七日書:寫出成長軌跡 · 書後感

Afterthoughts of Seven Days Book S5|Start from "I"

Explore a world larger than mine

After a few days of reflection, I looked back at the writing in this issue and felt a little tired of writing "I". ——This sentence was written before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In our chat last night, we mentioned that although I was a little tired after seven consecutive days of intensive writing after work, I was already looking forward to the theme of the next issue.

Thinking about it again today, writing and growth are similar, starting from the inside to the outside, then from the outside to the inside, and finally extending to the outside. This gradual adjustment in rhythm is a bit like changing from short, high-frequency breaths to long, soothing, sustained breaths.

Growth always starts from the self and explores outwards. After experiencing it, we return to introspection. After strengthening ourselves, we prepare ourselves and set out to explore a wider world. In the process of writing Seven Days Book S5E6|Crossing the mountains and the sea , there was a moment when my inner feeling was "Ah, I really don't want to talk about the setbacks in the past anymore", just like after climbing out of a big pit, I didn't want to waste time observing anymore. This pit is so deep that I don’t want to circle around it anymore. When I realize this feeling, I am also happy. The introversion stage has passed, and now I feel very powerful to set out to meet all the unknowns, not to mention that I am still in such a free and beautiful place.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this internal motivation that on "the first day | write down the most shining moment in your past life, whether there is an audience or not", I chose to be an audience and write about a person who The Old Man I Don’t Know Well: Book of Seven Days S5E1|Every moment of growth - I sincerely discovered that rather than writing about my own personal experience, I am more willing to write about the people who have appeared in the small world of "me". "Thanks to" the turbulent growing environment and personal choices in adulthood, I met more people than I would have met if I grew up in a normal environment. They and I are mirror images of each other. Through a series of events, Urges me to look inward, helps me understand the world, and inspires me to explore "something bigger than myself."

I hope to start writing their stories next, in a half-real and half-fictional way.


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