Maybe it's just because you're there

"From the Sky" Chapter 20 Two Little Hands
The breeze stirred between the breaths of the two of them. On the railing, two small hands were so close together that they could even eavesdrop on their body temperature.

As the temperature of the sun is getting hotter and hotter, the National Middle School also ushered in the annual school sports meeting in May.

In the classroom of Class 1, the sound of jubilation is boiling in the air. After the school celebration, the off-campus teaching of the Guoyi children will be held. The back of the classroom is full of empty schoolbags. There are no textbooks in it, but they are full of snacks and drinks.

Everyone was getting carried away, but there was a sound of knocking at the door.

The sun followed the voice and looked out, and what came in was Bi Luo, who was walking on crutches.

"...Bi Luo? You... What's wrong with you?" The sun jumped up from her seat and went to the door to help. The white protective gear and crutches occupied Sun's thoughts. She stretched out her hand but didn't know where to help. Shrinking his hands, he felt that it was too difficult for Bi Luo to walk, so he could only stay in place at a loss.

"I'm fine, let me go to the seat first." Bi Luo forced a smile on her blue-eyed face, limped to her seat, and fell hard on the chair pulled out by the sun.

"You asked for leave for so many days, and the teacher only told me that you are not feeling well. Is it that serious?" Sun put the crutches aside for Bi Luo and sat down with a frown.

This is what happened three days ago. Bi Luo actually doesn't remember very well, only that she lost consciousness at the door of the dance classroom.

When she woke up again, the first thing she saw was her mother's sweat-soaked brows.

"...Ah, you finally woke up, drink some water?" Mother stretched out her hand and carefully supported Biluo's back.

As soon as she sat up, the pain in her right leg made Bi Luo cry out. She was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. She looked at her leg in panic and found that her right ankle was wearing an exaggerated protective gear.

"what is this?"

"You were hit by a motorcycle running a red light at the door of the classroom. As soon as you hit it, you fainted. Your foot was crushed by the car. The doctor said it was a broken bone."

Bi Luo felt that there was a big stone in her heart, and it fell from the hill mixed with dust.

"I checked other places just now. The hospital said that your blood sugar and blood pressure are very low, and you are a little malnourished." The mother's face calmed down, and the night climbed from the window into the room. Fill in the dark color.

It won't be long before the dance drama is released, and now the feet are like this, it is already the worst situation.

Bi Luo felt the uncontrollable moisture in her eyes, she blamed herself for being careless, realizing that it was her own mistake, she couldn't bear it and didn't want to cry.

"Mom doesn't want to blame you, Bi Luo." Mother felt Bi Luo's emotions, and gently wiped away the tears that were about to come out of Bi Luo's eyes.


"You've been working so hard all the time. Mom sees it, but mom is angry that you don't know how to take care of yourself." The mother sighed and pulled the chair towards Bi Luo.

"How can you have strength if you don't eat well. When the doctor said you were malnourished, you didn't know how uncomfortable I felt and how much I blamed myself for not taking good care of you."

The dim light reflected the fine lines drawn by the mother's years, and Bi Luo suddenly felt that her mother had aged a lot overnight. When I moved too quickly, my mother injured her spine in the toil, which made her already weak physical condition worse, and she lost a lot of weight.

Unspeakable pain stuck in the heart, Bi Luo could only watch the tears silently, accumulating little by little on the quilt into small circles.

"There's something Dad and I have always wanted to discuss with you." Mother restarted her lips and pursed her lips hesitantly.

"whats the matter?"

"You're still a student now, and it's very hard just for your homework. We think it's too hard for you to do such high-intensity dance training all the time, why don't you... take it easy?"

"No way, we'll be performing soon! If you don't dance now, you won't be able to keep up with the other students!" Bi Luo raised her voice anxiously, but she met her mother's sad eyes, and swallowed again. .

"Of course I don't want you to stop dancing right away, at least let's end the performance." Mother lowered her eyelids and straightened the corners of her clothes in her hands.

"The most important thing... Bi Luo, as you know, the move is too temporary, and our family doesn't have much savings left."

"It's already very difficult to pay for school fees, and I have to cope with my family. My mother's current physical condition is not able to work for too long."

"Mom didn't force you to make a decision right away." The mother rubbed the back of Biluo's baby-like head. Under this kind of light, that baby-white little face looked more immature.

"Think about it later, and rest today."

Bi Luo closed her eyes heavily. The sadness and palpitation from that night still lingered. I don't know if it was because of the three days of rest.

Although her mother allowed her to go to the dance classroom to watch the teacher in class, she did not want to go.

"The protagonist is probably Muzhi." Bi Luo couldn't bear to think about it, she had more worries in her heart now.

"Is it really good to go on like this? We don't have any money to go on."

"You can't be a bad boy, a willful bad boy." Bi Luo swerved inwardly, responding to Sun's greetings in a mixed manner.

The sun felt the low pressure of the blue sky, and didn't know what to say to comfort her.

"Bi Luo, are you taking a break in the classroom today?"

"Well, my mother advised me not to go to the playground, for fear of falling on the ground."

"I want to lead the team and there is no way to come up, but I will come during the rest time. You have a good rest here." The sun patted Bi Luo's hand, trying to make her feel better.

"En. Thank you." Bi Luo reluctantly put on a strange smile, the corners of her mouth curled up, but her eyebrows made people want to cry.

It didn't take long for the classmates in the classroom to lead the team to the playground. Bi Luo listlessly completed the notes for the past few days in class. There was a long wind blowing outside the door. Although it was close to summer, it felt cold.

Bi Luo fell asleep unconsciously.

When she regained consciousness a little, she was awakened by a smell.

"...What taste? Grilled chicken? Grilled fish? Hot dog?" Bi Luo couldn't bear to open her eyes, and at a glance she saw the meteorite facing her madly eating hamburgers.

The moment Bi Luo opened his eyes, he was opening his mouth to bite down, and when he met his eyes, the meteorite seemed to feel a little embarrassed, but the food was still being led away by his appetite, so it became Bi Luo silently watching the meteorite gnawing at it. gnawing picture.

"Are you… so hungry?"

"do you want to eat?"

"...No, thank you. What's that? Burger?"

"It's not a hamburger, it's a bun."

"...What time is it now that you're already eating."

"I'm hungry, I can't wait. I sneaked to the back door to buy it."

Bi Luo looked at Meteorite's leisurely look of eating delicious food, and was suddenly a little annoyed. This guy didn't do anything. He only knew how to eat and drink all day, and he didn't even see him studying, but his grades were okay.

"Is there no trouble in your life?"

"Worry? ... What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

"...That doesn't count."

"Gah, I'm worried and can't eat it, why keep taking it out?" Meteor blinked at Bi Luo, biting off half of the bun.

"It would be great if the troubles could be swallowed and disappeared just like eating." Bi Luo reached out and touched the protective gear, the place was twitching and hurting, and there was no way to ignore it.

"Curly's feet now look like Transformers."

"What Transformers... I'm dying of pain." Bi Luo's tone seemed a little annoyed, like a childish child.

"You can upgrade to a supercar when you're not in pain."

"I don't want to turn into a sports car, I want to dance! Dance!" Bi Luo was like an angry golden mouse, screaming at humans with her hair tied up.

Meteorite looked at Bi Luo's blushing face and couldn't help but laugh.

"Deep breath-deep-breath-breath-" Meteor beat her to calm her down.

Bi Luo, who was so angry, suddenly realized that she was lying, and her face was flushed with water. How could she not hold back when she saw this guy.

Meteorite saw Bi Luo shrinking her neck and breathing seriously, and stretched out her right hand imperceptibly.

"Good boy, good boy." He gently touched the back of Bi Luo's head, the touch was different from that of his mother's hand. Her mother's hand was so big that she could hold Bi Luo's entire head with one hand.

Meteorite's hand is not like a mother's, it can only cover half of Bi Luo's face, and that little touch is like a subtle spring breeze passing over the green grass tip.

Bi Luo competed for her round eyes, but did not dare to look at him.

Sometimes she felt that she always became very small around the meteorite, and the smallness was shrinking into her heart, the trembling of her fingertips could not be controlled, and her heart was tightly shrunk, as if something was about to be easily pierced.

"I look really good on stage." Bi Luo didn't know why she said that, but her mouth moved.

"It's the first time I know that some people will not like it." Bi Luo narrowed her eyes, the weight of that night was pressing on the back of her neck.

"I don't know. I don't know what to do."

"I don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry." Bi Luo smiled and shook her head at Meteorite.

Facing the overflowing and unknown pain at the moment, the color of the meteorite's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Let's play and see." Meteor looked at Bi Luo and whispered.

"Play it as a game, and if you lose, play it again."

"Aren't we still able to play?" Meteorite's eyebrows were flying, and his pupils had the charm of the whole summer.

"If you get tired of playing, there will be other games."

"Actually, you are quite good. Since you are not a novice player, you should be qualified to continue playing in the ring."

Bi Luo couldn't see the seasons in the eyes of the meteorites, but she felt such a firm expression that she could plant a forest in her heart.

"You can trust yourself a little more."

"I'm still here if I lose anyway." Meteorite wore a firefly smile on a midsummer night.

The little fireflies scattered silently and stalked time.

Bi Luo felt that she wanted to find the blue booklet at home immediately and engrave these words.

The clear sunlight spreads on the blue eyelashes.

She finally smiled warmly.

Meteorite reached out and looked at his watch, then suddenly stood up.

"Okay, it's almost time."

"What? What time?"

Before Bi Luo could react, Meteorite ran to the front of the classroom, jumped onto the podium, and stomped over the roller office chair the teacher was sitting on in class.

"Huh? What are you pushing this for?"

"Curly hands open."

"Huh? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-"

The meteorite lifted Biluo from his armpit, and Biluo felt that he was close to the meteorite's collarbone for a moment, and his heartbeat was uncontrollably roaring vigorously. Just in the breath, she was put on a rolling wheelchair.

"Are you ready?"

"Prepare for what?" Bi Luo felt that her heart was about to fly into the corridor.

"Three, two, one, the train starts!"

I saw the meteorite ran behind Bi Luo, grabbed the back of the chair, and rushed towards the door.

The green trees and fallen leaves outside the window are flying around, the meteorite pushes Biluo to sprint rapidly down the corridor, the piercing wind swirls every strand of Biluo’s hair, the greenness of early summer brushes gently on the face, and Biluo suddenly feels the whole The world lightened up.

The meteorite pushed her all the way to the railing at the end of the promenade. Looking down from here, she was just facing the noisy and laughing crowd.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"You close your eyes."


"hurry up!"

Bi Luo closed her eyes suspiciously, and after an unknown amount of time, she heard the call of the meteorite.

"Hey, you can watch it now, you see." Meteor straightened his arm and pointed to the playground not far away.

A colorful phoenix with its wings raised and its head raised is slowly moving forward from the boundary of the playground.

Golden light adorns every inch of feathers, and those colorful feathers seem to be light and swaying, swaying in the wind.

That arrogance seemed to occupy the whole world.

Bi Luo leaned against the railing quietly, she seemed to see that on the vast stage, her heels to her fingertips were all filled with such pride.

At this moment, my heart is filled little by little.

The phoenix raised his head, as if he was about to rush out of the sky. The people on the land were all people who could only look up.

"I didn't know it before, but looking up can become bearable."

"Maybe it's just because you're here." Bi Luo stuck the sentence to her heart in the quiet time.

She longed to put all the minutes into her soul, carved it into a seal, and stamped it deeply in her mind.

The breeze stirred between the breaths of the two of them.

On the railing, two small hands were so close together that they could even eavesdrop on their body temperature.

The noise gradually quieted down. Only the singing of cicadas remains, and the trivial stretches to the blue sky.

The sweetness of flowers begins on the shoulders, between the fingers

Spread in the left atrium.

What I want to say condenses into clouds.

I don't know when it will turn into rain.

◎Clear words:

Although I dare not say that I am already an adult, I am probably half an adult.

I have experienced many things in the past few years. In this extremely ridiculous life journey, sometimes I cried so hard, sometimes I was so sad that I couldn't even shed tears.

It turns out that life is a continuous process of loss.

Sometimes I'm so down that I can't even keep my soul.

Chapter 20 of this week, I felt sour when I wrote it, and I still haven't experienced what equal and firm feelings are. All you have is a result that is close to being reached but always missing.

I've seen too many love and hate that pull people's hearts, but it's easy to forget, can a person's first love be so pure?

Desperately trying to win a lot of people and things, and later found out that winning or losing is not the result, but sadness is the most unacceptable result.

I don't want to experience those stares that I can't say goodbye to anymore.

Looking at their little backs, I gradually understood why I chose to write such works.

Even if I feel hopeless, I still want to tell myself.

There is pure love in this world.

Just because before those ups and downs started.

I used to believe that too.


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