Xiaobei Kitchen Cafe ZAOKA (Tainan)

Netmeifeng brunch shop!

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This time, let's push a room

Brunch restaurants near Guohua Street, Tainan

Business hours 9:00-16:30 (open at 10 am on Saturday)

Address: No. 68, Junwei Street, Central and Western District, Tainan City

Closed on Wednesday and Thursday

This is a legendary online beauty shop

On-site appointment only

No call notification service

You have to wait for 3 groups to pass the number~

You can go shopping around Guohua Street or Shennong Street after making an appointment

Every floor is full of flowers and plants

Beautifully decorated~

One drink per person

Meals don't have to be ordered by everyone

Meal time is 1 and a half hours

Focus on free service fee! !

Introducing the part of the meal~

Every clerk is very kind to introduce you

Every meal, every drink

All origins and production methods

What's the story of this meal

They are all very detailed!

This time it's

❤️ Special sauce marinated chicken thigh steak

❤️Limited daily tomato taco rice

With lemon juice and rose milk tea

All vegetables are organic

Vegan meals are also available

Even the raw materials used for lemon juice are clearly introduced

The pull flowers on the fresh milk tea and the cups used are introduced

All of this amazes me~

This is the first time I have eaten at such an affordable restaurant

to conclude

Next time I come to Tainan to eat rice noodles with small rolls or Nuiwei's house

Come and eat at this brunch restaurant!

Absolutely give you value for money

No need to be crowded at tourist attractions

Collect it now! !


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