The man was still playing the opera yesterday. Someone opened the car in the yard, and there was Fan Weiqi and Zhang Shaohan's "What If" in the car. The rhythm was very cheerful, like a leisurely vacation.

Someone was basking in the sun by the fence. Some people took off their masks and smoked. Most of the people in the yard are men. One of the staff members of the property is a middle-aged woman. Occasionally, women go downstairs to pick up vegetables or throw garbage. Someone was drying sheets and pillows outside the building.

Love cabbage on February 18 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

I didn't receive the group group yesterday, and people in the community asked in the group if the group group the previous day was successful. Someone posted a new group buy item. Someone asked: Can I buy fish and meat? Some people ask: Why is there no rice and oil? Someone asked the property staff if they could help buy stationery for the children at home.

The person making the request also has to say "thank you". Property people are the link between everyone and the outside world, and we rely on them to buy things. The obligation to thank you also became forced.

In the afternoon, a resident of a building in the community said that the sewer at home was flowing upwards, and the property owner said that the residents in the southwest of building 1 should not use water in the kitchen for the time being, but always use the water in the bathroom. Residents of 2 buildings said that the bathroom has been stinking.

When I got home, I looked at the sunshine outside the window, and suddenly thought that I could take a book and read it when I went downstairs to bask in the sun tomorrow. When this idea floated in my mind, I secretly admired myself in my heart.

People basking in the sun in the community on February 18 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

February 19

Despite our extremely passive situation, people are still looking for initiative in it. One day I saw an interview where a doctor who was treating patients on the front line said, "I always want to do something more ." It was very touching. Not only medical staff think this way, but many volunteers are also doing the same.

During the epidemic, there are pneumonia-infected patients and people who are suspected of being sick seeking help online. Some voluntary groups will collect online help information, contact the parties, and confirm their needs. Volunteer doctors help patients see CT scans and help determine the patient's condition. Some help Connect with communities and hospitals. Some people pay attention to the medical needs of chronic patients, some people pay attention to the dining problem of medical staff, some people pay attention to the needs of female medical staff, some people pay attention to the working conditions of sanitation workers, and some people form volunteer teams...

The lockdown also hampered these volunteering efforts, and everyone did not give up easily. Relief materials were once stopped by the red ➕ letter club, so they tried other ways. Although they were not sure whether it would be successful, they tried their best to do it. People do not act because there is hope, but create hope through action.

Since the closure of the city , even though our sense of control has been continuously deprived, I have no hope of not being able to survive . People's struggles against adversity also give me strength. People are not completely passive. Even in our community group, the owners always send some group buying information to the group. The property owner says they don’t know how to do group buying, so someone calls and asks and asks the property owner to join a group. Connect with the community. Some people initiate group buying Solitaire in the group, and directly send the collected demand to the supermarket.

People who basked in quilts on February 18 (picture provided by Guo Jing)

Last night's dinner was fried pork with mushrooms and porridge.

Chat with friends after dinner. Everyone said that good news is very precious now, and everyone shared their good news one after another. Some people took family photos at home, some wrote articles, some started work that had been delayed for a long time, and some read photography books. Someone mentioned that a friend's photography work won an award and got 150,000. Everyone expressed their appreciation.

Then I found out that this friend has been very diligent since college, actively learning from others and doing a lot of practice. Most people do not have the so-called talent, nor do they have a strong family background. The success of these people must depend on hard work .

We talked about the aesthetics of uniformity. Some people said that their teachers once praised the beauty of everyone wearing the same clothes for radio gymnastics. Many people must wear school uniforms in middle school. Some people change their clothes by themselves, some people pull their clothes looser for more comfort, and some people try to change the school uniforms to be more in line with their own aesthetics.

Some people say that the quality of the school uniforms is very poor. After wearing them, her body develops a red rash. Her mother went to the school to ask the principal for a theory. Although the principal did not improve the quality of the school uniforms, her mother later bought similar fabrics for her to make school uniforms. Her mother's behavior is a good reference for her, and she now sees injustice and fights for it.

The cat hiding under the car on February 19 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

Everyone said that the quality of daring to strive for is very precious. Some people said that my mother had infusions in the hospital. According to the doctor's order, there were still two bottles of IVs to be infused, but the nurse said that there were still three bottles of IVs. Mom asked the nurse what the three bottles of drip were, and wanted to check with the doctor's order. The nurse hesitated, apparently mistyped the medicine. My friend's father discouraged my mother from arguing with the nurse because of fear.

Someone posted a WeChat article explaining that the information that 40 million locusts are approaching China is false information. The article wrote that the first news broke was a WeChat public account. This information was later reported by major mainstream media, such as China News Network and The Paper.

Of course, the locust plague did occur in India in June 2019, but it was not that large, and it has basically subsided now. Someone left a message in the comment area, saying that many pesticide stocks have gone up in price. I don’t know if this WeChat article is a commercial conspiracy. Unexpectedly, the mainstream media reported it without verifying the source and authenticity of the information. This is even good news .

Group-purchased pork delivered to the community on February 19 (Photo courtesy of Guo Jing)

When I woke up in the morning and found it was cloudy, I didn't want to go downstairs. There were two dog walkers downstairs, a dog suddenly started barking nonstop, and the owner pulled it upstairs.

I haven't mopped since I lost a screw in the mop's squeeze handle. I have to figure out a way to fix the handle. So, I found a piece of black tape to fix the rods on both sides of the handle, and then wrapped a lot of thin wire around the side where the screw was lost, and it turned out to be solid.

At 11 o'clock, the property's people asked everyone in the community group to pick up the meat for the group purchase. I just went downstairs. At this time, there was sunlight outside, but it was a little weak, so I took the book and went down. After all, sunshine is a rare beauty in life now, I hope I can bask in the sun for a while.

There are five or six people chatting at the door of the property. There are staff at the property office to check the information and pay the money. There were only 3 people when I went down, and we had to line up to enter the office one by one. When I saw someone driving out, I asked the staff of the property who can go out. He said, "Generally, you can't go out. You need a work certificate. Usually, it's urban management, public security, doctors, and nurses."

People talking in the community on February 19 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

I got the meat and basked in the sun next to a car. There was a cat under the car carefully spying on the world, I crouched down to take a picture, and it ran away. It's been windy these days, the sun is weak today, and the wind is a little cold on the body. The sun was gone in a while, and I went upstairs.

After lunch, I started working on the meat. My group-purchased meat package is as follows: 2 pounds of front legs, 2 pounds of hind legs, 2 pounds of pork belly, and 3 pounds of ribs. Aside from the ribs, I'm going to divide the meat into smaller pieces, which are more convenient for each meal.

I have never dealt with so much meat. The meat is oily and smooth, and it is difficult to cut by itself. The knife in my house is still a bit dull and has a gap in the middle, which also makes it more difficult to cut the meat.

I don't like fatty meat, and I try to separate lean meat from fatty meat when cutting meat. I worked for almost half an hour, I was sweating, and cutting meat was also physical work. The more I cut, the more tired I became, and I felt a little nauseated. Eventually, I divided the meat into 35 servings. I also divided the ribs into 7 portions. Shouldn't be able to eat meat tonight.

The kitchen knife with a notch on February 19 (Photo provided by Guo Jing)

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