"Leek Growth Diary" (6)

(Summary above: Astrid Koon, the mysterious shareholder of Ello Inc, appeared, and she proposed that the promotion of Ello electric vehicles should not only have depth, but also warmth. How can it be considered warm publicity?)

Chapter 3 Fortune Star Training Class (continued)

In order to prepare for Ello Inc's promotion plan for the next six months, Tai Zhou met with Isaac and Sten to discuss the details, and introduced the two by the way.

"I have always wanted to explore the market of financial KOLs. With Ello Inc as a demonstration unit, I can show off my strengths. Positive!"

By the way, the person in charge of Razorman is Isaac. The name is inspired by Spiderman. He was the boss at the beginning, and he was always excited when he had a business.

"In terms of KOLs, first of all, there is our pillar Mika..."

"Your company has to come and go with Mika and A Beau. We need talented people who really understand stocks. Don't push them into battle, okay?" Before Isaac could finish speaking, Tai Zhou interrupted him.

"Mika is a top student in the new biography department. She is biliterate and trilingual, and she will never lose to those financial and economic anchors. She can also recruit potential junior sisters and juniors to form a talented and beautiful young KOL team."

Unexpectedly, Sten would discuss with Isaac: "That's true, newcomers can be taught slowly. In fact, I also want to start a stock class. First, I will help Mika's team to supplement the stock knowledge. Second, we can pick crickets in the class. You can take the opportunity to promote Ello Inc.”

"The stock class is a good idea! Sten can't directly receive compensation from listed companies, but Razorman can pay him to train financial KOLs, and then count the cost into the total expenses." Isaac's brain teasers, this arrangement can also increase for Razorman Turnover, kill two birds with one stone.

"Even if the right person is selected and a channel and a special page are set up, it will take time to attract fans. I know two or three experts, and I have a certain number of fans. I can invite them to join in to gain momentum."

"From what you see, how many KOLs and fortune star rookies should we budget to sign?"

"Ello Inc wins in a small market capitalization, me and two experts, plus seven or eight rich star rookies will be enough."

"Hey! This program is called the 'Fortune Training Class'."

Isaac and Sten seem to smell money, and the more they talk, the more they agree, but Taiju can't talk to each other.

He analyzed a lot of market data and talked to Tristan several times, and he always felt that Ello Inc lacked a thorough business plan. But even Sten, an outsider, is full of confidence in Ello Inc. Is he just too pessimistic?

In order to prepare for the meeting with Otis and Astrid, after two days of hard work, Isaac came up with an all-encompassing promotion plan, including Sten, three well-known financial KOLs, and eight rich stars including Mika Rookie, the tutor fee for the "Fortune Star Training Class" twice a week, plus a designated number of promotional videos, newspaper columns, online articles, a large number of thugs' posts in different discussion forums, stock quotes APP, content production and account management , Shenghui professional service fee of HK$300,000 per month!

Tai Zhou felt that this was a sky-high price in the universe, but Sten stood on the Isaac front and said that at this fee to promote penny stocks, if the expected effect can be achieved, it is actually very calculated.

Since the two bosses, Otis and Astrid, are determined to make Ello Inc a star stock, let them decide whether the Isaac plan is worth the money.


Isaac is right about one thing, Mika is indeed a talent with strong expressive ability. On the day of the official introduction to Astrid and Otis, Razorman's lineup, in addition to the creator Isaac, also has Mika named "Senior Manager of Digital Communications", and other A girl named "Digital Production Manager". With a monthly benefit of 300,000 yuan, Isaac can't always fight alone, and he has to get a similar work team out.

Mika, who was always young and sexy in Taizhou's mind, put away her aggressive eyes and wore a simple black one-piece dress. She was thin, but she was a little restrained, but the vest skirt showed a line of young tattoos on the inside of her arms. , but added a little bit of uninhibitedness to her.

Isaac has always been good at speaking and has strong communication skills, but the disadvantage is that he is too slippery. In addition to being smart, Mika makes people feel thoughtful, and her conversation is a little more serious, which just makes up for Isaac's shortcomings.

Mika also knows that young and beautiful KOLs are changing very fast, and it is rare to have the opportunity to expand the line of rising financial stars. She thinks it is a good opportunity. The big guest will talk about splitting the account.

"Our goal is to attract netizens who are interested in technology stocks. Of course, we can't just push Ello Inc. There are other soft-selling programs." Mika said while looking at Otis.

"In addition to the stock review program, I will also host a channel called "Scientific Research Big Head" to introduce the electric vehicle industry chain from multiple perspectives. Apart from regular guest Tristan, I have contacted various organizations such as the Science Park and the Productivity Promotion Bureau. Having these official groups appearing alongside Tristan is a huge benefit in increasing the company’s acceptance.”

"It's a good idea to have a relationship with these government agencies by doing shows." Otis's idea of young beauties is naturally very unsatisfactory.

"Instead, I feel that this plan has too many side effects. It spends so much money every month, and it has to promote Hong Kong start-ups and visit government agencies. I'm afraid Ello Inc's money is a bit unfair." Astrid expressed the opposite opinion.

Before the meeting, Isaac had asked Tai Zhou to find out. Some start-up investors have great control over the company's finances. As far as Ello Inc's financial situation is concerned, is Astrid the final word or Otis? It's a pity that Taizhou doesn't know anything about it. As expected, when it comes to budget, men agree with it, but women object.

Isaac cleared his throat and tried to convince Astrid while pondering her bottom line on publicity spending: "In addition to direct publicity, other indirect publicity, such as visits to political dignitaries, we can save and reduce some production costs."

"It's a bit thin to rely on Ello Inc alone to create public opinion." Otis said as he opened the project book in front of him and pondered for a few seconds.

"If you want to make it happen, even the high-end population who don't pay attention to electric vehicles on weekdays will pay attention. I think the government and official institutions are a good channel." Otis emphasized the word "high-end population". Peace Conference.

"You are neither an influential news channel nor a well-known blogger, so why should those high-ranking government officials ignore a group of unrecognized stragglers?" Astrid continued to ask.

"This happens to be the strength of our team!" Isaac said eagerly. "Razorman itself is a start-up project fully supported by the university. Through the university's start-up alliance, we have already met many active people in this circle."

"And Adrian, he graduated as a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. He also trial-produced an electric car a few years ago. Unfortunately, he lacked funds and could not continue. Adrian contacted the professor. Absolutely unlimited support.”

Tai Zhou nodded and added, "Professor Zheng has always believed that electric vehicles are the mobility revolution of this century. Whether it is technical advice, content guidance, liaising with interviewees, or arranging meetings with government agencies, he is happy to assist."

"It is certainly more convincing to have an endorsement from a university professor, but I just don't know what Professor Zheng has to say about Ello Inc? If he bears down on Ello Inc, it will not be worth the loss."

Regarding this propaganda plan, Taizhou was just holding a normal attitude, and even a little jealous of Isaac in his heart. Everyone also made suggestions for Ello Inc, working overtime day and night, but as the boss, Isaac seemed to take advantage of this matter, but he didn't get much, but somehow, facing Astrid's skeptical attitude, he was very want to convince her.

"Professor Zheng and I are very familiar and understand his personality. He is very supportive of juniors who are interested in scientific research. I will arrange for him to negotiate with Tristan to make sure that this trump card is used well!"

"I feel more at ease with your guarantee." Astrid then said to Isaac: "If we hand over the project to you, I hope you will seriously recruit three or four colleagues. Just relying on part-time jobs and slashes, I am worried about the plan. The fulfillment rate of commitments in China is likely to be less than 50%.”

Although Astrid's tone was a bit cold and he added that he would discuss with Otis again, Isaac knew that the project should have been successfully won.

Astrid's prediction was also accurate. Isaac walked out of the conference room, thinking in his mind that he would be too aggressive to bear the salary of four colleagues every month?

Tai Zhou stayed in the conference room, and he also prepared a presentation PPT for Ello Inc to meet the fund manager next week. Otis said that the publicity of retail investors can be left to Razorman. The next step is to have a fund with real financial strength to enter the market, so that the stock price rally can be maintained. (to be continued)


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