Crescent Network | Proposals 18-20 to elect a new Liquid Staking Validator


Crescent made an announcement earlier to openly invite interested parties to become Liquid Staking Validator ( LSV ), a total of 20 candidates signed up and selected 3 groups of candidates, which were placed in motions 18 , 19 , and 20 for voting.

At this stage, LSVs should not vote on proposals 18-20. Even votes will not be counted in the proposal. Only the candidate who has obtained the most "YES" can proceed to the next step. After the existing LSVs need to vote on this selected candidate, the consensus is that It will be added to Crescent later to become LSV.

The candidates are Smart Stake, and, and each proposal has a detailed introduction to their background, what system configuration they will use to do LSV, etc.

I think it's good, only if there are many censer and ghosts, I will be angry, and I will pay close attention to the development of the situation.

Crescent series

LikeCoin Liquidity Mining | Gravity DEX Restarts, Emeris Upgrades Crescent Airdrop
Crescent Network | $CRE airdrop has been received, new DEX Liquid Staking new gameplay

Crescent Network | Voting rights and asset liquidity...Why not both?

Crescent Network | Default $CRE is Gas Fee

Terra Reborn | Can Osmosis and Crescent LP be rescued?
Crescent Network | Counting Motions 1 to 10
Crescent Network | Motions 11 to 15 New developments, giving birth to Orderbook
Crescent Network | Proposals 16-17 Prepare for Liquidity Mining Rewards


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