The bright sun welcomes the Dragon Boat Festival

According to legend, the Dragon Boat Festival is the most yang day of the year. This year's weather conditions are very good. Perhaps Qu Yuan was reluctant to let the earth's virus soar into the sky. He used the enhanced version of the sun to illuminate the earth and purify it well.

When I got up in the morning, I pulled up the curtains, and a large amount of sunlight fell on the floor. I felt the warm and unrestrained temperature today, and my spirit immediately woke up.

Every Dragon Boat Festival, wormwood and calamus will be hung at home to ward off evil spirits, and water will be used to purify the environment and body at noon, and zongzi will be eaten to relieve cravings. Today, I put more futons in the quilt to remove the filth, so that I don’t have nightmares, and the courtyard stretches soothe the muscles and bones to make the body more energetic. In short, I tried my best to absorb the positive energy of the day, haha.

In the afternoon, the sun was still shining, and I took advantage of the idle time to ride the bike to the nearby Qiaotou Sugar Factory for an outing. I haven't been here for a long time, the street appearance has changed from the street vendor's plan, and it has become different from the memory. I came here again to add some fresh feelings.

I took a few steps for a walk and got a cancer attack. I bought a mushroom and egg yolk meat bun and held it in my hand. I should have bought a popsicle to eat on a hot day.

Since the weather was really hot, I went home for a short outing and rested.

Today is a day of great physical and spiritual satisfaction!


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